Chapter 17 1. Describe the general characteristics of the Corynebacterium spp., including Gram stain morphology, culture media, and colonial appearance. 2. List two selective and differential media used for identification of Corynebacterium diphtheriae and describe the chemical principle for each. 3. Identify the clinically relevant indicators (e.g., signs, symptoms) associated with the need to identify Corynebacterium spp. 4. Describe four methods used to detect C. diphtheriae toxin, along with the chemical principle of each test. 5. Describe two methods used to observe motility in Listeria monocytogenes. 6. Explain how diphtheria is controlled by immunization and describe the course of treatment for individuals exposed to the disease. 7. Define “cold enrichment” and explain how it enhances the isolation of L. monocytogenes. 8. List the foods pregnant women and immunocompromised patients should avoid to reduce the risk of infection with L. monocytogenes. 9. Describe the clinical significance of identification of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, Corynebacterium ulcerans, and Rhodococcus sp. Most of the organisms listed in Table 17-1 are part of the normal human flora and colonize various parts of the human body, are found in the environment, or are associated with various animals. The two most notable pathogens are Listeria monocytogenes and Corynebacterium diphtheriae. However, these two species differ markedly in epidemiology. L. monocytogenes is widely distributed in nature and occasionally colonizes the human gastrointestinal tract. Many foods are contaminated with L. monocytogenes, including milk, raw vegetables, cheese, and meats. C. diphtheriae is only carried by humans, but in rare cases it is isolated from healthy individuals. Primary transmission for C. diphtheriae is through respiratory secretions or exudates from skin lesions. TABLE 17-1 L. monocytogenes, by virtue of its ability to survive within phagocytes, and C. diphtheriae, by production of an extremely potent cytotoxic exotoxin, are the most virulent species listed in Table 17-2. Not all strains of C. diphtheriae are toxin-producing strains. The toxin gene is present in strains that have acquired the gene by viral transduction. The result is the incorporation of the toxin gene into the organisms’ genome. C. diphtheriae occurs in four biotypes: gravis, intermedius, belfanti, and mitis; C. gravis causes the most severe form of disease. The biotypes can be differentiated based on colonial morphology, biochemical reactions, and hemolytic patterns on blood agar. TABLE 17-2 Pathogenesis and Spectrum of Diseases AIDS, Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; CNS, central nervous system. Most of the remaining organisms in Table 17-2 are opportunistic, and infections are associated with immunocompromised patients. For this reason, whenever Corynebacterium spp. or the other genera of gram-positive rods are encountered, careful consideration must be given to their role as infectious agents or contaminants. Corynebacterium urealyticum is an up-and-coming cause of cystitis in hospitalized patients, in those who have undergone urologic manipulation, and in the elderly. No special considerations are required for specimen collection and transport of the organisms discussed in this chapter. Refer to Table 5-1 for general information on specimen collection and transport. No special considerations are required for processing of most of the organisms discussed in this chapter. (Refer to Table 5-1 for general information on specimen processing.) One exception is the isolation of L. monocytogenes from placental and other tissue. Because isolating Listeria organisms from these sources may be difficult, cold enrichment may be used to enhance the recovery of the organism. The specimen is inoculated into a nutrient broth and incubated at 4°C for several weeks to months. The broth is subcultured at frequent intervals to enhance recovery. Gram stain of clinical specimens is the only procedure used for the direct detection of these organisms. Most of the genera in this chapter (except Listeria, Rothia, and Oerskovia spp.) are classified as coryneform bacteria; that is, they are gram-positive, short or slightly curved rods with rounded ends; some have rudimentary branching. Cells are arranged singly, in “palisades” of parallel cells, or in pairs of cells connected after cell division to form V or L shapes. Groups of these morphologies seen together resemble and are often referred to as Chinese letters (Figure 17-1). The Gram stain morphologies of clinically relevant species are described in Table 17-3. L. monocytogenes is a short, gram-positive rod that may occur singly or in short chains, resembling streptococci. TABLE 17-3 Gram Stain Morphology, Colonial Appearance, and Other Distinguishing Characteristics †Includes strains G-1 and G-2. ‡Includes C. diphtheriae, C. ulcerans, and C. pseudotuberculosis. Corynebacterium spp. usually grow on 5% sheep blood and chocolate agars. Some coryneform bacteria do not grow on chocolate agar, and the lipophilic (lipid loving) species (e.g., C. jeikeium, C. urealyticum, C. afermentans subsp. lipophilum, C. accolens, and C. macginleyi) produce much larger colonies when cultured on 5% sheep blood agar supplemented with 1% Tween 80 (Figure 17-3). Selective and differential media for C. diphtheriae should be used if diphtheria is suspected. The two media commonly used for this purpose are cystine-tellurite blood agar and modified Tinsdale agar (TIN). Tellurite blood agar maybe used with or without cystine. Cystine enhances the growth of fastidious organisms, including C. diphtheriae. Both media contain a high concentration of potassium tellurite that is inhibitory to normal flora. Organisms capable of growing on Tinsdale agar are differentiated based on the conversion of the tellurite to tellurium. This conversion results in color variations of grey to black colonies on the two media. C. diphtheriae also produces a halo on both media. C. diphtheriae can be presumptively identified by observing brown-black colonies with a gray-brown halo on Tinsdale agar (Figure 17-4). The brown halo is produced when the organism uses tellurite to produce hydrogen sulfide. The halo produced on cystine-tellurite blood agar appears brown as a result of the organism breaking down the cystine. In addition, Loeffler medium, which contains serum and egg, stimulates the growth of C. diphtheriae and the production of metachromatic granules in the cells. C. diphtheriae grows rapidly on the highly enriched agar and produces gray to white, translucent colonies within 12 to 18 hours. Primary inoculation of throat swabs to Loeffler serum slants is no longer recommended because of the inevitable overgrowth of normal oral flora.
Listeria, Corynebacterium, and Similar Organisms
Habitat (Reservoir)
Mode of Transmission
Listeria monocytogenes
Animals, soil, and vegetable matter; widespread in these environments
Human gastrointestinal tract
Direct contact:
Ingestion of contaminated food, such as meat and dairy products
Endogenous strain:
Colonized mothers may pass organism to fetus. Portal of entry is probably from gastrointestinal tract to blood and in some instances from blood to meninges.
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Human nasopharynx but only in carrier state; not considered part of normal flora
Isolation from healthy humans is not common.
Direct contact:
Person to person by exposure to contaminated respiratory droplets
Contact with exudate from cutaneous lesions
Exposure to contaminated objects
Corynebacterium jeikeium
Skin flora of hospitalized patients, most commonly in the inguinal, axillary, and rectal sites
Direct contact:
May be person to person
Endogenous strain:
Selection during antimicrobial therapy
Introduction during placement or improper care of intravenous catheters
Corynebacterium ulcerans
Normal flora:
Humans and cattle
Close animal contact, especially during summer
Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis
Normal flora:
Animals such as sheep, goats, and horses
Close animal contact, but infections in humans are rare
Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum
Normal flora:
Human pharyngeal and occasionally skin flora
Endogenous strain:
Access to normally sterile site
Corynebacterium minutissimum
Normal flora:
Human skin
Endogenous strain:
Access to normally sterile site
Corynebacterium urealyticum
Normal flora:
Human skin
Endogenous strain:
Access to normally sterile site
Leifsonia aquatica (formerly Corynebacterium aquaticum)
Fresh water
Corynebacterium xerosis
Normal flora:
Human conjunctiva
Endogenous strain:
Access to normally sterile site
Corynebacterium striatum
Normal flora:
Endogenous strain:
Access to normally sterile site
Corynebacterium amycolatum
Normal flora:
Human conjunctiva
Endogenous strain:
Access to normally sterile site
Corynebacterium auris
Probably part of normal human flora
Rarely implicated in human infections
Kurthia spp.
Rarely implicated in human infections
Brevibacterium spp.
Normal flora:
Various foods
Rarely implicated in human infections
Dermabacter hominis
Normal flora:
Human skin
Rarely implicated in human infections
Turicella otitidis
Probably part of normal human flora
Rarely implicated in human infections
Arthrobacter spp., Microbacterium spp., Cellulomonas spp., and Exiguobacterium sp.
Probably environmental
Rarely implicated in human infections
Pathogenesis and Spectrum of Disease
Virulence Factors
Spectrum of Diseases and Infections
Listeria monocytogenes
Listeriolysin O:
A hemolytic and cytotoxic toxin that allows for survival within phagocytes
Internalin: Cell surface protein that induces phagocytosis
Act A:
Induces actin polymerization on the surface of host cells, producing cellular extensions and facilitating cell-to-cell spread.
Organisms capable of scavenging iron from human transferrin and of enhanced growth of organism.*
Bacteremia, without any other known site of infection
CNS infections: Meningitis, encephalitis, bran abscess, spinal cord infections
Early onset: Granulomatosis infantisepticum—in utero infection disseminated systemically that causes stillbirth
Late onset: Bacterial meningitis
Immunosuppressed patients
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Diphtheria toxin:
A potent exotoxin that destroys host cells by inhibiting protein synthesis.
Respiratory diphtheria is a pharyngitis characterized by the development of an exudative membrane that covers the tonsils, uvula, palate, and pharyngeal wall; if untreated, life-threatening cardiac toxicity, neurologic toxicity, and other complications occur.
Respiratory obstruction develops and release of toxin into the blood can damage various organs, including the heart.
Nontoxigenic strains:
Cutaneous diphtheria is characterized by nonhealing ulcers and membrane formation.
Immunocompromised patients, drug addicts, and alcoholics.
Invasive endocarditis, mycotic aneurysms, osteomyelitis, and septic arthritis*
Corynebacterium jeikeium
Multiple antibiotic resistance allows survival in hospital setting
Skin infections:
Wounds, rashes and nodules
Malignancies, neutropenia, AIDS patients.
Associated with indwelling devices such as catheters, prosthetic valves, and CSF shunts*
Corynebacterium ulcerans
Bovine mastitis
Has been associated with diphtheria-like sore throat, indistinguishable from C. diphtheriae
Skin infections
Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis
Suppurative granulomatous lymphadenitis
Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum
Some stains have been identified that are resistant to macrolides*
Pneumonia and lung abscesses; primarily in immunocompromised
Corynebacterium minutissimum
Probably of low virulence
Superficial, pruritic skin infections known as erythrasma
Abscess formation
Corynebacterium urealyticum
Multiple antibiotic resistance allows survival in hospital setting.
Immunocompromised and elderly:
Urinary tract infections
Wound infections
Rarely: endocarditis, septicemia, osteomyelitis, and tissue infections
Leifsonia aquatica ( formerly Corynebacterium aquaticum)
Corynebacterium xerosis
Corynebacterium striatum
Pneumonia and lung abscesses
Corynebacterium amycolatum
Multiple antibiotic resistance patterns
Neonatal sepsis
Corynebacterium auris
Multiple antibiotic resistance patterns
Uncertain disease association but has been linked to otitis media
Kurthia spp., Brevibacterium and Dermabacter sp.
Rarely causes infections in humans
Bacteremia in association with indwelling catheters or penetrating injuries
Turicella otitidis
Uncertain disease association but has been linked to otitis media
Arthrobacter spp., Microbacterium spp., Aureobacterium spp., Cellulomonas spp., and Exiguobacterium sp.
Uncertain disease association
Laboratory Diagnosis
Specimen Collection and Transport
Specimen Processing
Direct Detection Methods
Gram Stain
Appearance on 5% Sheep Blood Agar
Arthrobacter spp.
Typical coryneform gram-positive rods after 24 hr, with “jointed ends” giving L and V forms, and coccoid cells after 72 hr (i.e., rod-coccus cycle*)
Large colony; resembles Brevibacterium spp.
Brevibacterium spp.
Gram-positive rods; produce typical coryneform arrangements in young cultures (<24 hr) and coccoid-to-coccobacillary forms that decolorize easily in older cultures (i.e., rod-coccus cycle*)
Medium to large; gray to white, convex, opaque, smooth, shiny; nonhemolytic; cheeselike odor
Cellulomonas spp.
Irregular, short, thin, branching gram-positive rods
Small to medium; two colony types, one starts out white and turns yellow within 3 days and the other starts out yellow
CDC coryneform group F-1
Typical coryneform gram-positive rods
Small, gray to white
CDC coryneform group G†
Typical coryneform gram-positive rods
Small, gray to white; nonhemolytic
Corynebacterium accolens
Resembles C. jeikeium
Resembles C. jeikeium
C. afermentans subsp. afermentans
Typical coryneform gram-positive rods
Medium; white; nonhemolytic; nonadherent
C. afermentans subsp. lipophilum
Typical coryneform gram-positive rods
Small; gray, glassy
C. amycolatum
Pleomorphic gram-positive rods with single cells, V forms, or Chinese letters
Small; white to gray, dry
C. argentoratense
Typical coryneform gram-positive rods
Medium; cream-colored; nonhemolytic
C. aurimucosum
Typical coryneform gram-positive rods
Slightly yellowish sticky colonies; some strains black-pigmented
C. auris
Typical coryneform gram-positive rods
Small to medium; dry, slightly adherent, become yellowish with time; nonhemolytic
C. coyleae
Typical coryneform gram-positive rods
Small, whitish and slightly glistening with entire edges; either creamy or sticky
C. diphtheriae group‡
Irregularly staining, pleomorphic gram-positive rods
Various biotypes of C. diphtheriae produce colonies ranging from small, gray, and translucent (biotype intermedius) to medium, white, and opaque (biotypes mitis, belfanti, and gravis); C. diphtheriae biotype mitis may be beta-hemolytic; C. ulcerans and C. pseudotuberculosis resemble C. diphtheriae
C. falsenii
Typical coryneform gram-positive rods
Small; whitish, circular with entire edges, convex, glistening, creamy; yellow pigment after 72 hr
C. freneyi
Typical coryneform gram-positive rods
Whitish; dry; rough
C. glucuronolyticum
Typical coryneform gram-positive rods
Small; white to yellow, convex; nonhemolytic
C. jeikeium
Pleomorphic; occasionally, club-shaped gram-positive rods arranged in V forms or palisades
Small; gray to white, entire, convex; nonhemolytic
C. imitans
Typical coryneform gram-positive rods
Small, white to gray, glistening, circular, convex; creamy; entire edges
C. macginleyi
Typical coryneform gram-positive rods
Tiny colonies after 48 hr; nonhemolytic
C. matruchotii
Gram-positive rods with whip-handle shape and branching filaments
Small; opaque, adherent
C. minutissimum
Typical coryneform gram-positive rods with single cells, V forms, palisading and Chinese letters
Small; convex, circular, shiny, and moist
C. mucifaciens
Typical coryneform gram-positive rods
Small, slightly yellow and mucoid; circular, convex, glistening
C. propinquum
Typical coryneform gram-positive rods
Small to medium with matted surface; nonhemolytic
C. pseudodiphtheriticum
Typical coryneform gram-positive rods
Small to medium; slightly dry
C. pseudotuberculosis
Typical coryneform gram-positive rods
Small, yellowish white, opaque, convex; matted surface
C. riegelii
Typical coryneform gram-positive rods
Small, whitish, glistening, convex with entire edges; either creamy or sticky
C. simulans
Typical coryneform gram-positive rods
Grayish white; glistening; creamy
C. singulare
Typical coryneform gram-positive rods
Circular; slightly convex with entire margins; creamy
C. striatum
Regular medium to large gram-positive rods; can show banding
Small to medium; white, moist and smooth (resembles colonies of coagulase-negative staphylococci)
C. sundsvallense
Gram-positive rods, some with terminal bulges or knobs; some branching
Buff to slight yellow, sticky, adherent to agar
C. thomssenii
Typical coryneform gram-positive rods
Tiny after 24 hr; whitish, circular, mucoid and sticky
C. ulcerans
Typical coryneform gram-positive rods
Small, dry, waxy, gray to white
C. urealyticum
Gram-positive coccobacilli arranged in V forms and palisades
Pinpoint (after 48 hr); white, smooth, convex; nonhemolytic
C. xerosis
Regular medium to large gram-positive rods can show banding;
Small to medium; dry, yellowish, granular
Dermabacter hominis
Coccoid to short gram-positive rods
Small; gray to white, convex; distinctive pungent odor
Exiguobacterium acetylicum
Irregular, short, gram-positive rods arranged singly, in pairs, or short chains; (i.e., rod-coccus cycle*)
Golden yellow
Kurthia spp.
Regular gram-positive rods with parallel sides; coccoid cells in cultures >3 days old
Large, creamy or tan-yellow; nonhemolytic
Leifsonia aquatica
Irregular, slender, short gram-positive rods
Listeria monocytogenes
Regular, short, gram-positive rods or coccobacilli occurring in pairs (resembles streptococci)
Small; white, smooth, translucent, moist; beta-hemolytic
Microbacterium spp.
Irregular, short, thin, gram-positive rods
Small to medium; yellow
Oerskovia spp.
Extensive branching; hyphae break up into coccoid to rod-shaped elements
Yellow-pigmented; convex; creamy colony grows into the agar; dense centers
Rothia spp.
Extremely pleomorphic; predominately coccoid and bacillary (broth, Figure 17-2, A) to branched filaments (solid media, Figure 17-2, B)
Small, smooth to rough colonies; dry; whitish; raised
Turicella otitidis
Irregular, long, gram-positive rods
Small to medium; white to cream, circular, convex
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Listeria, Corynebacterium, and Similar Organisms
