Lipid-associated Lymphadenopathy

Lipid-associated Lymphadenopathy

Tariq Muzzafar, MBBS

Lymphogram of a normal lymph node demonstrates a smooth peripheral indentation image corresponding to the hilum. (Courtesy A. Guermazi, MD.)

Lymphogram of periaortic lymph nodes in Hodgkin lymphoma demonstrates extensive involvement with typical diffuse foamy appearance image. (Courtesy A. Guermazi, MD.)



  • Lymphadenopathy characterized by accumulation of endogenous or exogenous lipids

    • Can result in foreign body giant cell reaction and lipogranulomas


Endogenous Etiology

  • Diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia

  • Hepatobiliary diseases

    • Cholelithiasis, chronic cholecystitis, xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis

      • Affects lymph nodes draining biliary system

  • Lymph node atrophy and fatty replacement in

    • Physiologic regression with age, obesity, radiation therapy

  • Miscellaneous

    • Hematomas, cholesterol deposits, xanthomatous lesions, mucinous tumors, fat emboli, necrotic fat

Exogenous Sources

  • Total parenteral nutrition

    • Lipid constituents accumulate in macrophages leading to

      • Splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, lymphadenopathy

  • Lipid vehicles used in contrast media of bipedal lymphography

    • In past, standard for assessing & staging abdominal & pelvic lymph nodes (e.g., lymphangiogram)

      • Ethiodol (iodinated ethyl ester of fatty acids of poppy seed oil)

      • Lipiodol (iodinated glycerol ester)

  • Lipid vehicles used in injected sustained release depot drug preparations

  • Sclerosing agents injected into hemorrhoids

  • Mineral oil

    • Ingestion in industrialized countries

    • Mesenteric, celiac, portohepatic, paraaortic, mediastinal lymph nodes



  • Lymph nodes

  • Liver, spleen, bone marrow can also be affected


  • No specific therapy required


  • No impact on prognosis

Jul 8, 2016 | Posted by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Lipid-associated Lymphadenopathy

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