Leiomyoma (Pilar)

Leiomyoma (Pilar)

Cyril Fisher, MD, DSc, FRCPath

Multiple cutaneous leiomyomas are seen involving the chest, lower neck, shoulder, and upper arm. Typical of superficial leiomyomas, these lesions tend to involve more than 1 body site and extensor surfaces.

Low-power image shows superficial (pilar) leiomyoma involving most of the dermis. The lesion is unencapsulated and has an irregular border image with displacement of dermal appendages image.



  • Cutaneous leiomyoma, pilar leiomyoma, piloleiomyoma, leiomyoma cutis


  • Uncommon benign cutaneous smooth muscle neoplasm originating from arrector pili muscles



  • Some cases are familial

    • Autosomal dominant inheritance pattern with incomplete penetrance

  • Most patients are shown to have germline fumarate hydratase gene mutations

    • Gene on 1q43 and enzyme involved with tricarboxylic acid (Krebs) cycle

  • May be associated with uterine leiomyomas (98%) and renal cell carcinoma (10-15%)

    • Syndrome known as hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer, multiple cutaneous and uterine leiomyomatosis syndrome, or Reed syndrome

      • Renal cell carcinomas are usually papillary, tubulopapillary, or collecting duct type



  • Age

    • Most develop in adolescence or early adulthood

    • Some are congenital or develop in childhood


  • Predilection for extensor surfaces of extremities, trunk, and head & neck

    • 2 or more body sites are often affected


  • Most often multiple painful pink or brown papules

    • Papules may coalesce into nodules

    • Lesions tend to follow dermatomal distribution

  • Pain can be induced by cold exposure, pressure, or states of emotion

  • Rare cases are solitary and painless


  • Options, risks, complications

    • Depends on number of lesions and symptomatology

    • Medical management with follow-up is option for those with extensive lesions

    • Imaging to rule out renal mass or large atypical uterine lesions is warranted

    • Cryotherapy and laser ablation have been used with mixed results

  • Surgical approaches

    • For localized and symptomatic lesions


  • Does not undergo malignant change

  • Surgically treated lesions often develop recurrence (more likely representing new lesions)



  • Most < 2 cm

Jul 8, 2016 | Posted by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Leiomyoma (Pilar)

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