© KNMP and Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
Yvonne Bouwman-Boer, V’Iain Fenton-May and Paul Le Brun (eds.)Practical Pharmaceutics10.1007/978-3-319-15814-3_3939. Information Sources
KNMP Royal Dutch Pharmacists Association, Alexanderstraat 11, 2514 JL The Hague, The Netherlands
39.1 Introduction
39.2 Essential References
39.2.5 PubMed/MEDLINE
39.2.6 Stabilis
39.3 Textbooks
39.3.3 Pharmatopia
39.3.4 Rezeptur im Bild
39.4 Specific References
39.4.1 British Pharmacopoeia
39.4.3 EU Legislation/GMP
39.4.4 European Pharmacopoeia
39.5 Further Studying
Amongst the wealth of information sources, specific ones may be valuable for pharmacists who are concerned with product care, preparation, adapting dosage forms and reconstitution. This chapter presents an authors’ and editors’ choice of essential references, textbooks, specific references and sources for postgraduate studying. For each source practical information is given.
SourcesReferencesTextbookPostgraduate education39.1 Introduction
This chapter gives a selection of sources on product care, and preparation of medicines. The authors and editors consider them valuable and worth to be considered by pharmacists who are involved in product care, preparation and manufacturing, adapting dosage forms and reconstitution.
The focus of this chapter is on those sources that are most useful, apart from Practical Pharmaceutics. Therefore the authors have refrained from mentioning other general textbooks on ‘practical pharmaceutics’, however valuable they may be.
Input is given by the members of the Editorial Advisory Group, the authors of the other chapters and the editors. The selection of the sources is based on applicability in practice and on experience.
This selection is a suggestion and it is not intended to be complete. There may be more applicable (national) sources that are not listed in this chapter.
The sources in this chapter are subdivided into the themes: essential references, textbooks and specific references. Formularies on pharmacy preparation and quality of preparation are also mentioned in this chapter. Furthermore a few sources for further studying are mentioned.
The sources are described in a similar way: a short explanation on the content and information on the publisher, editor, publication channel, most recent edition, price in 2014 (without VAT), language of the source and ISBN for books or ISSN for journals or series of books.
39.2 Essential References
During daily practice, a pharmacist may advise and instruct patients about handling their medicines. Also a pharmacist may have to manage different aspects of pharmacy preparation and the logistics of medicines. Therefore it is useful to have some reference works at hand:
For the therapeutic relevance of a pharmacy preparation: Martindale and Medline/PubMed.
For information about adapting oral dosage forms: a handbook like Don’t Rush to Crush.
For more insight on pharmaceutical excipients: the Handbook on Pharmaceutical Excipients and Fielders Encyclopedia. The Handbook describes the most common excipients in detail. The Encyclopedia describes almost all excipients, but less in detail than the Handbook.
For information on stability of medicines in solution with emphasis on stability and incompatibility of parenteral medicines: Stabilis gives a practical overview of facts based on reliable literature.
39.2.1 Australian Don’t Rush to Crush Handbook
This handbook provides Australia-based information for health professionals on how to administer medicines safely to people unable to swallow solid oral medicines.
It contains over 500 monographs on solid oral medicines, which are on the Australian market, listing generic names, brand names, forms and strengths. Separate recommendations for patients with swallowing difficulties and patients with enteral feeding tubes are being given.
Published by:
The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia
Burridge N, Deidun D
Publication channel:
ring binder
Most recent edition:
1st, 2011
Price in 2014:
SHPA member: AU$ 110, non-member: AU$ 120
39.2.2 Fiedler Encyclopedia of Excipients
Fiedler Encyclopedia of Excipients describes the properties of more than 17,000 excipients that are used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. The descriptions contain: chemical name, synonyms, structural formula, pharmacopoeial references, CAS Registry number (Chemical Abstract Service), synthesis, properties, use, toxicology, analysis.
Published by:
Editio Cantor Verlag
Lang S, Reng A, Schmidt PC
Publication channel:
Most recent edition:
6th, 2007
Price in 2014:
€ 385
39.2.3 Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients
The Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients contains approximately 380 excipient monographs. The data contains information on physical properties, safety and potential toxicity of the excipients.
The monographs include pharmacopoeial information, non-proprietary names and synonyms, chemical name, CAS Registry number, empirical formula, molecular weight, functional category, applications and incompatibilities, material description and typical excipient properties, safety, stability, storage and handling precautions.
Published by:
Pharmaceutical Press
Rowe RC, Sheskey PJ, Cook WG, Fenton ME
Publication channel:
book, online
Most recent edition:
7th, 2012
Price in 2014:
book: £ 299; online £ 224 (via MedicinesComplete)
39.2.4 Martindale, the Complete Drug Reference
Martindale contains approximately 6,000 monographs on active substances and excipients. It contains information on uses and administration as well adverse effects, treatment of adverse effects, precautions, interactions, pharmacokinetics. For each substance the following characteristics are given: synonyms, pharmacopoeial description and solubility if available, proprietary preparation names.
Published by:
Pharmaceutical Press
Sweetman SC
Publication channel:
book, online
Most recent edition:
38th, 2014
Price in 2014:
book: £ 459; online: £ 270 (via MedicinesComplete); book and online: £ 575
39.2.5 PubMed/MEDLINE
MEDLINE is a bibliographic database of life sciences and biomedical information. It contains references to articles from academic journals covering medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, veterinary medicine, health care, biology and biochemistry.
PubMed provides free access to MEDLINE. It also includes articles from other sources. Pubmed is helpful for searching additional information on therapeutic relevance of active substances. It contains abstracts and links to full-text articles.
Published by:
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
not applicable
Publication channel:
Most recent edition:
not applicable
Price in 2014:
not applicable
39.2.6 Stabilis
Stabilis is a database with information about stability and compatibility of parenteral medicines (injectable medicines). For each drug the following information is given: trade names in different countries, stability in solution, stability in admixtures, factors which affect its stability, incompatibilities and routes of administration. Relevant references are also mentioned. The stability information of parenteral medicines can be useful to determine the stability on liquid medicines in general.
Stabilis also gives stability information of some other pharmaceutical preparation, such as eye-drops, ointments, oral solution. Data about stability of the dilutions and the compatibilities are examined by experts, who only include them in Stabilis if the shelf life testing is reliable. Stabilis uses pictograms and the information is translated into 28 languages.
Published by:
Vigneron J
Publication channel:
Most recent edition:
not applicable
Price in 2014:
Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, German, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Rumanian, Russian, Slovenian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish.
39.3 Textbooks
For the design of pharmacy preparations it is necessary to understand the scientific principles. These principles are also important for the understanding of the design and production of licensed medicines and to assess the possibilities of adapting these products.
During education Aultons and Martin’s are both valuable. Martin’s Physical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences focuses on the scientific background whereas the focus of Aultons Pharmaceutics may be more on the design of medicines.
Pharmatopia and Rezeptur in Bild can be helpful for learning and improving preparation skills. These sources visualise different preparation methods.
39.3.1 Aultons Pharmaceutics: The Design and Manufacture of Medicines
This textbook is on the design and preparation and discusses the underlying principles. It discusses the design of dosage forms, particle and powder technology, pharmaceutical microbiology and sterilisation, biopharmaceutical principles of pharmaceutical availability and the manufacturing of preparations.
Published by:
Churchill Livingstone
Aulton M, Taylor K
Publication channel:
book, e-book
Most recent edition:
4th, 2013
Price in 2014:
book: € 63,99 e-book: € 61,99
book 9780702042904, e-book 9780702053931
39.3.2 Martin’s Physical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Martin’s Physical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences focuses on the underlying principles of physics, chemistry and biology for the development of dosage forms. The last chapter gives a review of problems, including answers at the end, helping students to understand the content more easily.
Published by:
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Sinko PJ
Publication channel:
Most recent edition:
6th, 2010
Price in 2014:
£ 47
39.3.3 Pharmatopia
Pharmatopia is an open education site for pharmacists and students. It has a collection of interactive web-based learning modules, containing presentations/lectures, assessments, reference materials, workshops and training etc. The information is subdivided in different subjects: Chemistry/Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacy practice, Pharmaceutics/Drug Delivery and Pharmacology/ Drug Discovery and Biology. There is also a community for social networking and for exchanging information and knowledge. Universities/pharmacists can share their education resources with each other on this website.
In 2014 the information on preparation is limited but it is expected to expand.
Published by:
Monash University Australia
not applicable
Publication channel:
Most recent edition: