26 Infections of the skin, soft tissue, muscle and associated systems
The microbial load of normal skin is kept in check by various factors, as shown in Box 26.1. Alterations in these factors (e.g. prolonged exposure to moisture) upset the ecologic balance of the commensal flora, and predispose to infection.
Box 26.1 Factors Controlling the Skin’s Microbial Load
• the limited amount of moisture present
• surface temperature < optimum for many pathogens
• excreted chemicals such as sebum, fatty acids and urea
• competition between different species of the normal flora.
Infections of the skin
An appreciation of the structure of the skin helps in understanding the different sorts of infection to which the skin and its underlying tissues are prone (Fig. 26.1). If organisms breach the stratum corneum the host defences are mobilized, the epidermal Langerhans cells elaborate cytokines, neutrophils are attracted to the site of invasion, and complement is activated via the alternative pathway.
Microbial disease of the skin may result from any of three lines of attack
• breach of intact skin, allowing infection from the outside
• skin manifestations of systemic infections, which may arise as a result of blood-borne spread from the infected focus to the skin or by direct extension (e.g. draining sinuses from actinomycotic lesions, or necrotizing anaerobic infection from intra-abdominal sepsis)
• toxin-mediated skin damage due to production of a microbial toxin at another site in the body (e.g. scarlet fever, toxic shock syndrome).
The sequence of events in the pathogenesis of mucocutaneous lesions caused by bacterial, fungal and viral infections is outlined in Figure 26.2. Breaches in the skin range from microscopic to major trauma, which may be accidental (e.g. lacerations or burns) or intentional (e.g. surgery). Hospitalized patients are liable to other skin breaches (e.g. pressure sores and intravenous catheter insertions), which may become infected (see Ch. 36). Infections in compromised individuals such as patients with burns are discussed in Chapter 30. Here, we will consider primary infections of the skin and underlying soft tissues, together with mucocutaneous lesions resulting from certain systemic viral infections. Examples of systemic bacterial and fungal infections that cause mucocutaneous lesions are summarized in Table 26.1.
Table 26.1 Skin manifestations of systemic infections caused by bacteria and fungi
Organism | Disease | Skin manifestation |
Salmonella typhi, Salmonella schottmuelleri | Enteric fever | ‘Rose spots’ containing bacteria |
Neisseria meningitidis | Septicaemia, meningitis | Petechial or maculopapular lesions containing bacteria |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa | Septicaemia | Ecthyma gangrenosum, skin lesion pathognomonic if infected by this organism |
Treponema pallidum Treponema pertenue | Syphilis Yaws | ![]() |
Rickettsia prowazekii Rickettsia typhi Rickettsia rickettsii | Typhus![]() | ![]() |
Streptococcus pyogenes | Scarlet fever | Erythematous rash caused by erythrogenic toxin |
Staphylococcus aureus | Toxic shock syndrome | Rash and desquamation due to toxin |
Blastomyces dermatitidis | Blastomycosis | Papule or pustule develops into granuloma lesions containing organisms |
Cryptococcus neoformans | Cryptococcosis | Papule or pustule, usually on face or neck |
Skin lesions are often associated with systemic infection with particular bacteria and fungi. The lesions may provide useful diagnostic aids. Sometimes they are a site from which organisms are shed.
Bacterial infections of skin, soft tissue and muscle
These can be classified on an anatomic basis
• Abscess formation. Boils and carbuncles are the result of infection and inflammation of the hair follicles in the skin (folliculitis).
• Spreading infections. Impetigo is limited to the epidermis and presents as a bullous, crusted or pustular eruption of the skin. Erysipelas involves the blocking of dermal lymphatics and presents as a well-defined, spreading erythematous inflammation, generally on the face, legs or feet, and often accompanied by pain and fever. If the focus of infection is in the subcutaneous fat, cellulitis, a diffuse form of acute inflammation is the usual presentation.
• Necrotizing infections. Fasciitis describes the inflammatory response to infection of the soft tissue below the dermis. Infection spreads, often with alarming rapidity, along the fascial planes causing disruption of the blood supply. Gangrene or myonecrosis may follow infection associated with ischaemia of the muscle layer. Gas resulting from the fermentative metabolism of anaerobic organisms may be palpable in the tissues (gas gangrene).
The common causative organisms are shown in Table 26.2. Note that the same pathogen (e.g. Streptococcus pyogenes) can cause different infections in different layers of the skin and soft tissue.
Table 26.2 Direct entry into skin of bacteria and fungi
Structure involved | Infection | Common cause |
Keratinized epithelium | Ringworm | Dermatophyte fungi (Trichophyton, Epidermophyton and Microsporum) |
Epidermis | Impetigo | Streptococcus pyogenes and/or Staphylococcus aureus |
Dermis | Erysipelas | Strep. pyogenes |
Hair follicles | Folliculitis Boils (furuncles) Carbuncles | ![]() |
Subcutaneous fat | Cellulitis | Strep. pyogenes |
Fascia | Necrotizing fasciitis | Anaerobes and microaerophiles, usually mixed infections |
Muscle | Myonecrosis gangrene | Clostridium perfringens (and other clostridia) |
Direct introduction of bacteria or fungi into the skin is the most common route of skin infection. Infections range from mild, often chronic, conditions such as ringworm to acute and life-threatening fasciitis and gangrene. Relatively few species are involved in the common infections.
Staphylococcal skin infections
Staphylococcus aureus is the most common cause of skin infections and provokes an intense inflammatory response
Staphylococcus aureus causes minor skin infections such as boils or abscesses as well as more serious postoperative wound infection. Infection may be acquired by ‘self-inoculation’ from a carrier site (e.g. the nose) or acquired by contact with an exogenous source, usually another person. People who are nasal carriers of virulent Staph. aureus may suffer from recurrent boils, but an inoculum of about 100 000 organisms is thought to be required in the absence of a wound or foreign body. Staph. aureus can also cause serious skin disease due to toxin production (scalded skin syndrome, toxic shock syndrome; see below). In addition, skin and soft tissue infections caused by community-associated, methicillin-resistant Staph. aureus strains (CA-MRSA) are of increasing incidence and concern (see Ch. 36).
A boil begins within 2–4 days of inoculation, as a superficial infection in and around a hair follicle (folliculitis; Fig. 26.3). In this site, the organisms are relatively protected from the host defences, multiply rapidly and spread locally. This provokes an intense inflammatory response with an influx of neutrophils. Fibrin is deposited, and the site is walled off. Abscesses typically contain abundant yellow creamy pus formed by the massive number of organisms and necrotic white cells. They continue to expand slowly, eventually erode the overlying skin, ‘come to a head’ and drain. Drainage inwards can result in seeding of the staphylococci to underlying body sites to cause serious infections such as peritonitis, empyema or meningitis.
Staph. aureus infections are often diagnosed clinically and treatment includes drainage and antibiotics
Staph. aureus is the most common cause of boils, and diagnosis is made on clinical grounds. Isolation and further characterization of the infecting staphylococcus in hospital patients and staff are important in the investigation of hospital infections (see Ch. 36).
Treatment involves drainage and this is usually sufficient for minor lesions, but antibiotics may be given in addition when the infection is severe and the patient has a fever. Most Staph. aureus are beta-lactamase producers, but methicillin-susceptible Staph. aureus (MSSA) can be treated with enzyme-stable penicillins such as nafcillin. Isolates resistant to these compounds (i.e. methicillin-resistant Staph. aureus (MRSA); see Ch. 33) may be treated with vancomycin, linezolid, quinopristin-dalfoprisin, or daptomycin. Treatment with these agents does not necessarily eradicate carriage of the staphylococci.
Recurrent infections may be treated in nasal carriers of Staph. aureus with nasal creams containing antibiotics. For example, mupirocin has been used successfully for carriers of methicillin-resistant staphylococci (see Ch. 36). Good skin care and personal hygiene should be encouraged.
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome is caused by toxin-producing Staph. aureus
This condition, also known as ‘Ritter’s disease’ in infants and ‘Lyell’s disease’ or ‘toxic epidermal necrolysis’ in older children, occurs sporadically and in outbreaks. It is caused by strains of Staph. aureus producing a toxin known as ‘exfoliatin’ or ‘scalded skin syndrome toxin’. The initial skin lesion may be minor, but the toxin causes destruction of the intercellular connections and separation of the top layer of the epidermis. Large blisters are formed, containing clear fluid, and within 1 or 2 days, the overlying areas of skin are lost (Fig. 26.4), leaving normal skin underneath. The baby is irritable and uncomfortable, but rarely severely ill. However, treatment should take into account the risk of increased loss of fluid from the damaged surface, and fluid replacement may be needed. As mentioned above, antimicrobial chemotherapy would employ beta-lactamase stable penicillins (e.g. nafcillin) against MSSA, whereas vancomycin, linezolid, quinopristin-dalfoprisin, or daptomycin would be used for MRSA.
Toxic shock syndrome is caused by toxic shock syndrome toxin-producing Staph. aureus
This systemic infection came to prominence through its association with tampon use by healthy women, but it is not confined to women and can occur as a result of Staph. aureus infection at non-genital sites (e.g. a wound). Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) involves multiple organ systems and is characterized by fever, hypotension and a diffuse macular erythematous rash followed by desquamation of the skin, particularly on the soles and palms (Fig. 26.5). TSS is caused by exotoxins of Staph. aureus, most commonly TSST1, which behaves as a superantigen (stimulating T-cell proliferation and cytokine release; see Ch. 16). While the prevalence of TSS in the USA is currently estimated at < 200 cases/year, > 90% of adults carry antibodies to TSST1. Treatment of TSS includes steps to open the infected site (e.g. drainage), fluid replacement and antistaphylococcal chemotherapy.
Streptococcal skin infections
Streptococcal skin infections are caused by Strep. pyogenes (group A streptococci)
Streptococcal impetigo develops independently of streptococcal upper respiratory tract infection, and although up to 35% of patients carry the same strain in their nose or throat, colonization may well occur after the skin has become infected. The organisms are acquired through contact with other people with infected skin lesions and may first colonize and multiply on normal skin before invasion through minor breaks in the epithelium and the development of lesions. The various risk factors involved in the development of streptococcal impetigo are shown in Figure 26.6. Strep. pyogenes may also cause erysipelas, an acute deeper infection in the dermis. About 5% of patients with erysipelas go on to develop bacteraemia which carries a high mortality if untreated. As discussed previously, impetigo may also be caused by Staph. aureus and occasionally presents in more extreme bullous form (i.e. bullous impetigo) as blisters resembling localized scalded skin syndrome (see above).
Clinical features of streptococcal skin infections are typically acute
They develop within 24–48 h of skin invasion and trigger a marked inflammatory response as the host attempts to localize the infection (Fig. 26.7 and Fig. 26.8). Strep. pyogenes elaborates a number of toxic products and enzymes, such as hyaluronidase, which help the organism to spread in tissue. Lymphatic involvement is common, resulting in lymphadenitis and lymphangitis.
M protein is a major virulence factor in Strep. pyogenes with over 100 types, some of which (e.g. M49) are specifically associated with diseases such as acute glomerulonephritis
Acute glomerulonephritis (AGN) occurs more often after skin infections than after infections of the throat (see Ch. 18). It is characterized by the deposition of immune complexes on the basement membrane of the glomerulus but the precise role of the streptococcus in the causation is still unclear (see Ch. 17); 10–15% of individuals infected with a nephritogenic strain will develop AGN about 2–3 weeks after the primary infection. Most people recover completely, and recurrence after a subsequent streptococcal infection is rare. Rheumatic fever (see Ch. 18) very rarely follows skin infections with Strep. pyogenes.
Streptococcal skin infections are usually diagnosed clinically and treated with penicillin
Gram stains of pus from vesicles in impetigo show Gram-positive cocci, and culture reveals Strep. pyogenes sometimes mixed with Staph. aureus (Fig. 26.9). In erysipelas, skin cultures are often negative, although culture of fluid from the advancing edge of the lesion may be successful.
Impetigo is prevented by improving the host factors associated with acquisition of the disease, as illustrated in Figure 26.6. Since AGN rarely recurs on subsequent streptococcal infection, long-term prophylaxis with penicillin is not indicated (in contrast to the long-term prophylaxis following rheumatic fever; see Ch. 18).
Cellulitis and gangrene
Cellulitis is an acute spreading infection of the skin that involves subcutaneous tissues
Cellulitis extends deeper than erysipelas and usually originates either from superficial skin lesions such as boils or ulcers or following trauma. It is rarely blood-borne, but conversely it may lead to bacterial invasion of the bloodstream. Infection develops within a few hours or days of trauma and quickly produces a hot red swollen lesion (Fig. 26.10). Regional lymph nodes are enlarged and the patient suffers malaise, chills and fever.
Treatment should be initiated on the basis of the clinical diagnosis because of the rapid progression of the disease, particularly when caused by Strep. pyogenes.
Anaerobic cellulitis may develop in areas of traumatized or devitalized tissue
Such damaged tissue is associated with surgical or traumatic wounds or is found in ischaemic extremities. Diabetic patients are particularly prone to anaerobic cellulitis of their feet (Fig. 26.11). The causative organisms depend upon the circumstances of the trauma: infections in the lower parts of the body are most often caused by organisms from the faecal flora whereas wounds from human bites are infected with oral organisms. Foul-smelling discharge, marked swelling and gas in the tissues are characteristic of anaerobic cellulitis, and a mixture of organisms is usually cultured from the wound. Treatment needs to be aggressive to halt the spread of infection, and both antibiotics and surgical debridement are required. Osteomyelitis (see below) is a common sequela.
Necrotizing fasciitis, myonecrosis and gangrene
Necrotizing fasciitis is a frequently fatal mixed infection caused by anaerobes and facultative anaerobes
Although apparently resembling synergistic bacterial gangrene, necrotizing fasciitis is a much more acute and highly toxic infection, causing widespread necrosis and undermining of the surrounding tissues, such that the underlying destruction is more widespread than the skin lesion (Fig. 26.12). Necrotizing fasciitis has been most prominently linked by the popular media with Strep. pyogenes, where it has been frequently termed ‘flesh-eating bacteria’. However, the infection may be caused by a variety of other organisms, especially including MRSA. Patients with necrotizing fasciitis deteriorate rapidly and frequently die. Radical excision of all necrotic fascia is an essential part of therapy, along with antibiotics given both locally to the wound and systemically.
Traumatic or surgical wounds can become infected with Clostridium species
Clostridium tetani gains access to the tissues through trauma to the skin, but the disease it produces is entirely due to the production of a powerful exotoxin (see Ch. 17).
Gas gangrene or clostridial myonecrosis can be caused by several species of clostridia, but Clostridium perfringens is the most common. The organism and its spores are found in the soil and in human and animal faeces, and can therefore gain access to traumatized tissues by contamination from these sources. Infection develops in areas of the body with poor blood supply (anaerobic), and the buttocks and perineum are common sites, particularly in patients with ischaemic vascular disease or peripheral arteriosclerosis. The organisms multiply in the subcutaneous tissues, producing gas and an anaerobic cellulitis, but a characteristic feature of clostridial infection is that the organisms invade deeper into the muscle, where they cause necrosis and produce bubbles of gas, which can be felt in the tissue and sometimes seen in the wound (Fig. 26.13). The infection proceeds very rapidly and causes acute pain. Much of the damage is due to the production by Cl. perfringens of a lecithinase (also known as alpha toxin), which hydrolyses the lipids in cell membranes, resulting in cell lysis and death (Fig. 26.14). The presence of dead and dying tissue further compromises the blood supply, and the organisms multiply and produce more toxin and more damage. Other extracellular enzymes may also play a role in helping the clostridia to spread. If the toxin escapes from the affected area and enters the bloodstream, there is massive haemolysis, renal failure and death.
Amputation may be necessary to prevent further spread of clostridial infection
Antibiotics (e.g. penicillin) are adjuncts to, not replacements for, surgical debridement.
Prevention of infection is of foremost importance. Wounds should be cleansed and debrided early to remove dead and poorly perfused tissue, which the anaerobes favour. Prophylactic antibiotics should be given preoperatively to patients having elective surgery of body sites liable to contamination with faecal flora (see Chs 33 and 36).
Propionibacterium acnes and acne
P. acnes go hand in hand with the hormonal changes of puberty which result in acne
An increased responsiveness to androgenic hormones leads to increased sebum production plus increased keratinization and desquamation in pilosebaceous ducts. Blockage of ducts turns them into sacs in which P. acnes and other members of the normal flora (e.g. micrococci, yeasts, staphylococci) multiply. P. acnes acts on sebum to form fatty acids and peptides which, together with enzymes and other substances released from bacteria and polymorphs, cause the inflammation (Fig. 26.15). Comedones are greasy plugs composed of a mixture of keratin, sebum and bacteria and capped by a layer of melanin (blackheads in popular terminology) (Fig. 26.16).

Figure 26.15 Typical lesions of acne. ‘blackheads’ are seen when plugs of keratin block the pilosebaceous duct.
(Courtesy of A. du Vivier.)
Mycobacterial diseases of the skin
The clinical features of leprosy depend upon the cell-mediated immune response to M. leprae
M. leprae shares many pathobiologic features with M. tuberculosis, but the clinical manifestations of the diseases are quite different. After an incubation period of several years, the onset of leprosy is gradual and the spectrum of disease activity is very broad depending upon the presence or absence of a cell-mediated immune (CMI) response to M. leprae (Fig. 26.17). At one end of the spectrum is tuberculoid leprosy (TT), characterized by blotchy red lesions with anaesthetic areas on the face, trunk and extremities (Fig. 26.18). There is palpable thickening of the peripheral nerves because the organisms multiply in the nerve sheaths. The local anaesthesia renders the patient prone to repeated trauma and secondary bacterial infection. This disease state is equivalent to secondary tuberculosis (see Ch. 19), with a vigorous CMI response leading to phagocytic destruction of bacteria, and exaggerated allergic responses. TT carries a better prognosis than lepromatous leprosy (LL) and in some patients is self-limiting, but in others may progress across the spectrum towards LL.

Figure 26.18 Tuberculoid leprosy – a characteristic dry blotchy lesion on the face, but the diagnosis needs to be confirmed by microscopic examination of skin biopsy (see Fig. 26.21).
(Courtesy of the Institute of Dermatology.)
In LL, there is extensive skin involvement with large numbers of bacteria in affected areas. As the disease progresses there is loss of eyebrows, thickening and enlargement of the nostrils, ears and cheeks, resulting in the typical leonine (lion-like) facial appearance (Fig. 26.19). There is progressive destruction of the nasal septum, and the nasal mucosa is loaded with organisms (Fig. 26.20). This form of the disease is equivalent to miliary tuberculosis (see Ch. 19) with a weak CMI response and many extracellular organisms visible in the lesions. The gross deformities characteristic of late disease result primarily from infectious destruction of the nasomaxillary facial structures, and secondarily from pathologic changes in the peripheral nerves predisposing to repeated trauma of the hands and feet and subsequent superinfection with other organisms.

Figure 26.19 Extensive skin involvement in lepromatous leprosy results in a characteristic leonine appearance.
(Courtesy of D.A. Lewis.)
M. leprae are seen as acid-fast rods in nasal scrapings and lesion biopsies
Nasal scrapings and biopsies of skin lesions should be stained by Ziehl–Neelsen or auramine stain to demonstrate acid-fast rods. In LL these are numerous, but in TT few if any organisms are seen, but the appearance of granulomas is sufficiently typical to allow the diagnosis to be made (Fig. 26.21). Remember that, in contrast to M. tuberculosis, the organism cannot be grown in vitro.
Leprosy is treated with dapsone given as part of a multidrug regimen to avoid resistance
If the disease is diagnosed early and treatment initiated promptly the patient has a much better prognosis. Dapsone (see Ch. 33) had long been the mainstay of therapy, but multidrug therapy is now used because of dapsone resistance:
• For LL, triple therapy with dapsone, rifampin and clofazimine is given for a minimum of 2 years and may be lifelong or until all skin scrapings and biopsies are negative for acid-fast rods.
• For TT, a combination of dapsone and rifampin for 6 months is recommended, the rationale being that in this form of disease there are many fewer organisms and therefore less chance of emergence of resistant mutants.
As a result of multidrug therapy, which is reasonably cheap, well tolerated and effects a complete cure, steady progress is being made towards the elimination of leprosy as a public health problem.
Other mycobacterial skin infections
Mycobacterium marinum, M. ulcerans and M. tuberculosis also cause skin lesions
Mycobacterium marinum and M. ulcerans are two slow-growing mycobacterial species that prefer cooler temperatures and cause skin lesions. As its name suggests, M. marinum is associated with water and marine organisms. Human infections follow trauma, often minor such as a graze acquired while climbing out of a swimming pool or while cleaning out an aquarium, which becomes contaminated with mycobacteria from the wet environment. After an incubation period of 2–8 weeks, initial lesions appear as small papules, which enlarge and suppurate and may ulcerate. Histologically, the lesions are granulomas and hence the name ‘swimming pool granuloma’ or ‘fish-tank granuloma’ (Fig. 26.22). Sometimes the nodules follow the course of the draining lymphatic and produce an appearance that may be mistaken for sporotrichosis (see below).

Figure 26.22 Fish-tank granuloma caused by Mycobacterium marinum infection of a lesion acquired while cleaning out a fish tank.
(Courtesy of M.J. Wood.)
Fungal infections of the skin
Fungal infections may be confined to the very outermost layers of the skin and hair shafts or penetrate into the keratinized layers of the epidermis, nails and hair (the superficial and cutaneous mycoses); others develop in the dermal layers (subcutaneous mycoses). In addition, some systemic fungal infections acquired by the air-borne route have skin manifestations (see Table 26.1).
Pityriasis versicolor
Diagnosis of pityriasis versicolor can be confirmed by direct microscopy of scrapings
Direct microscopy of scrapings shows characteristic round yeast forms (Fig. 26.23), and treatment with a topical azole antifungal (see below) or with selenium sulphide (2.5%) lotion is appropriate.

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