Fig. 21.1
Pedigree of a family carrying a balanced translocation involving the long arm of chromosome 7 and the short arm of chromosome 10. See key for interpretation of symbols
As is likely apparent at this point, one major goal of a genetic counseling session is to provide information. Genetic counselors seek to convey relevant information in a manner that is clear and understandable to each individual patient or family member. Information is provided about the clinical features, natural history, and potential variability of the particular condition. Additionally, the genetic basis of the condition and mechanism by which it occurs, recurrence risks, available options for research and clinical testing, test results, evaluation, and treatment are discussed [3].
The presence of a genetic condition or birth defect in a family can have a significant impact on family relationships and on the way that the patient and family interact with society as a whole. Individuals and families facing a genetic condition are often in an emotionally vulnerable state. The emotions experienced by the individual and family can vary widely and can be extremely powerful. Feelings of guilt, stigmatization, and altered self-esteem are relatively common, whether the diagnosis of a genetic condition is made prenatally, during childhood, adolescence, or adulthood. Therefore, the counselor seeks to support the patient and family emotionally in an empathic manner and to advocate for them. In keeping with this goal, the potential impacts of the condition, including positive and negative economic, psychological, and social effects, and available resources to assist in dealing with the condition are presented to the individual and/or family [3]. It is important to realize that different individuals may have unique perceptions of and reactions to the information discussed during a genetic counseling session. Genetic counselors are trained to be sensitive to this fact and to remain nonjudgmental in the face of it.
General Indications for Referral to a Genetic Counselor
There are many indications for an appropriate referral to a genetic counselor. Several of the more common reasons for referral are addressed here. The indications that are specifically related to cytogenetic issues are introduced and are then discussed in additional detail in the following section.
Family History or Clinical Suspicion of a Genetic Syndrome or Chromosome Abnormality
The presence of certain birth defects (also known as congenital anomalies), mental retardation, and/or other characteristic features can raise the level of suspicion that an individual is affected with a genetic syndrome or chromosome abnormality. When possible, the identification of a cause for the congenital anomalies and/or mental retardation in an individual not only allows for genetic counseling regarding recurrence risk but can also be important, psychologically and practically, for the individual and family. The evaluation of an individual to rule out the presence of a genetic condition often involves the evaluation of that individual by a medical geneticist. Certain biochemical, molecular, cytogenetic, and physiologic tests may also be helpful. The genetic counselor can be an important part of the health-care team that evaluates and cares for the patient. The counselor can aid the geneticist in his or her clinical evaluation of the patient, help to coordinate further testing, and help to keep the patient and/or family apprised of the need for such testing. The counselor can also help to keep the family informed of the possible conditions in the differential diagnosis, assist in discussing test results, and support the individual and/or family emotionally.
Although beyond the scope of this book, it is important to recognize that genetic counselors routinely interact with individuals who have a personal or family history of a genetic syndrome. It is, therefore, also important to be acquainted with the more common patterns of inheritance:
In genetic syndromes that follow an autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance, a carrier has one copy of a genetic alteration, or mutation, and, as a general rule, does not exhibit symptoms of that syndrome. If both members of a couple are carriers of an autosomal recessive disorder, there is a 25% chance for them to have an affected child in each pregnancy. Examples of autosomal recessive conditions include cystic fibrosis, which results in thickened mucus primarily affecting the lungs, digestive tract, and male reproductive tract; and Tay-Sachs disease, a fatal neurodegenerative disorder that is more common in the Ashkenazi Jewish, Cajun, and French-Canadian populations.
In autosomal dominant inheritance, there is a 50% chance for an affected individual to transmit the disease-causing mutation to each of his or her offspring. Depending upon the particular condition, inheriting the mutation might or might not mean that an individual will show features of that condition, a phenomenon known as incomplete or reduced penetrance. Additionally, there can be a wide range of clinical severity, even within a family; this is known as variable expressivity. Examples of autosomal dominant conditions include Huntington’s disease, an adult-onset neurodegenerative condition, and Marfan syndrome, a condition that affects connective tissue.
In X-linked recessive inheritance, there is a 50% chance for each son of a female carrier to be affected and a 50% chance for each daughter of a female carrier to be a carrier herself. Under certain uncommon circumstances, females can be affected with X-linked recessive conditions. As in autosomal recessive inheritance, carriers have one mutation, except in this case on one X chromosome instead of on an autosome, and generally do not exhibit features of the condition. Examples of conditions that follow an X-linked recessive pattern of inheritance include fragile X syndrome, which is the most common inherited form of mental retardation (see Chap. 19), and hemophilia, a bleeding disorder.
In X-linked dominant inheritance, there is a 50% chance for each child of an affected woman to inherit the disease-causing mutation. Affected females tend to be more common and are often less severely affected than are affected males; X-linked dominant conditions, particularly those that are rare, can be prenatally lethal in affected males. Incontinentia pigmenti type 2, which affects the skin, skin derivatives, and central nervous system, is an X-linked dominant condition that is frequently lethal in affected males [8].
In multifactorial inheritance, a genetic predisposition increases the chance that an individual will develop a particular condition. Certain environmental factors, such as diet and exercise, also have a role in determining if the individual will be affected. Examples of multifactorial conditions are diabetes, heart disease, and neural tube defects. Generally speaking, the more distant the degree of relationship between the individual in question and the affected relative, the lower the recurrence risk, until such risk approximates that of the general population.
Personal or Family History of Cancer
In the majority of cases, cancer is sporadic in an individual. However, in some families, a genetic predisposition to cancer significantly increases the chance to develop the condition. Hallmarks of hereditary cancer families include relatively early-onset cancer as compared to the general population, bilateral or multiorgan cancer, multiple affected family members (usually following an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance), and unusual cancer or the presence of certain characteristic clinical features. When an individual is referred for cancer genetic counseling, the genetic counselor educates the counselee about the genetics of cancer predisposition. Based on personal and family history information, the counselor also provides a risk assessment for cancer or for a hereditary cancer predisposition. The risks, benefits, and limitations of appropriate, available molecular testing options and research opportunities are discussed, as are the potential results and their possible psychosocial and practical implications. Options for cancer risk reduction, such as prophylactic surgery, chemoprevention, and cancer screening, are also likely to be reviewed.
As discussed in Chap. 15, certain translocations are characteristic of certain cancers. For example, the (9;22) translocation, which results in the “Philadelphia chromosome” and the fusion of two genes, BCR and ABL1, is associated with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). Similarly, Burkitt lymphoma is associated with an (8;14) translocation. The identification of cytogenetic abnormalities in a cancer patient can have important diagnostic and prognostic implications and can also play a role in designing a treatment strategy [8, 9]. Occasionally, when chromosome analysis is performed for the indication of a hematological abnormality, a chromosome abnormality that may be constitutional is identified. In such a situation, this should be verified, and, if true, the patient should be counseled about the finding and the associated implications, not only for him- or herself, but for other family members as well [9].
When both members of a couple share at least one common ancestor, they may be referred to a genetic counselor to discuss the possibility for an increased risk of birth defects and/or genetic conditions in their offspring. Using information about the degree of relationship between the members of the couple, their ethnicities, and family history, the counselor discusses the potential for increased risk, if any, and offers any appropriate options for carrier and/or prenatal testing [10]. Although in some cultures consanguinity is accepted and even common, in other cultures, it carries a social stigma. Not only might a consanguineous couple be dealing with an increased risk of abnormalities in their offspring, but they might also be facing criticism from their family and society. In these situations, the genetic counselor can provide emotional support and referral to an appropriate support organization.
Advanced Maternal Age
The chance of having a pregnancy or child affected with a chromosome abnormality increases with advancing maternal age (Table 21.1) [11, 12, 14]. While previous standard of care required that prenatal diagnosis (see Chap. 12) via chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or amniocentesis be offered to all pregnant women who will be 35 or older at their estimated date of delivery (EDD), it is now recommended that such diagnostic testing be offered to all women, regardless of age [14–16].
Maternal age at term | Risk for trisomy 21b [12] | Risk for any chromosome abnormalityb, c [11] |
15a | 1:1,578 | 1:454 |
16a | 1:1,572 | 1:475 |
17a | 1:1,565 | 1:499 |
18a | 1:1,556 | 1:525 |
19a | 1:1,544 | 1:555 |
20 | 1:1,480 | 1:525 |
21 | 1:1,460 | 1:525 |
22 | 1:1,440 | 1:499 |
23 | 1:1,420 | 1:499 |
24 | 1:1,380 | 1:475 |
25 | 1:1,340 | 1:475 |
26 | 1:1,290 | 1:475 |
27 | 1:1,220 | 1:454 |
28 | 1:1,140 | 1:434 |
29 | 1:1,050 | 1:416 |
30 | 1:940 | 1:384 |
31 | 1:820 | 1:384 |
32 | 1:700 | 1:322 |
33 | 1:570 | 1:285 |
34 | 1:456 | 1:243 |
35 | 1:353 | 1:178 |
36 | 1:267 | 1:148 |
37 | 1:199 | 1:122 |
38 | 1:148 | 1:104 |
39 | 1:111 | 1:80 |
40 | 1:85 | 1:62 |
41 | 1:67 | 1:48 |
42 | 1:54 | 1:38 |
43 | 1:45 | 1:30 |
44 | 1:39 | 1:23 |
45 | 1:35 | 1:18 |
46 | 1:31 | 1:14 |
47 | 1:29 | 1:10 |
48 | 1:27 | 1:8 |
49 | 1:26 | 1:6 |
50 | 1:25 | Data not available |
Advanced Paternal Age
Advanced paternal age, frequently defined as 40 or older at the time of conception, is an acceptable, although infrequent, reason for a referral to a genetic counselor. Studies have shown an increased risk for genetic defects associated with advanced paternal age. These genetic defects include sporadic, dominant single gene mutations, most commonly Pfeiffer syndrome, Crouzon syndrome, Apert syndrome, achondroplasia, thanatophoric dysplasia, and MEN2A and MEN2B. The risk for a sporadic, autosomal dominant genetic syndrome in the offspring of men over the age of 40 is presently felt to be less than 0.3–0.5%. Studies also indicate that advanced paternal age may be associated with an increased risk of complex conditions, including some birth defects, schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorders, and some cancers. There does not, however, appear to be an increased risk of chromosome abnormalities associated with advanced paternal age with the possible exception of trisomy 21 and Klinefelter syndrome. Most of the paternal age-related birth defects cannot be reliably detected by prenatal diagnosis [17].
Abnormal Prenatal Screen
Screening can be used, along with maternal age, to estimate the possibility that a fetus is affected with Down syndrome or trisomy 18. Such aneuploidy screening can be performed through the utilization of ultrasound, maternal serum, or, frequently, a combination of the two.
Teratogen Exposure
The term “teratogen” applies to any medication, chemical, or environmental agent that has the potential to cause adverse effects, such as birth defects, on a developing fetus. When the mother or father of a current or future pregnancy has been exposed to an agent that could have a detrimental effect on that pregnancy, a referral to a genetic counselor is appropriate. Of note, certain maternal conditions, such as phenylketonuria (PKU), which is an inherited metabolic disorder, diabetes, and seizure disorders increase the risk for birth defects in a pregnancy. The counselor will consult current resources and discuss with the exposed individual or couple the potential adverse effects associated with the exposure in question. Any available options for minimizing these potential adverse effects or for identifying them prenatally are also discussed.
Certain chromosome abnormalities and genetic conditions result in varying degrees of infertility (see Chap. 11). Therefore, when an individual or couple experiences infertility, it is appropriate to rule out the possible genetic and cyto-genetic causes. If such a cause is identified, a genetic counselor can be important in educating the individual about the condition. The genetic counselor can also assist the physician in discussing the available options that could allow for reproduction. In addition, if the individual is able to reproduce using his or her own gametes, the possible recurrence risks for future offspring should be addressed.
Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion
Miscarriage is more common than many people recognize. In fact, it is estimated that 10–15% of all recognized pregnancies end in miscarriage [18]. There are many possible causes of miscarriage, including a chromosomally abnormal conceptus. Approximately 50% of recognized first trimester miscarriages are chromosomally abnormal [8, 18, 19]. In some individuals, pregnancy loss is recurrent. In addition to having the potential to cause significant psychological distress, recurrent miscarriage warrants a complete evaluation, which could include genetic, cytogenetic, and endocrinology studies, in an attempt to identify the cause. As discussed later, some causes of recurrent miscarriage confer increased reproductive risks for the patient, as well as his or her family members.
Cytogenetic Indications for Genetic Counseling
Family History or Clinical Suspicion of a Chromosome Abnormality
As previously mentioned, congenital anomalies, mental retardation, developmental delay, or certain characteristic features are all examples of indications for chromosome analysis. Several chromosome abnormalities are detectable through conventional chromosome analysis, while others, such as microdeletion syndromes, require specialized analysis, such as fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) (see Chap. 17) or microarray (see Chap. 18). The following is a brief introduction to several of the more common chromosome abnormalities encountered in genetic counseling. The style of genetic counseling associated with the identification of a chromosome abnormality often varies depending upon the age of the affected individual. Although the clinical information is unlikely to be significantly different, the tone of the discussion often varies depending on whether the diagnosis is made prenatally, when termination of the pregnancy might be an option, or during childhood, adolescence, or adulthood. As previously mentioned, regardless of whether a chromosome abnormality is diagnosed prenatally or postnatally, the genetic counselor often plays a role in educating the patient or family about the clinical features of the condition, recurrence risks, and available supportive treatments. Although the identification of a cause for the phenotypic abnormalities in an individual can be an empowering event for the patient and family, it can also induce significant stress. The genetic counselor, acting as a member of the team caring for the individual, often plays an important role in helping the family to cope with the diagnosis both practically and emotionally.
Autosomal Trisomies
Down Syndrome
Down syndrome, which is caused by non-mosaic trisomy 21 in approximately 94% of cases, is the most common human chromosome abnormality, affecting approximately 1 in 800 individuals [8, 20, 21]. Individuals with Down syndrome frequently have a characteristic facial appearance and frequently resemble one another more than they resemble their family members. Certain health conditions and birth defects are more common in individuals with Down syndrome, including congenital heart defects, gastrointestinal problems, leukemia, Alzheimer disease, immune dysfunction, thyroid dysfunction, and problems with hearing and vision. Poor muscle tone and delayed growth are also frequent findings. In 1997, the median age at death was noted to be 49 years with congenital heart defects presenting a major cause of early mortality. Everyone with Down syndrome has some degree of mental retardation. While the general IQ range is usually said to be 25–50, a range of mental capability exists. Children with Down syndrome often benefit from early programs aimed at stimulation, developmental enrichment, and education [20–22].
Trisomy 13
Trisomy 13 results in severe mental retardation and multiple birth defects. The abnormalities most commonly noted in this condition involve the heart (congenital defect in 80%), brain, eyes, ears, lip, and palate (cleft lip and/or cleft palate), hands and feet (such as polydactyly or extra digits), and genitalia. This condition is frequently fatal early in infancy with only 5–9% of affected individuals surviving the first year of life with a median survival of 7–10 days [8, 21, 22].
Trisomy 18
Like trisomy 13, trisomy 18 results in severe mental retardation and birth defects. Congenital heart defects and abnormalities of the hands and feet (clenched hands with overlapping fingers) defects are common, as is growth deficiency. Several other congenital anomalies, including those involving the kidneys, central nervous system, skeletal system, gastrointestinal system, and genitalia, are also associated with this condition. Approximately 5–10% of babies affected with trisomy 18 survive the first year of life with a median survival of 10–14 days [8, 21, 22].
Some cases of Down syndrome, trisomy 13, or trisomy 18 are the result of unbalanced translocations. If such a translocation is carried, in a balanced form, by one of the parents, recurrence risks are generally greater than they would be if simple trisomy 13, 18, or 21 was present in the affected individual. It should also be noted that mosaic chromosome abnormalities, with a chromosomally normal cell line, can be associated with a less severe mental and physical phenotype, although the severity of the condition cannot be predicted from the karyotype.
For more comprehensive coverage of trisomy, refer to Chap. 8.
Unbalanced Chromosome Rearrangements
Microdeletion Syndromes
Microdeletion syndromes, as their name implies, are the result of relatively small chromosomal deletions that may be undetectable via conventional cytogenetic analysis. When a clinician suspects that an individual is affected with one of these conditions, FISH or microarray techniques are generally employed to confirm, or rule out, the diagnosis. Occasionally, certain ultrasound findings raise the possibility of a particular microdeletion syndrome in the fetus, as can be the case with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome when a heart defect is noted on prenatal ultrasound. In these cases, analysis can be performed on the material obtained from a chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or amniocentesis. Several of these microdeletion syndromes occasionally result from the unbalanced segregation of a familial chromosome rearrangement. See Chaps. 12 and 17.
22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome (Including DiGeorge and Velocardiofacial Syndromes)
This syndrome results from an interstitial deletion of the long arm of chromosome 22. One interesting feature of this condition is the potential for wide clinical variability within and between families. At times, subsequent to the diagnosis of a child, one of the parents is found to be affected, although usually more mildly. The microdeletion is frequently sporadic (approximately 93% of cases) but can also be inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. A variety of features in multiple organ systems have been reported in individuals with DiGeorge syndrome. Some of the more common features include learning disabilities, heart defects, cleft palate, short stature, immune deficiency, low muscle tone in infancy, hypernasal speech, low calcium levels, renal abnormalities, psychiatric illness, and characteristic facial features [21, 23].
Prader-Willi Syndrome
Approximately 70–75% of cases of Prader-Willi syndrome result from deletion on the paternally derived copy of chromosome 15 [del(15)(q11.2q13)]. Other potential causes are maternal uniparental disomy for chromosome 15 and an imprinting mutation. Imprinting refers to certain genes being active on only the maternally or paternally derived copy of a particular chromosome (see Chap. 20). Affected individuals usually have low muscle tone and feeding difficulties during infancy. Later in childhood, however, obsessive eating and obesity develop. Other features commonly seen in individuals with this condition include short stature, mental retardation, small hands and feet, small underdeveloped genitals, characteristic facial features, and decreased sensitivity to pain. Behavior problems, such as skin picking, stubbornness, temper tantrums, obsessive-compulsiveness, and, in some, psychosis, can also be present [21, 24]. See also Chap. 9.
Angelman Syndrome
Approximately 70–75% of cases of Angelman syndrome are caused by the same microdeletion found in the majority of cases of Prader-Willi syndrome, except that the deletion occurs on the maternally derived copy of chromosome 15, and there are in fact differences at the molecular (DNA) level. The clinical features most commonly found in affected individuals include severe mental retardation, spontaneous, excessive fits of laughter, “jerky” limb movements, characteristic facial features, sleep abnormalities, and seizures [21, 25]. Imprinting also plays an important causative role in this disorder (see Chaps. 9 and 20).
Williams Syndrome
Williams syndrome is the result of a microdeletion on chromosome 7 at the q11.23 locus and involves, among others, the elastin (ELN) gene. The condition is usually sporadic, but as with the 22q microdeletion syndrome, can also follow an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance. As infants, affected individuals tend to experience failure to thrive, gastrointestinal complications, delayed milestones, and delayed speech. The rate of growth is slow, and mental retardation, characteristic facial features, cardiovascular defects, urinary tract abnormalities, and joint problems are often present. One of the most interesting features of Williams syndrome is the unique, characteristic personality. Affected individuals tend to be extremely friendly and talkative. Certain behavior problems, such as a generalized anxiety and sleep difficulties, can be encountered [21, 26]. See Chap. 9.
Smith-Magenis Syndrome
Smith-Magenis syndrome, which is the result of a deletion involving the short arm of chromosome 17 [del(17)(p11.2p11.2)], is almost always sporadic. In infancy, individuals with Smith-Magenis syndrome tend to have feeding problems and low muscle tone. Language and motor skills are delayed, and mental retardation is a feature of the condition. Other features include short stature, severe sleep disturbances, characteristic facial features that become more evident with age, and behavioral problems. The behavioral problems often include self-injury, attention deficit, and temper tantrums [18, 21, 27].
Miller-Dieker Syndrome
Miller-Dieker syndrome is also the result of an interstitial deletion involving the short arm of chromosome 17 [del(17)(p13.3p13.3)], more distal than that seen in Smith-Magenis syndrome. The abnormalities associated with this condition involve the central nervous system, with lissencephaly, or a smooth brain, being a characteristic feature. This results in severe mental retardation, seizures, low muscle tone, and a small head size. Certain characteristic facial features are also associated with Miller-Dieker syndrome. The majority of affected individuals die within the first two years of life. Approximately 80% of affected individuals have a sporadic deletion. However, the remaining 20% inherit the deletion from a parent with a balanced chromosome rearrangement [21, 28].
Subtelomere Rearrangements
Cryptic microdeletions, or subtle rearrangements near the tips of chromosomes, are estimated to be a common cause of mental retardation, with or without dysmorphic features. Unbalanced subtelomere rearrangements are reported to occur in 7.4% of individuals with moderate to severe mental retardation and can be detected with FISH probes for the unique subtelomeric regions of most chromosomes (see Chap. 17) [29]. The identification of such an unbalanced rearrangement in a phenotypically abnormal individual allows subtelomeric FISH studies to be offered to the parents, and other at-risk family members, to determine if one of them carries a balanced subtelomeric rearrangement. Based upon the results of the parental analyses, recurrence risks can be more accurately quoted. Certain other clinical indications for subtelomere analysis, such as characterization of known chromosomal abnormalities, have been noted in the literature [30, 31]. Subtelomeric abnormalities are now more often diagnosed with microarray analysis (see Chap. 18).

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