
Canberra, Aust Capital Terr, Australia


Scientific Name

Costus erythrophyllus Loes.


Costus claviger Benoist



Common/English Names

Blood Red Spiral Costus, Oxblood Ginger, Violet Spiral Flag

Vernacular Names

  • German: Rotblättriger Spiralingwer, Rotblättriger Zieringwer


The species is a native of Amazonian Peru and Ecuador.


The plant thrives in a tropical/subtropical climate. It grows in a humus-rich, well-drained, friable, moist soil in partial or fully shaded position.

Edible Plant Parts and Uses

The flowers have been reported edible (Carle 1995; King 2007).

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May 21, 2017 | Posted by in PHARMACY | Comments Off on erythrophyllus

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