Chapter 20 1. Describe the general characteristics of the Enterobacteriaceae, including oxygenation, microscopic Gram staining characteristics, and macroscopic appearance on blood and MacConkey agar. 2. Describe the chemical principle of the media used for the isolation and differentiation of Enterobacteriaceae, including xylose-lysine-deoxycholate agar (XLD), Salmonella-Shigella agar (SS), Hektoen enteric agar (HE), MacConkey agar (MAC), eosin methylene blue agar (EMB), cefsulodin-irgasan-novobiocin agar (CIN), Simmons citrate agar (CIT), gram-negative broth (GN), MacConkey agar with sorbitol (MAC-SOR), lysine iron agar (LIA), and triple sugar iron agar (TSI). 3. Describe the antigens used for serotyping in Enterobacteriaceae, including bacterial location, chemical structure, heat stability, and nomenclature. 4. List the members of the Enterobacteriaceae that are considered intestinal pathogens (rather than extraintestinal pathogens). 5. Compare and contrast infections with the various pathotypes of Escherichia coli (i.e., uropathogenic E. coli [UPEC], meningitis/sepsis–associated E. coli [MNEC], enterotoxigenic E. coli [ETEC], enteroinvasive E. coli [EIEC], enteroaggregative E. coli [EAEC], enteropathogenic E. coli [EPEC], and enterohemorrhagic E. coli [EHEC]), including the route of transmission, types of infection, and pathogenesis. 6. Explain the clinical significance of E. coli O157:H7 and the recommended diagnostic testing for confirmation of infection. 7. Outline the basic biochemical testing procedure to differentiate Enterobacteriaceae from other gram-negative rods. 8. Define ESBL and interpret an antibiotic profile as either positive, negative for ESBL, including corrections required before reporting results. 9. Define MDRTF and the antibiotic susceptibility recommendations associated with identification of an MDRTF isolate. 10. Define an extended spectrum cephalosporin resistance and explain the clinical significance and identification in the clinical laboratory. 11. Describe the modified Hodge test (MHT) procedure, including the chemical principle and clinical significance of the test with regard to carbapenemase resistance. 12. Differentiate Salmonella spp. and Shigella spp. based on biochemical testing. 13. Differentiate Yersinia spp. from the major pathogens among the Enterobacteriaceae. 14. Correlate signs and symptoms of infection with the results of laboratory diagnostic procedures for the identification of a clinical isolate in the Enterobacteriaceae family. Enterobacteriaceae inhabit a wide variety of niches, including the human gastrointestinal tract, the gastrointestinal tract of other animals, and various environmental sites. Some are agents of zoonoses, causing infections in animal populations (Table 20-1). Just as the reservoirs for these organisms vary, so do their modes of transmission to humans. TABLE 20-1 Epidemiology of Clinically Relevant Enterobacteriaceae The clinically relevant members of the Enterobacteriaceae can be considered as two groups: the opportunistic pathogens and the intestinal pathogens. Typhi and Shigella spp. are among the latter group and are causative agents of typhoid fever and dysentery, respectively. Yersinia pestis is not an intestinal pathogen, but it is the causative agent of plague. The identification of these organisms in clinical material is serious and always significant. These organisms, in addition to others, produce various potent virulence factors and can cause life-threatening infections (Table 20-2). TABLE 20-2 Pathogenesis and Spectrum of Disease for Clinically Relevant Enterobacteriaceae • Gastroenteritis and diarrhea caused by a wide variety of serotypes that produce infections limited to the mucosa and submucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. S. serotype Typhimurium and S. serotype Enteritidis are the serotypes most commonly associated with Salmonella gastroenteritis in the United States. • Bacteremia and extraintestinal infections occur by spread from the gastrointestinal tract. These infections usually involve S. Choleraesuis or S. dublin, although any serotype may cause these infections. • Enteric fever (typhoid fever, or typhoid) is characterized by prolonged fever and multisystem involvement, including blood, lymph nodes, liver, and spleen. This life-threatening infection is most frequently caused by S. serotype Typhi; more rarely, S. serotypes Paratyphi A, B or C. Citrobacter organisms are inhabitants of the intestinal tract. The most common clinical manifestation in patients as a result of infection occurs in the urinary tract. However, additional infections, including septicemias, meningitis, brain abscesses, and neurologic complications, have been associated with Citrobacter spp. Transmission is typically person to person. Table 20-3 provides an outline of the biochemical differentiation of the most common clinically isolated Citrobacter species. C. freundii may harbor inducible AmpC genes that encode resistance to ampicillin and first-generation cephalosporins. TABLE 20-3 Biochemical Differentiation of Citrobacter Species neg, Negative < 15%; ODC, ornithine decarboxylase; pos, positive ≥ 85%; V, variable 15% to 84%. From Versalovic J: Manual of clinical microbiology, ed 10, 2011, Washington, DC, ASM Press. P. shigelloides is unusual in that it is among the few species of clinically relevant bacteria that decarboxylate lysine, ornithine, and arginine. It is important to distinguish Aeromonas spp. from P. shigelloides., since both are oxidase positive. This is accomplished by using the string test described in Chapter 26. The DNase test may also be used to differentiate these organisms. Aeromonas spp. are DNase positive and Plesiomonas organisms are DNase negative. Enterobacteriaceae are typically isolated from a variety of sources in combination with other more fastidious organisms. No special considerations are required for specimen collection and transport of the organisms discussed in this chapter. (See Table 5-1 for general information on specimen collection and transport.) No special considerations are required for processing of the great majority of organisms discussed in this chapter. The one exception is Yersinia pestis. This organism is a select agent. Manipulation of specimens suspected of containing this organism would generate aerosols and should be handled using Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) conditions. Refer to Table 5-1 for general information on specimen processing. Most Enterobacteriaceae grow well on routine laboratory media, such as 5% sheep blood, chocolate, and MacConkey agars. In addition to these media, selective agars, such as Hektoen enteric (HE) agar, xylose-lysine-deoxycholate (XLD) agar, and Salmonella–Shigella (SS) agar, are commonly used to cultivate enteric pathogens from gastrointestinal specimens (see Chapter 59 for more information about laboratory procedures for the diagnosis of bacterial gastrointestinal infections). The broths used in blood culture systems, as well as thioglycollate and brain-heart infusion broths, all support the growth of Enterobacteriaceae. Table 20-4 presents a complete description of the laboratory media used to isolate Enterobacteriaceae. TABLE 20-4 Biochemical Media used in the Differentiation and Isolation of Enterobacteriaceae
Habitat (Reservoir)
Mode of Transmission
Escherichia coli
Normal bowel flora of humans and other animals; may also inhabit female genital tract
Varies with the type of infection. For nongastrointestinal infections, organisms may be endogenous or spread person to person, especially in the hospital setting.
For gastrointestinal infections, the transmission mode varies with the strain of E. coli (see Table 20-2); it may involve fecal-oral spread between humans in contaminated food or water or consumption of undercooked beef or unpasteurized milk from colonized cattle
Shigella spp.
Only found in humans at times of infection; not part of normal bowel flora
Person-to-person spread by fecal-oral route, especially in overcrowded areas, group settings (e.g., daycare) and areas with poor sanitary conditions
Salmonella serotype Typhi
Salmonella serotypes Paratyphi A, B, C
Only found in humans but not part of normal bowel flora
Person-to-person spread by fecal-oral route by ingestion of food or water contaminated with human excreta
Other Salmonella spp.
Widely disseminated in nature and associated with various animals
Ingestion of contaminated food products processed from animals, frequently of poultry or dairy origin. Direct person-to-person transmission by fecal-oral route can occur in health care settings when hand-washing guidelines are not followed
Edwardsiella tarda
Gastrointestinal tract of cold-blooded animals, such as reptiles
Uncertain; probably by ingestion of contaminated water or close contact with carrier animal
Yersinia pestis
Carried by urban and domestic rats and wild rodents, such as the ground squirrel, rock squirrel, and prairie dog
From rodents to humans by the bite of flea vectors or by ingestion of contaminated animal tissues; during human epidemics of pneumonic (i.e., respiratory) disease, the organism can be spread directly from human to human by inhalation of contaminated airborne droplets; rarely transmitted by handling or inhalation of infected animal tissues or fluids
Yersinia enterocolitica
Dogs, cats, rodents, rabbits, pigs, sheep, and cattle; not part of normal human microbiota
Consumption of incompletely cooked food products (especially pork), dairy products such as milk, and, less commonly, by ingestion of contaminated water or by contact with infected animals
Yersinia pseudotuberculosis
Rodents, rabbits, deer, and birds; not part of normal human microbiota
Ingestion of organism during contact with infected animal or from contaminated food or water
Citrobacter spp., Enterobacter spp., Klebsiella spp., Morganella spp., Proteus spp., Providencia spp., and Serratia spp.
Normal human gastrointestinal microbiota
Endogenous or person-to-person spread, especially in hospitalized patients
Pathogenesis and Spectrum of Diseases
Virulence Factors
Spectrum of Disease and Infections
Escherichia coli (as a cause of extraintestinal infections)
Several, including endotoxin, capsule production pili that mediate attachment to host cells
Urinary tract infections, bacteremia, neonatal meningitis, and nosocomial infections of other various body sites. Most common cause of gram-negative nosocomial infections.
Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC)
Pili that permit gastrointestinal colonization. Heat-labile (LT) and heat-stable (ST) enterotoxins that mediate secretion of water and electrolytes into the bowel lumen
Traveler’s and childhood diarrhea, characterized by profuse, watery stools. Transmitted by contaminated food and water.
Enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC)
Virulence factors uncertain, but organism invades enterocytes lining the large intestine in a manner nearly identical to Shigella
Dysentery (i.e., necrosis, ulceration, and inflammation of the large bowel); usually seen in young children living in areas of poor sanitation.
Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC)
Bundle-forming pilus, intimin, and other factors that mediate organism attachment to mucosal cells of the small bowel, resulting in changes in cell surface (i.e., loss of microvilli)
Diarrhea in infants in developing, low-income nations; can cause a chronic diarrhea.
Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC, VTEC, or STEC)
Toxin similar to Shiga toxin produced by Shigella dysenteriae. Most frequently associated with certain serotypes, such as E. coli O157:H7
Inflammation and bleeding of the mucosa of the large intestine (i.e., hemorrhagic colitis); can also lead to hemolytic-uremic syndrome, resulting from toxin-mediated damage to kidneys. Transmitted by ingestion of undercooked ground beef or raw milk.
Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC)
Probably involves binding by pili, ST-like, and hemolysin-like toxins; actual pathogenic mechanism is unknown
Watery diarrhea that in some cases can be prolonged. Mode of transmission is not well understood.
Shigella spp.
Several factors involved to mediate adherence and invasion of mucosal cells, escape from phagocytic vesicles, intercellular spread, and inflammation. Shiga toxin role in disease is uncertain, but it does have various effects on host cells.
Dysentery defined as acute inflammatory colitis and bloody diarrhea characterized by cramps, tenesmus, and bloody, mucoid stools. Infections with S. sonnei may produce only watery diarrhea.
Salmonella serotypes
Several factors help protect organisms from stomach acids, promote attachment and phagocytosis by intestinal mucosal cells, allow survival in and destruction of phagocytes, and facilitate dissemination to other tissues.
Three general categories of infection are seen:
Yersinia pestis
Multiple factors play a role in the pathogenesis of this highly virulent organism. These include the ability to adapt for intracellular survival and production of an antiphagocytic capsule, exotoxins, endotoxins, coagulase, and fibrinolysin.
Two major forms of infection are bubonic plague and pneumonic plague. Bubonic plague is characterized by high fever and painful inflammatory swelling of axilla and groin lymph nodes (i.e., the characteristic buboes); infection rapidly progresses to fulminant bacteremia that is frequently fatal if untreated. Pneumonic plague involves the lungs and is characterized by malaise and pulmonary signs; the respiratory infection can occur as a consequence of bacteremic spread associated with bubonic plague or can be acquired by the airborne route during close contact with other pneumonic plague victims; this form of plague is also rapidly fatal.
Yersinia enterocolitica subsp. enterocolitica
Various factors encoded on a virulence plasmid allow the organism to attach to and invade the intestinal mucosa and spread to lymphatic tissue.
Enterocolitis characterized by fever, diarrhea, and abdominal pain; also can cause acute mesenteric lymphadenitis, which may present clinically as appendicitis (i.e., pseudoappendicular syndrome). Bacteremia can occur with this organism but is uncommon.
Yersinia pseudotuberculosis
Similar to those of Y. enterocolitica
Causes infections similar to those described for Y. enterocolitica but is much less common.
Citrobacter spp., Enterobacter spp., Klebsiella spp., Morganella spp., Proteus spp., Providencia spp., and Serratia spp.
Several factors, including endotoxins, capsules, adhesion proteins, and resistance to multiple antimicrobial agents
Wide variety of nosocomial infections of the respiratory tract, urinary tract, blood, and several other normally sterile sites; most frequently infect hospitalized and seriously debilitated patients.
Specific Organisms
Opportunistic Human Pathogens
Citrobacter spp. (C. freundii, C. koseri, C. braakii)
C. braakii
C. freundii
C. koseri
Plesiomonas shigelloides
Laboratory Diagnosis
Specimen Collection and Transport
Specimen Processing
Media of Choice
Blood agar (sheep) (SBA, BAP)
Hemolysis of RBCs:
Routinely used to cultivate moderately fastidious organisms; TSA with 5% to 10% defibrinated blood.
Screening colonies for the oxidase enzyme
Cefsulodin-irgasan-novobiocin agar (CIN)
Selective inhibition of gram-negative and gram-positive organisms
Fermentation of mannitol in the presence of neutral red. Macroscopic colonial appearance: colorless or pink colonies with red center.
Isolation of Yersinia enterocolitica
Citrate agar, Simmons (CIT)
Citrate as the sole carbon source, ammonium salt as nitrate. Ammonium salt alteration changes pH to alkaline, bromthymol blue shifts from green to blue.
Detect organisms capable of citrate utilization
Decarboxylases (ornithine, arginine, lysine)
Incorporate amino acid as differential media (e.g., lysine, arginine, or ornithine). Decarboxylation yields alkaline, pH-sensitive bromcresol purple dye. Basal medium serves as a control.
Incubate for up to 4 days. Fermentative organisms turn media yellow, using glucose. [H+] increases, making optimal conditions for decarboxylation. Conversion of the aa to amines raises the pH, reversing the yellow to purple. Nonfermenters turn the purple a deeper color.
Differentiate fermentative and nonfermentative gram-negative bacteria.
Eosin/methylene blue agar (EMB)
Eosin Y and methylene blue dyes inhibit the growth of gram-positive bacteria.
Lactose and sucrose for differentiation based on fermentation. Sucrose is an alternate energy source for slow lactose fermenters, allowing quick differentiation from pathogens.
Identification of gram-negative bacteria.
E coli: Lactose fermenter, forms blue-black with a metallic green sheen.
Other coliform fermenters form pink colonies.
Nonfermenters: Translucent, either amber or colorless.
Gram-negative broth (GN)
Deoxycholate and citrate salts inhibit gram-positive bacteria.
Increasing mannitol, which temporarily favors the growth of mannitol-fermenting, gram-negative rods (e.g., Salmonella and Shigella spp.)
Enhances the recovery of enteric pathogens from fecal specimens
Hektoen enteric agar (HEK)
Bile salts inhibit gram-positive and many gram-negative normal intestinal flora.
Differential lactose, salicin, and sucrose with a pH indicator bromthymol blue and ferric salts to detect hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Most pathogens ferment one or both sugars and appear bright orange to salmon pink because of the pH interaction with the dye. Nonfermenters appear green to blue green. H2S production produces a black precipitate in the colonies.
Detection of enteric pathogens from feces or from selective enrichment broth
Lysine iron agar (LIA)
Contains lysine, glucose, and protein, bromocresol purple (pH indicator) and sodium thiosulfate/ferric ammonium citrate. Purple denotes alkaline (K), red color (R), acid (A).
K/K: Organism decarboxylates but cannot deaminate, ferments glucose, first butt is yellow. Decarboxylates lysine producing alkaline; changes back to purple.
K/A: Organism fermented glucose but was unable to deaminate or decarboxylate lysine.
Bordeaux red and yellow butt.
R/A: Organism deaminated lysine but could not decarboxylate it. The lysine deamination combines with the ferric ammonium citrate, forming a burgundy color.
Blackening of the butt indicates production of H2S.
Measures three parameters that are useful for identifying Enterobacteriaceae (lysine decarboxylation, lysine deamination, and H2S production)
MacConkey agar (MAC)
Bile salts and crystal violet inhibit most gram-positive organisms and permit growth of gram-negative rods.
Lactose serves as the sole carbohydrate. Lactose fermenters produce pink or red colonies, may be precipitated bile salts may surround colonies. Non–lactose fermenters appear colorless or transparent.
Selection for gram-negative organisms and differentiating Enterobacteriaceae
MacConkey-sorbitol (MAC-SOR)
Same as regular MacConkey except D-sorbitol is substituted for lactose. Sorbitol-negative organisms are clear and may indicate E. coli O157:H7.
Used to isolate Escherichia coli O157:H7
Motility test medium
Nonmotile organisms grow clearly only on stab line, and the surrounding medium remains clear. Motile organisms move out of the stab line and make the medium appear diffusely cloudy.
Determine motility for an organism. Identification and differentiation of Enterobacteriaceae. Shigella and Klebsiella spp. are nonmotile; Yersinia sp. are motile at room temperature. Listeria monocytogenes (not an Enterobacteriaceae) has umbrella-shaped motility.
Salmonella–Shigella agar (SS)
Bile salts, sodium citrate, and brilliant green, which inhibit gram-positive organisms and some lactose-fermenting, gram-negative rods normally found in the stool.
Lactose is the sole carbohydrate, and neutral red is the pH indicator. Fermenters produce acid and change the indicator to pink-red. Sodium thiosulfate is added as a source of sulfur for the production of hydrogen sulfide. Also includes ferric ammonium citrate to react with H2S and produce a black precipitate in the center of the colony. Shigella spp. appear colorless. Salmonella spp. are colorless with a black center.
Select for Salmonella spp. and some strains of Shigella from stool specimens.
Triple sugar iron agar (TSI)
Contains glucose, sucrose, and lactose. Sucrose and lactose are present in 10 times the quantity of the glucose; phenol red is the pH indicator. Turns to yellow when sugars are fermented because of drop in pH. Sodium thiosulfate plus ferric ammonium sulfate as H2S indicator.
Acid/acid (A/A): Glucose and lactose and/or sucrose (or both) fermentation.
Gas bubbles: Production of gas.
Visible air breaks or pockets in agar.
Black precipitate: H2S.
Alkaline/acid (K/A): Glucose fermentation but not lactose or sucrose.
Alkaline/alkaline (K/K): No fermentation of dextrose, lactose, or sucrose.
Differentiates glucose fermenters from non– glucose fermenters; also contains tests for sucrose and/or lactose fermentation, as well as gas production during glucose fermentation and H2S production.
Urea agar
Urea is hydrolyzed to form carbon dioxide, water, and ammonia. Ammonia reacts with components of the medium to form ammonium carbonate, raising the pH, which changes the pH indicator, phenol red, to pink. Limited protein in the medium prevents protein metabolism from causing a false-positive reaction.
Identification of Enterobacteriaceae species capable of producing urease.
(Citrobacter, Klebsiella, Proteus, Providencia, and Yersinia spp.)
Xylose-lysine-deoxycholate agar (XLD)
Sodium deoxycholate inhibits gram-positive cocci and some gram-negative rods. Contains less bile salts than other formulations of enteric media (e.g., SS, HEK) and therefore permits better recovery.
Sucrose and lactose in excess concentrations and xylose in lower amounts. Phenol red is the pH indicator.
Lysine is included to detect decarboxylation.
Sodium thiosulfate/ferric ammonium citrate allows the production of H2S.
The following types of colonies may be seen:
Yellow: Fermentation of the excess carbohydrates to produce acid; because of the carbohydrate use, the organisms do not decarboxylate lysine, even though they may have the enzyme.
Colorless or red: Produced by organisms that do not ferment any of the sugars.
Yellow to red: Fermentation of xylose (yellow), but because it is in small amounts, it is used up quickly, and the organisms switch to decarboxylation of lysine, turning the medium back to red.
Black precipitate is formed from the production of H2S.
Selective media used to isolate Salmonella and Shigella spp. from stool and other specimens containing mixed flora Stay updated, free articles. Join our Telegram channel
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