Mongolian Spot in Sacral Region This is the classic location for a Mongolian spot, over the sacral area. There may also be patches in other areas of the back.
Mongolian Spot on Arm This is an aberrant Mongolian spot located on the arm. It was present at birth. These lesions overlap with blue nevi and do not always resolve.
Mongolian Spot at Low Magnification This low-magnification view of a Mongolian spot shows a normal epidermis and pigmented cells scattered through the dermis.
Mongolian Spot at High Magnification This high-magnification view of a Mongolian spot shows dendritic melanocytes with cytoplasmic melanin pigment in the deep dermis.
• Age
Often evident at birth but occasionally manifest later
• Ethnicity
More common in Asians
• Nevus of Ota
Located near/involving eye (conjunctiva)
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