Decontamination and disinfection

Chapter 17

Decontamination and disinfection

Key terms and definitions


Kills gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria unless specifically stated to the contrary (adj: bactericidal). Action may be specific to a species of bacteria.


Inhibits growth of bacteria.


Degree of microbial load on an item before sterilization.


Microbial load attached to a surface in a fluid environment. Microbes in slime adhere to surfaces of all kinds of moist material, such as implantable metals, plastics, and tissue, causing antibiotic resistance.8


Process by which chemical or physical agents are used to clean inanimate, noncritical surfaces. A specific contact time is not specified. A low-level disinfectant is commonly used for this purpose. If a known organism, such as HBV, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, or HIV, is present on the surface, an intermediate-level disinfectant should be used.

Deionized water 

Water that has been processed through synthetic cation-anion resins to remove the positively or negatively charged ions.


Chemical or physical process of destroying most forms of pathogenic microorganisms except bacterial endospores; used for inanimate objects but not on tissue. The degree of disinfection depends primarily on the strength of the agent, the nature of the contamination, and the purpose for the process.

High-level disinfection 

Process that destroys all microorganisms except high numbers of bacterial endospores.

Intermediate-level disinfection 

Process that inactivates vegetative bacteria, including M. tuberculosis, and most fungi and viruses but does not kill bacterial endospores.

Low-level disinfection 

Process that kills most bacteria, some viruses, and some fungi but does not destroy resistant microorganisms, such as M. tuberculosis or bacterial endospores.

Distilled water 

The process of evaporating water and creating condensation from the steam that is collected for future use.


Forms of bacterial classes clostridia and Bacillus that are generated when living conditions are not favorable. Protective capsule that forms inside specific bacterial species encircles and protects the genetic matter to resist destructive forces, such as disinfection or sterilization.


Kills fungi.


Not a method of sterilization. This heating process kills many pathogenic microorganisms that are found in biosubstances such as milk or wine.


Kills endospores.


Kills viruses.

Central processing department

Workflow in the processing areas

The central service (CS) personnel work within confined areas in a specialized department. Each CS worker has a specified set of duties based on infection control parameters of the facility. The surgical services central processing department (CPD) is located in close proximity to the main surgical suite to minimize the potential for cross-contamination between soiled and clean instruments and supplies. CPD is comprised of the decontamination area, set assembly room, sterile processing, sterile storage, and case cart packing room.

CPD is set up to receive soiled instruments through one entrance, the decontamination room. The soiled instruments are delivered by the surgical personnel to CPD covered and contained to prevent dispersal of microorganisms along the traffic pattern. Some facilities use elevators or dumbwaiters to move soiled instrumentation.

CS personnel, wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), are responsible for cleaning instruments and equipment in the decontamination area and do not enter areas where cleaned instruments are stored, packaged, or sterilized. Care is taken to assure that sharps and contaminated disposables are discarded into the proper puncture proof containers per facility policy.

The CS decontamination personnel have specialized training in cleaning many types of instruments using several methods as described in later sections in this chapter. The decontamination process renders soiled instruments safe for handling, but not safe for patient use.4 After decontamination, the cleaned instruments are transferred via a pass-through door to the instrument set assembly room. Some facilities have a conveyor system that automatically sends the cleaned items to the clean assembly area after passing through the washer.

The CS personnel in the clean set assembly room organize the instruments into standardized trays according to tray inventory sheets. Some assembly rooms have computerized scanning equipment to track instruments through bar codes and validate set contents. Most facilities have computerized instrument count sheets that correspond to the contents of the tray. A copy of the count sheet accompanies the assembled tray as it is wrapped or packed into a closed container for sterilization. CS personnel in the clean area also operate the sterilizers and place the sterilized trays in the sterile storage area until they are needed for use.

When a tray is needed for a surgical procedure other CS personnel in the sterile storage area pack a case cart with the necessary sterile tray and needed supplies for the surgical team. The case cart exits the CPD through a separate door that has no communication with the decontamination area. Detailed information concerning sterilization is found in Chapter 18.

Central service personnel

Central service (CS) personnel entrusted with the care, cleaning, assembly, and processing of patient care equipment to the appropriate degree of safety require specific training and credentialing.5 Training entails learning thousands of surgical instruments and their care. CS personnel need to know and understand all methods of instrument processing such as decontamination, disinfection, and sterilization. The role of the CS technician requires attention to detail.

Credentialing of central service personnel

New Jersey was the first state to pass legislature requiring certification for CS personnel. Personnel currently holding positions in CS are required to become certified. New hires will have 2 years from the date of hire to attain the credential as recommended by the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI). Training programs take between 6 to 12 months to complete.2 As of 2011, 14 other states are seeking to require appropriate education and certification of CS personnel. The International Association of Healthcare Central Service Materiel Management (IAHCSMM) is driving the effort to require mandatory standardization of education and certification of all CS personnel. Information about CS certification requirements can be found at

Certification signifies that an individual professional has attained specific knowledge and skill in a specific professional practice. It sets a standard for performance and raises the bar for expectations in the profession. Information about certification of CS personnel can be found at www Successful passage of the certification examination is designated by the title CRCST (certified registered central service technician) after the name of the CS employee.

The Certification Board of Sterile Processing and Distribution (CBSPD) is a sterile processing certification program accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). CBSPD offers five levels of certification: (1) technician, (2) supervisor, (3) manager, (4) surgical instrument processor, and (5) ambulatory surgery. The Ambulatory Surgery Sterile Processing Technician exam was implemented in 2005 because a job analysis survey indicated significant differences in practice between ambulatory surgery processing areas and hospital sterile processing departments. Certification is valid for 5 years.

The IAHCSMM offers short-term 1-year certification at three levels: (1) technician, (2) instrument processing, and (3) leadership. AAMI sets the standards for instrument processing in the United States and recognizes both certifying bodies.2

Certified CS individuals are recertified through examination or by continuing education credits. Becoming certified encourages individuals to seek additional training that exemplifies certification-level knowledge. Periodic competency testing should be incorporated into performance assessment. (An example of central service personnel competency testing can be found at

Instrument cleaning and decontamination

Decontamination of instrumentation is performed in a designated area by specially trained personnel immediately after completion of the surgical procedure. The scrub person can facilitate the instrument decontamination process by wiping instruments as they are used on the sterile field and then opening the instruments completely before placing in a tray for return to the processing area. Enzymatic foam or solution can applied to the instruments to prevent debris from drying during transport to the central service area. All instruments on the table during a surgical procedure require decontamination before processing to the required level of safety for patient use. The processing of endoscopes is discussed in Chapter 32.

Decontamination combines mechanical or manual cleaning and a physical or chemical microbicidal process. Prerinsing, washing, rinsing, and disinfecting/sterilizing is done in the processing department to render the instrumentation safe for handling by CS personnel.

After the formal decontamination process the instrumentation can be assembled into sets by the CS technician and processed for use by the OR staff. Methods and procedures for decontamination and disinfection vary according to the item to be processed and the recommended agent used in processing. Personal protective equipment (PPE) should be worn at all times while using chemical disinfecting agents.


The purpose of prerinsing or presoaking is to prevent blood and debris from drying on instruments or to soften and remove dried blood and debris. The circulating nurse can prepare a basin or plastic bin (with a cover) of enzymatic solution for the scrub person. For a short immersion period, instruments may be presoaked in the following:

• A triple proteolytic enzymatic detergent. Proteolytic enzymes dissolve blood and debris, and the detergent removes dissolved particulate from the surfaces of instruments, including otherwise inaccessible areas such as lumens. Enzyme-impregnated tubular sponges are commercially available from companies such as Ruhof for cleaning endoscopes and tubular instruments used in adipose and greasy tissues. (More information is available at

• An enzymatic agent diluted per manufacturer’s instructions.

• Water with a low-sudsing, near-neutral detergent. The detergent should be compatible with the local water supply.

• Plain, clean, demineralized distilled water.

• Sodium hypochlorite (chlorine bleach) is corrosive; however, it is used as a presoak in suspected or potential prion disease such as transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE). Instruments should not be soaked in any chlorine compound for more than 1 hour and should not be autoclaved with chlorine solution because of the formation of toxic chlorine gas.

• Soaking in a phenolic, guanidine thiocyanate, or sodium hydroxide is an alternative, but chlorine bleach is the most reliable in reducing the prion titer within 1 hour. These chemicals are extremely corrosive and are not appropriate for use on endoscopes.

• STERIS Corporation has developed Hamo 100. This is an alkaline prion inactivating and removal detergent that is a corrosive potassium hydroxide solution. It cannot be used with soft metal or anodized aluminum. Hamo 100 is not recommended for use with rigid or flexible endoscopes. This product has been released for use in Europe but is not currently approved for use in the United States.

Prerinsing or presoaking instruments with enzymatic solution in the OR can make further processing more efficient. Instruments should not be cleaned in scrub sinks or utility sinks in the substerile room. Instruments in an enzymatic soak solution should be transported to the processing department in a covered container.

Manual cleaning

If a washer-sterilizer or washer-decontaminator is not available, instruments are washed by hand in the processing area. The purpose of manual cleaning is to remove residual blood and debris before terminal sterilization or high-level disinfection.

Delicate and sharp instruments should be handled separately. Microsurgical and ophthalmic instruments should be cleaned and dried by hand; they are not put in a washer-sterilizer. Because moisture is conducive to corrosion, these instruments should not remain wet for long periods. Complex instruments require complete disassembly before cleaning. Other instruments require special care. For example, the outside surfaces of powered instruments must be cleaned, but these instruments cannot be immersed in liquid. Some powered equipment requires lubrication as part of the cleaning process.

Personnel in the processing area wear PPE such as caps, gloves, waterproof aprons, and face shields to prevent accidental spray from contaminated body fluids and chemical cleaning solutions.

The following steps should be observed when cleaning instruments manually:

1. Fill the washing sink with clean, warm water to which a noncorrosive, neutral pH, low-sudsing, free-rinsing detergent has been added.

a. Detergent should be compatible with the local water supply. The mineral content of water varies from one area to another; a water softener may be used in the system routinely to minimize mineral deposits. Regardless of the water content, the detergent should be anionic or nonionic and have a pH as close to neutral as possible. An alkaline detergent (pH more than 8.5) can stain instruments; an acidic detergent (pH less than 6) can corrode or pit them.

b. Proteolytic enzymatic detergents dissolve blood and protein and remove dissolved debris from crevices. These detergents are effective in a wide range of water qualities.

c. Liquid detergents are preferable because they disperse more completely than do solids. Dilute the concentration before contact with instruments to avoid corrosion and staining. Do not pour liquid or put solid detergents directly on instruments.

2. Wash instruments carefully to guard against splashing and creating aerosols.

3. Rinse instruments thoroughly in distilled or deionized water at the temperature recommended by the manufacturer. Some enzymes can be inactivated by extreme temperatures. The water should not exceed 140° F (60° C) to prevent burns of the skin. Inadequate rinsing can leave a surface residue that can stain instruments.

4. Load instruments into the appropriate trays for terminal sterilization or containers for high-level disinfection.


Mechanical cleaning and terminal sterilization/decontamination can be accomplished in an automated washer-sterilizer or washer-decontaminator. Precleaning takes place before instruments are placed in any automated machine.

A washer-sterilizer requires instruments to be prewashed by hand in germicidal solution at 110° F (43.3° C) before being placed in the machine. All bioburden must be removed for the washer-sterilizer cycle to be effective. The temperature of the washer-sterilizer ranges from 250° F to 280° F (121° C-138° C) and would cause coagulation and crusting of protein. The instruments should be thoroughly rinsed. At the end of the cycle, the instruments may be safely handled without gloves. The sets can be assembled and prepared for routine sterilization. A cycle in a washer-sterilizer makes the instruments safe to handle with the bare hands, but does not render instruments safe for immediate patient use or sterile storage.

A washer-decontaminator cleans with a spray-force action. It is similar to the washer-sterilizer in that the cycle includes a cold-water prerinse to loosen blood and protein, an alkaline low sudsing detergent wash, a neutral rinse, and finally, steam and heat. A washer-decontaminator does not reach the same temperature as a washer-sterilizer. It cleans at a maximum temperature of 140° F to 180° F (60° C-82° C), rendering the instrument safe to handle without gloves at the end of the cycle. Some models incorporate ultrasonic capabilities and lubrication for select loads. The sets can be assembled and prepared for routine sterilization when the process is complete.

An indexed washer-decontaminator has several chambers. The instrument tray automatically passes from chamber to chamber like a car wash. It is indexed for the prerinse, ultrasonic cleaning, wash, rinse and lubrication, and drying cycles. The multiple chambers of the indexed washer-decontaminator can process several trays simultaneously.

Instruments should be arranged in perforated trays for processing in the washer-sterilizer or washer-decontaminator. The following steps should be observed when arranging the instruments:

1. Place heavy instruments in a separate tray or in the bottom of a tray, with smaller, lightweight instruments on top.

2. Turn instruments with concave surfaces, such as curettes and rongeurs, with the bowl side down; this facilitates drainage of the concave surface. Be certain that bone and tissue are removed from these surfaces during precleaning.

3. Open the box locks and pivots of hinged instruments to expose maximum surface area.

4. Disassemble complex instruments that can be disassembled without tools (e.g., stapling devices).

5. Position sharp or pointed instruments carefully on top of other instruments to prevent contacts that could damage the cutting edges or surfaces of other instruments. An alternative is to either place sharp instruments in a separate tray or terminally sterilize them after manual cleaning. Fine, delicate instruments should never be put in a washer-sterilizer or washer-decontaminator because the mechanical agitation will damage them.

6. Always arrange instruments neatly. They should not be randomly piled on top of one another.

Ultrasonic cleaning

Surgical instruments vary in configuration from smooth surfaces, which respond to most types of cleaning, to complicated devices that contain box locks, serrations, grooves, blind holes, and interstices that are difficult to clean. Using high-frequency sound waves, ultrasonic energy thoroughly cleans by a process of cavitation. These sound waves generate tiny bubbles in the solution of the ultrasonic cleaner. The bubbles are small enough to get into the serrations, box locks, and crevices of instruments that are impossible to clean by other methods. The bubbles expand until they become unstable and collapse in on themselves. This implosion generates minute vacuum areas that dislodge, dissolve, or disperse soil.

For ultrasonic cleaning, precleaned and decontaminated instruments are completely immersed in the cleaning solution. The tank should be filled to a level of 1 inch (2.5 cm) above the top of the instrument tray. Suitable detergent, as specified by the manufacturer, is added. The temperature of the water should be between 100° F and 140° F (37.7° C and 60° C) to enhance the effectiveness of the detergent, but it should not be extremely hot, which would coagulate protein material on instruments. Instrument trays should be designed for maximum transmission of sonic energy. An important relationship exists among wire gauge, opening size, and sonic frequency. A large mesh of small wire size transmits more energy than heavy wire with narrow spacing.

The solution is degassed by the ultrasonic energy. Gas, which is present in most tap water, impedes the transmission of sonic energy. An electrical generator supplies electrical energy to a transducer. The transducer converts the electrical energy into mechanical energy in the form of vibrating sound waves that are not audible to the human ear because they are of such high frequency. The presence of excess gas prevents the cleaning process from being fully effective, because the cavitation bubbles fill with gas and the energy released during implosion is reduced. Tap water should be degassed for 5 minutes or longer each time it is changed. The solution should be changed at least once per shift and whenever the detergent solution is visibly soiled. The inside of the tank should be cleaned between fillings.

An ultrasonic cleaner is not a sterilizer like the washer-sterilizer. The ultrasonic process uses mechanical and chemical action to process the instrumentation, but the instrument does not go through a sterilization process that renders the item safe for handling. The terminal sterilization function is performed separately in a different machine.

Most surgical instruments, including ophthalmic instruments, microinstruments, glassware, rubber goods, and thermoplastics, can be definitively cleaned by this method to remove the tiniest particles of debris from crevices. The manufacturer’s instructions must be carefully followed. In general, these instructions include the following:

1. Arrange heavy instruments at the bottom of the tray and lightweight instruments on top.

2. Open the box locks and pivots of hinged instruments. Disassemble instruments as appropriate.

3. Protect cutting edges from other instruments. Fine, delicate microsurgical and ophthalmic instruments may be damaged by vibrations or contact with each other. Some small units may be suitable for delicate instruments.

4. Separate dissimilar metals. Do not mix stainless steel instruments with other metals because electrolysis with resultant etching may occur.

5. Do not clean plated instruments in an ultrasonic cleaner. Cavitation will accelerate the rupture and flaking of plating. Plated instruments are not suitable for use in surgery. The surface coating of the instrument could potentially flake or peel during use and leave particles in the patient’s tissues.

6. Rinse instruments thoroughly in hot deionized water after the cleaning cycle to remove any surface debris and detergent residue.

7. Dry instruments promptly and completely before reassembling or storing. Instruments will corrode, spot, or stain if they are stored with trapped moisture.


All instruments with moving parts should be lubricated after cleaning. This is particularly important after ultrasonic cleaning, because the sonic energy removes all lubricant. Instruments are immersed in an antimicrobial water-soluble lubricant that is steam penetrable. The antimicrobial properties help prevent microbial growth in the lubricant bath, which can be reused for up to 7 days. A water-soluble lubricant deposits a thin film deep in box locks, hinges, and crevices but does not interfere with sterilization. Some lubricants also contain a rust inhibitor to prevent electrolytic mineral deposits.

Mineral oil, silicones, and machine oils are not used to lubricate instruments because they leave a residue that interferes with steam or ethylene oxide sterilization. Oiling any surgical instrument constitutes a break in technique by introducing a nonsterile item into a sterile field during its use in patient care. Oil deposits can be left in a patient’s tissues.

The lubricant should be used according to the manufacturer’s instructions for dilution, effectiveness, and exposure. To use most lubricants, instruments are completely immersed for 30 to 45 seconds; they are dipped and then allowed to drain dry. The solution is not rinsed or wiped off; excess solution can be shaken off. The thin film will evaporate during steam sterilization. This process is sometimes referred to as milking the instrument, because the solution is white and opaque like milk.

Inspecting and testing

Each instrument must be critically inspected after each cleaning. Instruments with movable parts should be inspected and tested after lubrication. Each instrument should be completely clean to ensure effective sterilization, and each should be inspected for proper function. The following essential points should be observed when inspecting an instrument after cleaning:

• Check hinged instruments for stiffness. Box locks and joints should work smoothly. Stiff joints are usually caused by inadequate cleaning. Lubrication eases stiffness temporarily. If box locks are frozen, leave the instruments in a water-soluble lubricant bath overnight, and then gently work the jaws back and forth. Reinspect the instrument for cleanliness and function.

• Test forceps for alignment. A forceps that is out of alignment can break during use. Close the jaws of the forceps slightly; if they overlap, they are out of alignment. The teeth of forceps with serrated jaws should mesh perfectly. Hold the shanks in each hand with the forceps open, and try to wiggle them. If the box lock has considerable play or is very loose, the forceps will not hold tissue securely. If a surgeon continues to use it, jaw misalignment will occur and impair the effectiveness of the forceps.

• Check the ratchet teeth. Ratchet teeth are subject to friction and metal-to-metal wear by the constant strain of closing and opening. Ratchets should close easily and hold firmly. To check this, clamp the forceps on the first tooth only. Hold the instrument at the box lock and tap the ratchet teeth lightly against a solid object. If the forceps springs open, it is faulty and should be repaired. A forceps that springs open when clamped on a blood vessel or duct is hazardous to the patient and is an annoyance to the surgeon. The ratchets must hold.

• Check the tension between the shanks. When the jaws touch, a clearance of 1/16th to 1/8th inch (1.5 to 3 mm) should be visible between the ratchet teeth of each shank. This clearance provides adequate tension at the jaws when closed. The misalignment of hinged instruments is a common problem that occurs primarily as a result of misuse. The instrument needs to be repaired or replaced if the teeth or serrations do not mesh perfectly or the jaws overlap.

• Test needle holders for needle security and precision. Clamp an appropriate-size needle in the jaws of the needle holder, and lock it on the second ratchet tooth. If the needle can be turned easily by hand, the needle holder needs repair. Using a needle holder for placement of a blade on a scalpel handle can cause the jaws of a needle holder to loosen.

• Test scissors for correctly ground and properly set blades. The blades should cut on the tips and glide over each other smoothly. Use tissue/operating scissors to cut through four layers of gauze at the tip of the blades (or through two layers if the scissors are less than 4 inches [10 cm] long). The scissors should cut with a fine, smooth feel and a minimum of pressure. Tissue scissors should not be used to cut dressings or tape.

• Electrical insulation should be intact on all reusable electrosurgical equipment. Split insulation can cause inadvertent tissue damage during use.

• Inspect the edges of sharp and semisharp instruments such as trocars, needles, chisels, osteotomes, rongeurs, and adenotomes for sharpness, chips or dents, and alignment. Remove any questionable items from service, and send for repair or replacement. Shards of metal could be deposited in the patient’s tissue during use.

• Inspect microsurgical instruments under a magnifying glass or microscope to check alignment and detect burrs on tips and nicks on cutting edges. The exact alignment of teeth on fine-tooth forceps is an absolute necessity. Microscopic teeth are very easily bent. Be certain that these instruments are thoroughly dry. A chamois is useful for drying to prevent snagging delicate tips.

• Check pins and screws of reusable staplers to be sure they are secure and intact. They can become loose or fall out during ultrasonic cleaning as a result of vibration.

• Flatten or straighten malleable instruments such as retractors and probes. Weakened or cracked items should be immediately replaced.

• Self-retaining retractors should provide free motion and sliding of the retracting blades. They should attach, slide, and detach easily. The tilts and ratchets should slide and hold as appropriate. All screws, wing nuts, and removable parts should be inspected for stripped threads.

• Demagnetize instruments by passing them back through a magnetic field. Although this is not a common occurrence, instruments can become magnetized.

• Unclean or questionable instruments should be returned to the cleaning area for ultrasonic cleaning. Instruments in poor working condition should be removed from the processing area. A place is usually designated in the OR suite or the CS department for the collection of instruments for repair. A defective instrument should be tagged as unsafe for use and not be allowed to remain in circulation.

Instrument marking for identification

New instruments may be marked for identification before they are put in service. Some manufacturers will imprint identification numbers or bar codes with a laser when their instruments are purchased. The surface of the instrument should not be etched or engraved by personnel in the department. Etching and engraving cause destruction of the instrument surface that permits trapped microorganisms and endospores.

Some facilities affix specialized heat-stable tape to instruments to color code them by sets or specialty. These tapes must withstand cleaning and sterilizing without peeling. They must be replaced if they loosen. The tape is wrapped around the circumference of the handle but should not overlap. The edges should just meet. The presence of marking tape allows debris to accumulate in the folds. Worn or peeling tape leaves an adhesive residue on the instrument that is hard to remove and attracts debris. The tape manufacturers have commercial tape-removal systems available for purchase. The kits include a tape cutter and solvent that is safe for use on instruments.

Instrument processing departments may find that a loose-leaf binder containing pictures and descriptions of each instrument is useful for the identification of specialty set contents. This process can be cumbersome and time consuming because manufacturers use different numbers and names for similar devices.

Repairing or restoring versus replacing instruments

Instruments in poor working condition inhibit the surgeon and create a serious hazard for the patient. Instruments should be repaired at the first sign of damage or malfunction. If an instrument breaks during a procedure, all pieces should be accounted for in their entirety. A lighted magnifying lens is a useful central service tool for examining instrumentation.


Even with normal usage, the blades of scissors and the edges of other cutting instruments become dull over time, just as kitchen knives do at home. Steam sterilization causes the softening of the metal that in turn dulls the edge. Cutting instruments must be sharp. For this reason, scalpel blades are disposed of after a single patient use. Osteotomes, chisels, gouges, and meniscotomes can be sharpened by specialty companies that use handheld hones or a honing machine designed for this purpose. Some specialty instrument repair companies will come to the facility in a mobile van fully equipped with all the machines and tools needed to recondition and repair surgical instruments. Scissors, curettes, rongeurs, and reamers should be frequently rotated for sharpening. OR personnel are not qualified to sharpen or repair surgical instruments.

Drill bits and saw blades should be single-use items. Reuse and processing causes the cutting edges to rip tissue instead of cutting. Stiff joints or frozen box locks are the result of inadequate cleaning or corrosion caused by trapped moisture or a corrosive substance. The instrument should be repaired before the box lock cracks and the instrument must be replaced.

After repeated use, instruments eventually wear, misalign, and stiffen. Parts such as inserts, screws, or springs may need to be replaced. The life of many instruments can be extended by preventive maintenance or prompt repair.

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