Hip and Thigh Fractures
24 Hip and Thigh Fractures Anatomy of the Hip and Thigh Hip Joint and Ligaments Femur Femur • Parts and landmarks: head; fovea (for round ligament); neck; greater trochanter; lesser…
24 Hip and Thigh Fractures Anatomy of the Hip and Thigh Hip Joint and Ligaments Femur Femur • Parts and landmarks: head; fovea (for round ligament); neck; greater trochanter; lesser…
3 Vertebral Fractures Anatomy of the Vertebral Column Vertebral Column and Spine Articulated Vertebrae and Spine • Number: 31 = C7 + T12 + L5 + S5 + Co4 •…
13 Liver Diseases Anatomy of the Liver Liver in Situ Surfaces and Bed of Liver Basic Gross Anatomy • Liver develops in ventral mesogastrium, surrounded by peritoneum, except for bare…
26 Ankle and Foot Fractures Anatomy of the Ankle and Foot Bones of the Foot Malleoli • Articulate with trochlea of talus • Medial malleolus: distal tibia • Lateral malleolus:…
25 Knee and Leg Fractures Anatomy of Knee and Leg Bones of the Leg (Right) Patella • Largest sesamoid bone, attached between quadriceps and patellar tendons • Patellar tendon attaches…
20 Pectoral Girdle Fractures Anatomy of the Pectoral Girdle Shoulder Bones and Ligaments Clavicle Clavicle • Parts and landmarks: sternal end/facet, impression for costoclavicular ligament, shaft (body), conoid tubercle, trapezoid…
4 Breast Diseases Anatomy of the Breast Mammary Gland Basic Structure • Adipose tissue and lactiferous glands lie between superficial and deep layers of superficial thoracic fascia. • Cooper’s (suspensory)…
17 Pelvic Fractures Anatomy of the Pelvic Skeleton Bony Pelvis and Ligaments Coxal Bones (Os Coxae; 2) Ilium: Parts and Landmarks • Crest, ala (wing), fossa (of false pelvis), articular…
15 Small Intestine Diseases Anatomy of the Small Intestine Greater Omentum and Abdominal Viscera Duodenum • See Chapter 10, Gastroduodenal Diseases. Jejunum • 40% of small intestine • Few large…