May fill with bile sludge, stones, &/or pus
May affect entire liver or limited to 1 lobe, more commonly left
Dilated ducts may show periductal fibrosis, acute and chronic inflammation, ulceration, or abscess formation
Background liver may show features of congenital hepatic fibrosis or biliary cirrhosis
Top Differential Diagnoses
Primary sclerosing cholangitis
Recurrent pyogenic cholangitis
Polycystic liver disease
Congenital cystic dilatation of intrahepatic biliary tree
Communicating cavernous ectasia
Type V choledochal cyst
Caroli disease: Segmental dilatation of larger intrahepatic bile ducts without other hepatic abnormalities
Caroli syndrome: Segmental dilatation of larger intrahepatic bile ducts in association with congenital hepatic fibrosis
Developmental Anomaly
Total or partial arrest of remodeling of ductal plates during embryogenesis
Caroli disease
Affects larger ducts, mainly segmental ducts
Caroli syndrome
Affects larger and smaller ducts, including interlobular ducts
Primarily autosomal recessive inheritance, but can be autosomal dominant