Chapter 20 Bones and Joints
1 What are the main anatomic portions of tubular long bones?
The midportion of a tubular long bone is called the diaphysis. The articular portion of these bones is called epiphysis. The part of the bone between the epiphysis and the diaphysis is called the metaphysis. In growing bones of children and adolescents, the midportion of the metaphysis contains the physis or the cartilaginous growth plate. The calcifying growth plates, easily recognizable on x-ray, are called secondary ossification centers, in contrast to primary ossification centers, a term used for the subperiosteal cortical bone formation. See Fig. 20-1.
2 Name the main bone-forming cells in the bone
4 What are the most important bone diseases?
6 What is amelia?
A congenital abnormality characterized by an absence of upper or lower extremities or both.
13 List the causes of dwarfism
18 What are the risk factors for developing osteoporosis?
19 Is primary osteoporosis a single entity?
22 Does osteoporosis cause biochemical abnormalities that can be detected in the clinical laboratory?
25 What is the cause of osteomalacia?
30 Are the bone lesions of hyperparathyroidism localized or diffuse?
39 Describe how clinical laboratory data help in the diagnosis of metabolic bone diseases
The clinical laboratory has an invaluable role in the study of bone diseases that present radiologically as osteopenia or osteopenia combined with osteosclerosis. The complete workup of the patient will typically require information on the serum calcium, phosphate, and alkaline phosphatase, which then can be supplemented with more expensive tests, such as measurement of PTH and vitamin D in blood. Typical findings are listed in Table 20-1.
45 How do bone fractures heal?
The healing of bone fractures is a continuous process that can be divided into three stages: