24 Lipids: Lipid Mediators of Inflammation

Jun 18, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on 24 Lipids: Lipid Mediators of Inflammation

CHAPTER 24 Lipids: Lipid Mediators of Inflammation CHAPTER OUTLINE Lipoxins Activities of the Lipoxins Actions of Aspirin via Lipid Modulators of Inflammation Actions of the Resolvins and Protectins High-Yield Terms…

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3 Lipids of Biological Significance

Jun 18, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on 3 Lipids of Biological Significance

CHAPTER 3   Lipids of Biological Significance CHAPTER OUTLINE Major Roles of Biological Lipids Fatty Acids     Omega-3, and -6 PUFAs     Triglycerides (Triacylglycerols) Phospholipids     Plasmalogens     Sphingolipids High-Yield Terms Essential fatty acid: fatty acid…

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23 Lipids: Bioactive Lipids and Lipid-Sensing Receptors

Jun 18, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on 23 Lipids: Bioactive Lipids and Lipid-Sensing Receptors

CHAPTER 23 Lipids: Bioactive Lipids and Lipid-Sensing Receptors CHAPTER OUTLINE Bioactive Lipids and Lipid-Sensing Receptors Fatty Acids and Fatty Acid–Sensing GPCRs GPR120: Obesity and Diabetes Oleoylethanolamide Biological Activities of Omega-3…

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5 Protein Structure and Function

Jun 18, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on 5 Protein Structure and Function

CHAPTER 5   Protein Structure and Function CHAPTER OUTLINE Primary Structure in Proteins Secondary Structure in Proteins     The α-Helix     β-Sheets Super-Secondary Structure Tertiary Structure of Proteins Forces Controlling Protein Structure     Hydrogen Bonding…

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11 Carbohydrates: Fructose Metabolism and Feeding Behaviors

Jun 18, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on 11 Carbohydrates: Fructose Metabolism and Feeding Behaviors

CHAPTER 11 Carbohydrates: Fructose Metabolism and Feeding Behaviors CHAPTER OUTLINE Dietary Fructose Activation of Fructose Entry of Fructose into Glycolysis Fructose Consumption and Feeding Behaviors Metabolic Disruption With Fructose Consumption…

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12 Carbohydrates: Galactose Metabolism

Jun 18, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on 12 Carbohydrates: Galactose Metabolism

CHAPTER 12 Carbohydrates: Galactose Metabolism CHAPTER OUTLINE Dietary Galactose Entry of Galactose Into Glycolysis Disorders of Galactose Metabolism High-Yield Terms β-Galactosidase: intestinal enzyme complex involved in the hydrolysis of lactose…

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The Cytogenetics of Hematologic Neoplasms

Jun 17, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on The Cytogenetics of Hematologic Neoplasms

Fig. 15.1 G-banded karyogram of a normal bone marrow cell Table 15.1 Glossary of cytogenetics terminology used in this chapter Acentric fragment A chromosome fragment lacking a centromere and therefore…

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The Cytogenetics of Solid Tumors

Jun 17, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on The Cytogenetics of Solid Tumors

Tumor Chromosomal aberration(s) Gene(s) involved Clinical significance References Glial Pilocytic astrocytoma Gain of 5, 7/7q common, followed by 6, 8, 11, 12, 17, 19, 22 KIAA1549-BRAF from BRAF tandem duplication…

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Structural Chromosome Rearrangements

Jun 17, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on Structural Chromosome Rearrangements

Fig. 9.1 Chromosome rearrangements can be produced by nonallelic homologous recombination between shared sequences or repeats of identical (direct repeats) or opposite (inverted repeats) orientation. Recombination between direct, nonallelic repeats…

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