Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy

Mar 9, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy

Fig. 1 FCCS setup. Light from two laser beams is focused into the sample using a highly corrected objective lens with a large numerical aperture. Fluorescence is guided via a…

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Practical Structured Illumination Microscopy

Mar 9, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on Practical Structured Illumination Microscopy

Fig. 1 Moiré fringes. (a) and (b) are two examples of fine patterns. When one is superimposed onto the other, a coarser beat pattern—moiré fringes—appears (c) In optics, reciprocal space…

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4Pi Microscopy of the Nuclear Pore Complex

Mar 9, 2017 by in BIOCHEMISTRY Comments Off on 4Pi Microscopy of the Nuclear Pore Complex

Fig. 1 4Pi setup. (a) Scheme of the commercially available 4Pi setup (TCS 4Pi microscope, type A, Leica Microsystems, Mannheim, Germany). O1 and O2: objective lenses; S: sample; BS: beamsplitter;…

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