The HPI is the key to the diagnosis, starting with the chief complaint. The clinical evaluation (history plus physical examination) guides the selection of tests, which are obtained to confirm…
Temperature in humans is controlled by the hypothalamus around a set point of about 37 °C (98.6 °F), by a complex series of mechanisms that permit the generation, conservation, and…
Disorders affecting megakaryocytes and platelets: Inherited conditions
CHAPTER 32 Disorders affecting megakaryocytes and platelets Inherited conditions JG. White Chapter contents INTRODUCTION 491 STRUCTURE 492 DISORDERS OF MEGAKARYOCYTES 493 Congenital megakaryocyte hypoplasia 493 Thrombocytopenia and absent radii (TAR)…
Pathology of the marrow: General considerations and infections/reactive conditions
CHAPTER 5 Pathology of the marrow General considerations and infections/reactive conditions BJ. Bain Chapter contents PRINCIPLES OF BONE MARROW EXAMINATION 79 ALTERATIONS OF THE MARROW IN DISEASE 80 Alterations in…
Normal bone marrow histology
CHAPTER 3 Normal bone marrow histology MT. Moonim, A. Porwit Chapter contents NORMAL BONE MARROW – GENERALITIES AND FUNCTION 45 BONE MARROW STRUCTURE 45 BONE MARROW TREPHINE BIOPSY 46 Processing…
Congenital dyserythropoietic anemias
CHAPTER 15 Congenital dyserythropoietic anemias R. Renella, GW. Hall, DJP. Ferguson, WG. Wood, Dedicated to SN Wickramasinghe, from whose chapter in the previous edition the present one is derived. Chapter…
Normal bone marrow cells: Development and cytology
CHAPTER 2 Normal bone marrow cells Development and cytology SN. Wickramasinghe, A. Porwit, WN. Erber Chapter contents HEMOPOIETIC CELLS 20 Embryonic hemopoiesis 20 Postnatal changes in the distribution of hemopoietic…
Histocompatibility: HLA and other systems
CHAPTER 39 Histocompatibility HLA and other systems PE. Posch, CK. Hurley Chapter contents INTRODUCTION 641 THE HUMAN MAJOR HISTOCOMPATIBILITY COMPLEX 642 History 642 Genomic organization 642 THE HUMAN LEUKOCYTE ANTIGENS…