Pharmacology of Fungal Infections

Aug 3, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Pharmacology of Fungal Infections

   INTRODUCTION Fungi are free-living microorganisms that exist as yeasts (single-cell, round fungi), molds (multicellular filamentous fungi), or a combination of the two (so-called dimorphic fungi). All fungi are eukaryotic organisms….

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Pharmacology of Hematopoiesis and Immunomodulation

Aug 3, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Pharmacology of Hematopoiesis and Immunomodulation

Pharmacology of Hematopoiesis and Immunomodulation Andrew J. Wagner, Ramy A. Arnaout, and George D. Demetri INTRODUCTION & CASE PHYSIOLOGY OF HEMATOPOIESIS Central Role of Hematopoietic Growth Factors Multilineage Growth Factors…

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Drug Delivery Modalities

Aug 3, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Drug Delivery Modalities

   INTRODUCTION Drugs are typically administered in either pill or injection form, with limited control over release rate and localization. More advanced drug delivery systems have recently been developed, however. The…

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Principles of Nervous System Physiology and Pharmacology

Aug 3, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Principles of Nervous System Physiology and Pharmacology

Principles of Nervous System Physiology and Pharmacology Joshua M. Galanter, Susannah B. Cornes, and Daniel H. Lowenstein INTRODUCTION & CASE NEUROANATOMY Anatomy of the Peripheral Nervous System Autonomic Nervous System…

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Environmental Toxicology

Aug 3, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Environmental Toxicology

   INTRODUCTION Environmental toxicology is the study of deleterious effects of physical, chemical, or microbiological agents present in air, water, food, or other media. In this context, airborne exposures include those…

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Systematic Detection of Adverse Drug Events

Aug 3, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Systematic Detection of Adverse Drug Events

Systematic Detection of Adverse Drug Events Jerry Avorn INTRODUCTION & CASE CHALLENGES IN THE ASCERTAINMENT OF DRUG SAFETY Study Size and Generalizability Surrogate Outcomes and Comparators Duration and Postapproval Studies…

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Pharmacology of the Thyroid Gland

Aug 3, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Pharmacology of the Thyroid Gland

Pharmacology of the Thyroid Gland Anthony Hollenberg and William W. Chin INTRODUCTION & CASE THYROID GLAND PHYSIOLOGY Synthesis and Secretion of Thyroid Hormones Metabolism of Thyroid Hormones Effects of Thyroid…

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Adrenergic Pharmacology

Aug 3, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Adrenergic Pharmacology

Adrenergic Pharmacology Nidhi Gera, Ehrin J. Armstrong, and David E. Golan INTRODUCTION & CASE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF ADRENERGIC FUNCTION Catecholamine Synthesis, Storage, and Release Reuptake and Metabolism of Catecholamines…

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Drug Metabolism

Aug 3, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Drug Metabolism

   INTRODUCTION Our tissues are exposed on a daily basis to xenobiotics—foreign substances that are not naturally found in the body. Most drugs are xenobiotics that are used to modulate bodily…

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Drug Transporters

Aug 3, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Drug Transporters

Drug Transporters Baran A. Ersoy and Keith A. Hoffmaster INTRODUCTION & CASE UPTAKE AND EFFLUX TRANSPORTERS Uptake Transporters Organic Anion-Transporting Polypeptide (OATP) Family Organic Anion Transporter (OAT) Family Organic Cation…

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