Pancreaticoduodenectomy: Robotic-Assisted Resection

Jul 24, 2016 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Pancreaticoduodenectomy: Robotic-Assisted Resection

Pancreaticoduodenectomy: Robotic-Assisted Resection Brian A. Boone Herbert J. Zeh DEFINITION Pancreaticoduodenectomy entails resection of the head of the pancreas and duodenum, which requires mobilization and transection of the pancreas, stomach,…

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Laparoscopic Pancreatic Debridement

Jul 24, 2016 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Laparoscopic Pancreatic Debridement

Laparoscopic Pancreatic Debridement O. Joe Hines Kathleen Hertzer DEFINITION Laparoscopic pancreatic debridement is a minimally invasive technique for pancreatic resection and is indicated in the case of infected pancreatic necrosis…

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Catheter-Based Treatment of Hepatic Neoplasms

Jul 24, 2016 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Catheter-Based Treatment of Hepatic Neoplasms

Catheter-Based Treatment of Hepatic Neoplasms Darren W. Postoak DEFINITION Catheter-based treatment of hepatic neoplasms is a percutaneous, minimally invasive, image-guided therapy in which the anticancer regimen is delivered to the…

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Ampullectomy and Transduodenal Sphincteroplasty

Jul 24, 2016 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Ampullectomy and Transduodenal Sphincteroplasty

Ampullectomy and Transduodenal Sphincteroplasty Bharath D. Nath Tara S. Kent DEFINITION Ampullectomy and transduodenal sphincteroplasty are defined as operative approaches to the resection of lesions of the ampulla of Vater…

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Central Pancreatectomy

Jul 24, 2016 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Central Pancreatectomy

Central Pancreatectomy Daniel J. Delitto Jose G. Trevino DEFINITION Central pancreatectomy (occasionally referred to as median or middle pancreatectomy) is a conservative resection of the neck and body of the…

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Surgical Anatomy of the Liver

Jul 24, 2016 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Surgical Anatomy of the Liver

Surgical Anatomy of the Liver Teviah Sachs Timothy M. Pawlik SIZE AND POSITION The human liver is the largest internal organ in the body. It is estimated to weigh 0.2%…

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Distal Pancreatectomy with Splenic Preservation

Jul 24, 2016 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Distal Pancreatectomy with Splenic Preservation

Distal Pancreatectomy with Splenic Preservation Adam S. Brinkman Sharon M. Weber DEFINITION Distal pancreatectomy with splenic preservation (DPSP) is the complete removal of the distal pancreas (lateral to the superior…

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Enucleation of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor

Jul 24, 2016 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Enucleation of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor

Enucleation of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor Megan B. Anderson Christopher D. Raeburn Barish H. Edil DEFINITION Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PNETs) are a diverse group of neoplasms that can arise from mature…

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Central Hepatectomy

Jul 24, 2016 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on Central Hepatectomy

Central Hepatectomy Aijun Li Mengchao Wu DEFINITION Central hepatectomy, alternatively referred to as mesohepatectomy, central bisegmentectomy, middle lobectomy, or central trisegmentectomy, is an operation that removes segments 1, 4, 5,…

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