Lesser Known Biological Agents and Potential Threats
Lesser Known Biological Agents and Potential Threats Teriggi J. Ciccone Seric S. Cusick TULAREMIA Tularemia is a bacterial zoonosis caused by Francisella tularensis, a facultative intracellular aerobic gram-negative coccobacilli. Several…
Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers
Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers Erik J. Won Anthony Carbone NAME AND DESCRIPTION OF AGENTS Viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF) has a variety of clinical manifestations and causative agents but is best characterized…
Incapacitating Agents: BZ, Calmative Agents, and Riot Control Agents
Incapacitating Agents: BZ, Calmative Agents, and Riot Control Agents Yedidia Bentur John Gomez 3-QUINUCLIDINYL BENZILATE OR BZ NAME AND DESCRIPTION OF AGENT 3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate, code named by the Army and…
Phosgene and Toxic Gases
Phosgene and Toxic Gases Melissa L. Givens NAME AND DESCRIPTION OF AGENT Toxic gases, also known as choking agents, are the forerunners of modern chemical warfare. Chlorine gas was first…
Vesicating Agents Including Mustard and Lewisite
Vesicating Agents Including Mustard and Lewisite Stacey L. Hail Daniel C. Keyes MUSTARDS Vesicating agents are chemicals named for causing blistering; they have a long military history. The mustards include…
Chemical Nerve Agents
Chemical Nerve Agents Daniel C. Keyes INTRODUCTION Terrorism has become a reality of life in many parts of the world. News reports frequently remind us of those individuals and groups…