All-Hazards Approach To Decontamination

Jul 26, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on All-Hazards Approach To Decontamination

All-Hazards Approach To Decontamination Richard N. Bradley INTRODUCTION A terrorist attack with chemical, biological, or radiological hazards may produce a number of contaminated victims. Many of these may arrive at…

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Personal Protective Equipment

Jul 26, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Personal Protective Equipment

Personal Protective Equipment Joshua G. Schier Robert S. Hoffman INTRODUCTION A hazardous substance (HS) may be defined simply as any substance that is potentially toxic to living systems (1). A…

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Mass Gathering Preparedness

Jul 26, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Mass Gathering Preparedness

Mass Gathering Preparedness Carl Menckhoff Michael Shaw INTRODUCTION The classic definition of a mass gathering is a group of greater than 1,000 people (1,2,3,4), although the vast majority of the…

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Community Public Health Preparedness

Jul 26, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Community Public Health Preparedness

Community Public Health Preparedness Scott F. Wetterhall Darren F. Collins INTRODUCTION For a mere 37 cents, the first wide-scale intentional attack with a biological agent began in the autumn of…

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Hospital Preparedness

Jul 26, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Hospital Preparedness

Hospital Preparedness Kathy J. Rinnert Daniel C. Keyes INTRODUCTION Terrorist-related events have been increasing over the last decade (1). Coping with them is an ever-changing, dynamic process. In response to…

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Scene Preparedness

Jul 26, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Scene Preparedness

Scene Preparedness Marc Eckstein Ray Fowler INTRODUCTION Preparedness is the key to being able to respond safely and efficiently to terrorist incidents. Even though one certainly cannot plan for every…

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Types of Explosions and Explosive Injuries Defined

Jul 26, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Types of Explosions and Explosive Injuries Defined

Types of Explosions and Explosive Injuries Defined Richard Linsky Adam Miller The worldwide escalation of violence, both civilian and military, demands that medical personnel and first responders be prepared to…

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