Treatment decision making in the medical encounter: the case of shared decision making

Chapter 27 Treatment decision making in the medical encounter

the case of shared decision making


Prior to the 1980s, the most prevalent approach to treatment decision making in North America was paternalistic, with the physician assuming the dominant role in the medical encounter (Levine et al 1992). Underlying this deference to professional authority were a number of assumptions (Charles et al 1999a). The first was that for most illnesses, a single best treatment existed and that clinical expertise and experience provided the basis for making the ‘right’ decision. Second, physicians were assumed to consistently and uniformly apply this clinical judgement when selecting treatments for their patients. Third, because of their expertise, physicians were assumed to be in the best position to evaluate treatment benefits and risks for the patient. Finally, professional ethics enjoined physicians to put the patient’s welfare first – a kind of ‘doctor knows best’ mentality.

After 1980, these assumptions began to break down. It became apparent that for an increasing number of illnesses there was no one best treatment, and a more complex decisional context emerged wherein different treatments (including the ‘do nothing’ option) had different types of trade-off between benefits and risks. Because the patient had to live with the consequences, the assumption that physicians were in the best position to evaluate these trade-offs for the patient was increasingly challenged (Eddy 1990, Levine et al 1992, Lomas & Lavis 1996). Moreover, the burgeoning literature in North America on small area variations in medical practice was beginning to show consistent evidence that physician treatments for the same disease often varied considerably across small geographic areas, and that these variations were unrelated to differences in the health status of the respective populations (Chassin et al 1986, 1987; Roos et al 1988; Wennberg et al 1987). These findings called into question the precision of medical practice, including the assumption that physicians uniformly provided the best treatment to patients with a similar disease.

Two other system level trends also cast a negative light on the autonomy of physicians in clinical practice. The first was concern over rising healthcare costs which raised the issue of accountability of physicians to patients, governments and, in the case of the US, to third party payers for clinical decisions (Katz et al 1997). The second and even more direct influence was the rise of consumerism and consumer/patient sovereignty (Charles & DeMaio 1993; Haug & Lavin 1981, 1983) in particular, as manifested in new government legislation safeguarding the rights of patients to be informed about all available treatment options (Nayfield et al 1994) and in the growing interest among many individuals and groups (e.g. physicians, patients and ethicists) to develop and advocate new approaches to treatment decision making which would incorporate a greater role for patients in this process (Gafni et al 1998).

As a result of these and other trends, the appropriateness of the paternalistic model of treatment decision making began to be questioned, and other models, such as the informed and shared approaches, were identified and advocated as potentially preferred options for treatment decision making (Charles et al 1997, 1999a; Gafni et al 1998). One major problem with this emerging literature, however, was that these concepts themselves were not clearly defined; the same words (for example ‘shared decision making’) were used to mean different things, and different labels (such as ‘informed’, ‘shared’) were used without clear distinctions in their application. Thus, while more patient involvement in treatment decision making was being advocated, it was not clear exactly what this meant or how it could be implemented. To shed light on these issues we wrote two papers in the late 1990s (Charles et al 1997, 1999a) attempting to clarify the meaning of shared decision making, to define the key components of this approach and to compare them with those of the informed and paternalistic models of treatment decision making.


Both the informed and the shared decision making models were developed to compensate for alleged flaws in the paternalistic approach. These three models are the most widely discussed in the literature on treatment decision making. The different stages of the treatment decision making process in general are identified in Table 27.1. These stages are: information exchange, deliberation about treatment options and deciding on the treatment to implement (Charles et al 1999a). We have identified these as distinct stages, although in reality they may occur together or in an iterative process. Table 27.1 identifies the ‘ideal type’ roles that both physicians and patients play at each decision-making stage and how these differ by decision-making approach.


Information exchange refers to the type and amount of information exchanged between physician and patient and whether information flow is one way or two way. In the paternalistic model, the exchange is largely one way and the direction is from physician to patient. At a minimum, the physician must provide the patient with legally required information on treatment options and obtain informed consent to the treatment recommended. The patient is depicted in this model as a passive recipient of whatever amount and type of information the physician chooses to reveal. In general, this model assumes that the physician knows best and will make the best decision for the patient, without necessarily requiring any patient input.

In an informed model, information exchange is one way, from physician to patient. The physician is assumed to be the primary source of information for the patient on medical/scientific information about the disease and the treatment options. Beyond information transfer, the physician has no further role in the decision-making process. The tasks of deliberation and decision making are the patient’s alone.

In a shared decision-making process, information sharing is a two way process. At a minimum, the physician must inform the patient of all the relevant information about available treatment options, the benefits and risks of each and the potential effects of these on the patient. However, for a meaningful deliberation and agreement on the treatment of choice, the physician should describe his/her preferences, values and beliefs. The patient needs to provide the physician with information on her/his values, preferences, lifestyle and social context, beliefs and knowledge about the illness and its treatment. It is assumed in this model that both sets of information (technical/scientific) and subjective (values/preferences) are necessary to make the best treatment decision for any given patient.


The deliberation stage of decision making refers to the process of expressing and discussing treatment preferences. The minimum requirement as to which person/s are involved in the process varies across the three decision-making approaches. In the paternalistic approach, the physician weighs the benefits and risks of each option alone or in consultation with other physicians while the patient passively listens. In the extreme case of this model, the physician may verbally communicate to the patient only the ultimate treatment decision(s) selected, without soliciting patient input or describing the rationale for that decision.

In the informed model, the physician’s role is limited to information transfer, that is, providing the patient with information about the relevant treatment information and the risks and benefits of each. The patient alone or with input from friends and family undertakes the deliberation process to arrive at an informed decision reflecting personal values and preferences. Underlying this approach are two key assumptions. The first is that information is both necessary and sufficient to enable the patient to make the best decision. The second is that the physician should not have an investment in the decision-making process or the decision made. In other words, patient sovereignty reigns in this approach, with the physician providing technical input only, in the form of relevant scientific information.

In a shared approach both patient and physician deliberate about treatment options in an interactive process where it is assumed that both parties have a legitimate investment in the treatment process and outcome. This emphasis on interaction ensures patient input, but also makes the process potentially more cumbersome and time-consuming than the other approaches. In a shared process both parties need to be willing to engage with each other, exchanging both information and treatment preferences. The physician can legitimately give a treatment recommendation to patients and try to persuade them to accept the recommendation. However, physicians using this approach would also have to listen to patients and try to understand why they might prefer a different option. If no agreement can be reached, several possibilities can occur. The physician would need to decide whether to endorse a particular patient’s choice as part of a negotiated agreement in which patients’ views count, or whether the strength of the physician’s own views precluded agreement with any other treatment option. The patient would need to decide whether to stay with this physician or to seek advice elsewhere.


The final stage in the treatment decision-making process is choosing a treatment to implement. In the paternalistic and informed models, the decision maker is one person; in the first case it is the physician and in the second, the patient. However, neither party is totally autonomous because each faces constraints in implementing the decision. The physician must have the patient’s informed consent prior to giving the treatment, and the patient needs authorization from a physician to receive the preferred treatment.

In the shared approach both parties, through the process of deliberation, work towards reaching an agreement that both can live with. As noted above, if agreement cannot be reached the process may terminate at this point unless one party can be persuaded to adopt the other’s preferred option.

The different approaches described above are ‘ideal types’ in the sense that the role depictions for physician and patient in each model are defined as invariant, predictable and distinct from one another. In reality the boundaries around the role behaviour of physicians and patients in each model are rarely so clear-cut. There are various ‘in-between’ approaches to treatment decision making which do not conform precisely to one of the ideal types but rather lie somewhere in-between and may be characterized as shades of grey. For example, starting with the paternalistic model, the more that each stage moves from a physician-dominated encounter to one where the patient’s input is recognized, nourished and valued, the more the model evolves into a shared approach. In fact the majority of physician–patient treatment decision-making processes are likely to reflect some form of in-between approach rather than a pure type.

Even in a single interaction, the decision-making approach used at the beginning of the discussion may evolve into one of the other approaches as the consultation progresses. It should be noted that we have described only the most simple type of interaction, that between one patient and one physician. We have done this to keep our analysis as clear as possible, but we recognize that many decision-making processes involve multiple participants and can take place over time, greatly complicating the process and allowing for the development of coalitions around treatment preferences. Nonetheless, the framework provides an analytic tool for articulating the different stages in treatment decision making, identifying the defining characteristics of the paternalistic, informed and shared approaches to undertaking this task and clarifying the differences between them.

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