Total Gastrectomy for Cancer

Total Gastrectomy for Cancer

Vikas Dudeja

Eugene A. Choi

Waddah B. Al-Refaie


  • Presentation: In the United States, most patients with gastric cancer are diagnosed at advanced stages. Weight loss, anorexia, dyspepsia, progressive dysphagia, and early satiety are the most common symptoms. Unfortunately, some of these symptoms (dyspepsia, nausea, anorexia) overlap with those of benign reflux disease and explain the late presentation of proximal gastric cancers in the United States. Poor oral intake because of cancer-induced anorexia and dysphagia contributes to patients’ weight loss. As such, patients with more than 10% weight loss are at increased risk of perioperative complications. Thus, quantification of weight loss in the preoperative period provides a meaningful estimate of nutritional status and helps in pretherapy planning in terms of preoperative nutrition. Patients may also present with iron deficiency anemia due to occult blood loss.

  • Evaluation of the performance status and frailty is important for the formulation of a treatment plan. Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group’s (ECOG) performance status scale provides a standardized method to assess and compare performance status of the patient.3 Patients with ECOG performance score of 0 to 1 are generally able to tolerate major oncologic resections. Those with a score of 2 may require individualized decision making, factoring comorbidities into the overall treatment plan. Patients with a score of 3 and above are unable to tolerate any major oncologic resection. Attention to pretherapy performance status and frailty are critical, as these two important yet underassessed parameters correlate well with the ability to tolerate various oncologic therapies, including major oncologic resection and systemic therapy.

  • Physical findings: In early stages, the physical examination is essentially normal. However, surgeons need to look for signs of malnutrition. Patients with advanced-stage gastric cancer may present with supraclavicular lymphadenopathy, pleural effusion, abdominal mass, hepatomegaly, malignant ascites, or drop metastases in the form of “Blumer’s shelf” appreciated on rectal examination. Presences of any of these physical findings suggest unresectability.

FIG 1 • Endoscopy and EUS are critical for the diagnosis and staging of gastric cancer. A. Endoscopic findings in a 68-year-old male who presented with iron deficiency anemia and anorexia. An ulcerated adenocarcinoma of the proximal third of the stomach was discovered. Patient underwent R0 total gastrectomy with lymphadenectomy, and the final pathology report showed pT2 N0 (0/23) M0 disease. B. A retroflexed endoscopic view of T2 gastric adenocarcinoma in gastric fundus. C. EUS helps with accurate preoperative T staging of the lesion.


  • Laboratory tests: Baseline hemoglobin, platelet count, and complete metabolic profile should be obtained. Serum albumin and prealbumin are useful to guide assessment of nutritional status.

  • Diagnostic studies and staging evaluation: The evaluation of any upper gastrointestinal symptomatology starts with an esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), especially if gastric cancer is suspected. Endoscopy provides histopathologic diagnosis as well as gives information on location and extent of gastric tumor, GE junction involvement, presence of linitis plastica, and status of duodenal bulb (FIG 1A,B). Endoscopic
    ultrasound (EUS), performed at the time of or subsequent to diagnostic endoscopy, provides the most accurate estimation of the tumor depth (T stage) (FIG 1C) and can help in evaluation and needle biopsy of surrounding lymph nodes.4 Furthermore, EUS provides information on the degree of distal esophageal involvement.

  • Cross-sectional imaging of abdomen and pelvis, in the form of a computed tomography (CT) scan (FIG 2) with oral and intravenous (IV) contrast or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), evaluates for presence of distant metastatic disease to the liver and bulky lymphadenopathy. Metastases to lungs should be evaluated by CT scan of the chest. The presence of bulky adenopathy has a prognostic value. However, it should not preclude resection unless patient presents with diffuse adenopathy involving the periportal area or mesenteric vessels. Positron emission tomography (PET)/CT scan has evolved as an additional radiographic staging modality to exclude the presence of distant metastatic disease (FIG 3).

  • Staging laparoscopy: Peritoneal spread is part of the natural history of gastric cancer. Up to a third of the patients who have localized disease on staging evaluation have unsuspected hepatic and/or peritoneal disease.5 Thus, staging laparoscopy can prevent a nontherapeutic laparotomy in the setting of M1 disease. The timing of staging laparoscopy may depend on the institutional preference with respect to neoadjuvant versus adjuvant therapy. We recommend neoadjuvant chemotherapy for patients with proximal gastric tumors and perform staging laparoscopy (with peritoneal cytology) before initiation of neoadjuvant therapy. We selectively place feeding jejunostomy during staging laparoscopy, especially in persons who are old, frail, have suboptimal performance status, or present with malnutrition. The patient then returns after completion of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for restaging and definitive surgical treatment (i.e., gastrectomy).

  • Peritoneal cytology: The addition of peritoneal washing for cytology is an area of debate.6,7 We use this diagnostic modality in patients at risk of undeclared metastatic disease or suboptimal performance status, as patients with positive peritoneal cytology have unfavorable overall prognosis compared to those with negative peritoneal cytology.

FIG 2 • Cross-sectional imaging with CT or MRI evaluates for distant metastatic disease and bulky adenopathy. Abdominal CT scan in a patient with known high-grade neuroendocrine tumor. No liver metastases were noted. Note diffuse nodular heterogeneous thickening of the stomach (white arrow).

FIG 3 • PET scan may help in the evaluation of disease spread. PET scan in a patient with known high-grade neuroendocrine tumor demonstrates hypermetabolic activity (white arrow) in the stomach but no other organ. This patient required total gastrectomy for complete disease clearance.


  • A complete margin-negative resection with an adequate lymphadenectomy is the most critical component of therapy for operable gastric cancer.

Preoperative Planning

  • Addressing preoperative malnutrition: Patients with proximal gastric cancer are at an increased risk of being nutritionally compromised due to cancer-induced anorexia and dysphagia. These patients benefit from preoperative enteral nutrition through a jejunostomy tube placed preoperatively during the staging laparoscopy. The enteral nutrition through jejunostomy tube also helps with hydration and nutrition during neoadjuvant therapy. A consultation with a dietitian with regard to nutritional optimization is recommended.

  • Evaluation of the patient’s ability to tolerate the surgery: A careful review and optimization of underlying comorbidities (e.g., cardiac, pulmonary, diabetes) and performance
    status should be considered in conjunction with other supporting specialties. A subset of high-risk individuals may benefit from preoperative admission to optimize nutrition, electrolyte imbalance, and performance status (e.g., physical therapy) in preparation for their oncologic resection.

  • Evaluation of response to neoadjuvant therapy: At times, when neoadjuvant therapy is employed to increase rates of R0 resection or spare the GE junction, a repeat posttherapy preoperative EGD provides additional information on tumor response and the proximal extent of the tumor.

  • Preoperative antibiotics: Patients should be given one dose of first- or second-generation cephalosporin for perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis.


  • In most patients, an upper midline incision provides optimal exposure for the procedure. The chest should be prepped into the operative field for the possibility of needing a thoracotomy for GE junction tumors. A sandbag can be placed under the left chest to facilitate thoracotomy.

Jul 24, 2016 | Posted by in GENERAL SURGERY | Comments Off on Total Gastrectomy for Cancer

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