Counseling in Clinical Practice

Nov 27, 2016 by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE Comments Off on Counseling in Clinical Practice

Established standards of medical care require that providers of genetic services obtain a history that includes family and ethnic information, inquire as to possible consanguinity, advise patients of the genetic…

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Recurrence Risks

Nov 27, 2016 by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE Comments Off on Recurrence Risks

Incidence of First Birth Defect in Sibship (per 1000)Incidence of Recurrence of Any Birth Defect in Subsequent Children in Sibship (per 1000)First-cousin marriage3668Nonconsanguineous marriage1530 Data from Stoltenberg C, Magnus P,…

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Nov 27, 2016 by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE Comments Off on Therapy

ADA, Adenosine deaminase; Hb, hemoglobin; IV, intravenous; PEG, polyethylene glycol; SCID, severe combined immunodeficiency; WAS, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. In this section, we outline the potential, methods, and probable limitations of gene…

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Nov 27, 2016 by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE Comments Off on Pharmacogenomics

Figure 18-2 Contribution of individual cytochrome P-450 enzymes to drug metabolism. For many drugs, the action of a cytochrome P-450 is to begin the process of detoxification through a series of…

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