Placebo and Nocebo Effects

Jul 22, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Placebo and Nocebo Effects

Condition Placebo Placebo in children 1. Migraine 1.1 Symptomatic treatment a  Analgesics 9 % (7–17) 37–53 %  Triptans 6.1 ± 84.4 % (5–17) 28–65 %  TMS 67 %  1.2. Prophylactic treatment b…

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Review of Existing Guidelines

Jul 22, 2016 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Review of Existing Guidelines

Austria See also Germany Belgium Guideline for migraine treatment in primary care (Internet) Guideline for the management of chronic migraine [22] Croatia Evidence-based guidelines for treatment of primary headaches [27]…

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