18: Teams create safety

Jun 24, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on 18: Teams create safety

What is a team? A team in a formal sense is a group of individuals with a shared, common goal who, while they each have defined individual tasks, achieve their…

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8: Understanding how things go wrong

Jun 24, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on 8: Understanding how things go wrong

(TOFT, 2001) Following an Internal Enquiry at QMC, Professor Brian Toft was commissioned by the Chief Medical Officer of England to conduct an enquiry into the death and to advise…

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6: Measuring safety

Jun 24, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on 6: Measuring safety

The critical role of measurement ‘You cannot manage what you cannot measure’ is a familiar and perhaps rather tired management mantra, but it certainly applies to improving safety and quality….

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16: Procedures, violations and migrations

Jun 24, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on 16: Procedures, violations and migrations

(GAWANDE, A. COMPLICATIONS. PROFILE BOOKS LTD, HOLT METROPOLITAN, 2002 AND PICADOR USA, APRIL 2003. REPRODUCED WITH PERMISSION) Although there is a certain amount of work in industry on safety behaviours…

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12: Design for patient safety

Jun 24, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on 12: Design for patient safety

(REILING, 2006) BOX 12.1 The psychopathology of everyday things ‘The human mind is exquisitely tailored to make sense of the world. Give it the slightest clue and off it goes,…

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20: High performing healthcare systems

Jun 24, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on 20: High performing healthcare systems

Conditions and drivers of change We have already reviewed the conditions that provide the necessary foundations for change in clinical microsystems. The transformation of an entire health economy requires that…

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14: Creating a culture of safety

Jun 24, 2017 by in GENERAL SURGERY Comments Off on 14: Creating a culture of safety

LEAPE ET AL. (1998) A somewhat lethal cocktail of impatience, scientific ignorance and naive optimism may have dangerously inflated our expectations of safety culture.(COX AND FLIN, 1998) Both these statements…

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