H H2O2 see hydrogen peroxide H2-receptor antagonist drug e.g. cimetidine (Tagamet) and ranitidine (Zantac); used to heal gastric and duodenal ulcers and control symptoms of oesophageal reflux (heartburn); contraindicated in…
F Fx, Fy, Fz symbols denoting resolved components of ground reaction force (anteroposterior, vertical and horizontal components respectively); Figure F1 Figure F1 Resolved components of ground reaction force. Fx, anteroposterior;…
Q Q angle angle subtended by a line drawn to the vertical bisection of femur and a line drawn from the lateral margin of pelvis to the sagittal plane of…
G gabapentin anticonvulsant agent with relatively few side-effects; used to treat epilepsy, and in neuropathic pain gait manner of walking (Table G1) Table G1 Gait patterns Gait pattern Characteristics Apropulsive…
Z Zadik’s procedure; surgical matrisectomy surgical correction of ingrowing toenail; i.e. reflection of eponychium to access nail matrix; excision of outer margins of nail plate, the local nail wall and…
Y yaws infectious tropical disease, characterized by crusted granulomatous limb lesions yeast infection skin infection due to colonization with Candida albicans yellow-nail syndrome see nails, yellow yield point point when…
U U’d pad see Table P1, Figure P1 UKPDS see United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study ulcer non-healing, chronic wound showing concomitant tissue repair and tissue breakdown, chronic inflammation and deposition…
R radiation emission of electromagnetic impulses from a source; e.g. visible light, ultraviolet light, infrared light, X-rays, gamma rays radiation damage premalignant and malignant skin lesions (e.g. Bowen’s disease, basal…