Liver Transplantation

May 9, 2017 by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE Comments Off on Liver Transplantation

Fig. 7.1 All aspects of the liver are carefully inspected   2. Beginning with the posterior aspect of the liver, the retrohepatic IVC (broken blue line) is visualized, and excess…

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Dialysis Access Procedures

May 9, 2017 by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE Comments Off on Dialysis Access Procedures

Fig. 3.1 Incisions for a radiocephalic fistula: vertical (black arrow) or over the anatomic snuff box (grey arrow) The incision is carried through the subcutaneous tissue, and then medial and…

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Pancreas Transplantation

May 9, 2017 by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE Comments Off on Pancreas Transplantation

Fig. 6.1 A pancreas suitable for transplantation Fig. 6.2 A pancreas not suitable for transplantation   2. Splenectomy should be performed by dividing the splenic artery (red arrow) and vein…

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Nephrectomy from a Living Donor

May 9, 2017 by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE Comments Off on Nephrectomy from a Living Donor

Parameter Study Criteria for donation Renal function 99m Tc-DTPA scintigraphy GFR >80 mL/min/1.73 m2 and GFR >5th percentile for their age Proteinuria Spot urine (U) protein, albumin, creatinine U protein/U…

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