Soft Tissue Tumors of the Mediastinum

Sep 21, 2016 by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE Comments Off on Soft Tissue Tumors of the Mediastinum

(1) Department of Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA   KeywordsLiposarcomaAngiosarcomaHemangiomaEpithelioid hemangioendotheliomaFibrosarcomaSolitary fibrous tumorMalignant fibrous histiocytomaLeiomyosarcomaRhabdomyosarcomaChondrosarcomaChordomaOsteosarcomaSynovial sarcomaAlveolar soft part sarcomaMalignant rhabdoid tumor Mesenchymal tumors of the mediastinum are…

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Lymphoproliferative Disorders

Sep 21, 2016 by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE Comments Off on Lymphoproliferative Disorders

(1) Department of Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA   KeywordsMalignant lymphomaDiffuse large B-cell lymphoma with sclerosisAnaplastic large cell lymphomaMALT lymphomaMarginal zone lymphomaLymphoblastic lymphomaHodgkin lymphoma The mediastinum is…

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Thymic Epithelial Neoplasms

Sep 21, 2016 by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE Comments Off on Thymic Epithelial Neoplasms

(1) Department of Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA   KeywordsThymomaThymic epithelial neoplasmsAtypical thymomaThymic carcinoma Thymic epithelial neoplasms are the most common primary tumors of the anterior mediastinum….

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Germ Cell Tumors

Sep 21, 2016 by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE Comments Off on Germ Cell Tumors

(1) Department of Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA   KeywordsTeratomaMature teratomaImmature teratomaSeminomaYolk sac tumorChoriocarcinomaEmbryonal carcinomaGerm cell tumor with additional malignant component Germ cell tumors are rare mediastinal…

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Neuroendocrine Neoplasms of the Thymus

Sep 21, 2016 by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE Comments Off on Neuroendocrine Neoplasms of the Thymus

(1) Department of Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA   KeywordsThymic carcinoidAtypical carcinoidNeuroendocrine carcinomaSmall cell carcinomaLarge cell neuroendocrine carcinomaParaganglioma Neoplastic neuroendocrine proliferations of the mediastinum can originate from…

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Neurogenic Tumors

Sep 21, 2016 by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE Comments Off on Neurogenic Tumors

(1) Department of Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA   KeywordsGanglioneuromaGanglioneuroblastomaNeuroblastomaPeripheral nerve sheath tumorsSchwannomaNeurofibromaMalignant peripheral nerve sheath tumorMalignant schwannomaPrimitive neuroectodermal tumor Neurogenic tumors of the mediastinum are relatively…

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Reactive, Developmental, Inflammatory, and Tumorlike Conditions

Sep 21, 2016 by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE Comments Off on Reactive, Developmental, Inflammatory, and Tumorlike Conditions

(1) Department of Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA   KeywordsCongenital and acquired thymic cystsDevelopmental cystsThymic hyperplasiaMediastinitisEctopic thyroid and parathyroidThymolipomaCastleman’s disease A variety of reactive, developmental, inflammatory, and…

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