Polymers in Nephrology

Mar 26, 2017 by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE Comments Off on Polymers in Nephrology

Polymer name Manufacturer Reason Cuprophan®, Hemophan® Membrana GmbH Loss of market share, alleged lack of biocompatibility Polycarbonate (PC) Gambro Only as flat sheet membrane available Cellulose acetate (CA) Cordis Dow…

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Polymers for Surgery

Mar 26, 2017 by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE Comments Off on Polymers for Surgery

Function Purpose Examples Binding Fixation Fractured bone fixation Adhesion Adhesion of tissue pieces Closure Suturing Tissue approximation and vascular and intestinal anastomosis Covering Wound cover Sealing Topical hemostasis and air…

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Polymers in Cardiology

Mar 26, 2017 by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE Comments Off on Polymers in Cardiology

Scaffold Manufacturer Polymer Coating Drug Resorption time (months) Igaki-Tamai Kyoto Medical PLLA None None 24 BVS 1.0 Abbott Vascular PLLA PDLLA Everolimus 24 BVS 1.1 Abbott Vascular PLLA PDLLA Everolimus…

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Emerging Polymers in Dentistry

Mar 26, 2017 by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE Comments Off on Emerging Polymers in Dentistry

Clinical steps Etching Primer Resin Etch-and-rinse (3-steps) Phosphoric acid (30–35 %) HEMA, organic solvent (ethanol/acetone/water), proprietary monomers Hydrophilic and hydrophobic monomers (HEMA, TEGDMA, Bis-GMA, UDMA), initiators Etch and rinse (2-step) Phosphoric…

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