Physical Agents
Overview Physical agents are well characterized and relatively easily measured and knowledge of exposures is important in managing the workplace Appropriate control of exposure is essential in preventing harm arising…
Overview Physical agents are well characterized and relatively easily measured and knowledge of exposures is important in managing the workplace Appropriate control of exposure is essential in preventing harm arising…
Overview The overall burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain is currently around 8000 deaths and 14 000 cancer registrations per year. This represents 8% of all cancer deaths in men…
Overview Nearly one-fifth of all workers in the industrialized world are over 50 and the number of younger workers entering the labour force each year is declining Increasing the economic…
Overview A detailed occupational history is essential for the diagnosis of occupational respiratory disorders Accurate diagnosis of the subset and cause of occupational asthma is essential for optimal management of…
Overview Global health has been defined as ‘health problems, issues, and concerns that transcend national boundaries, may be influenced by circumstances or experiences in other countries, and are best addressed…
Overview Assessment of the workplace is central to the practice of occupational medicine ‘Risk assessment’ involves identifying hazards and gauging the likelihood of harm, so as to plan risk control…
Overview Emerging occupational and environmental health issues can broadly be categorized as either due to environmental changes, to the changing nature of work, or to the composition of the workforce….
Overview Humans are diverse—one size does not fit all Ergonomics and human factors aim to design both work and the workplace to fit the user Taking an ergonomic approach involves…
Overview The law is not a simple set of rules; judgement is required against a background of understanding Understanding the legal duties on the employer will ensure that occupational health…