Team-based learning
Chapter 21 Team-based learning D. Parmelee, P. Hudes and L.K. Michaelsen What is team-based learning? Team-based learning (TBL) is an active learning instructional strategy that provides students with opportunities to…
Chapter 21 Team-based learning D. Parmelee, P. Hudes and L.K. Michaelsen What is team-based learning? Team-based learning (TBL) is an active learning instructional strategy that provides students with opportunities to…
Chapter 46 Academic standards and scholarship S. Mennin “We believe that it is time to move beyond the tired old ‘teaching versus research’ debate and give the familiar and honorable…
Chapter 22 Integrated learning D. Prideaux and J.K. Ash Introduction Medical education courses draw on disciplines from the physical, human and biological sciences, humanities and the social and behavioural sciences…
Chapter 39 Portfolio assessment E.W. Driessen, S. Heeneman and C.P.M. van der Vleuten Introduction In less than two decades, portfolios have gained a prominent position in medical education. The portfolio…
Chapter 49 Medical education research J. Cleland and T.E. Roberts Introduction It has been said that in the past the practice of medicine was simple, safe and largely ineffective; today…
Chapter 14 Rural and remote locations J. Rourke and L. Rourke Learning in rural/remote locations can be an outstanding and sometimes life changing experience. Introduction The rural/remote location is an…
Chapter 12 Ambulatory care teaching J.A. Dent Introduction Ambulatory care refers to any place where patients attend healthcare facilities without being admitted as inpatients. One of the exciting challenges for…
Chapter 24 Instructional design J.J.G. van Merriënboer Introduction People learn in many different ways. They learn by studying examples, by doing and practicing, by being told, by reading books, by…
Chapter 44 Student support R.J. Duvivier and J.A. Dent Introduction: Student well-being Medical students are exposed to a variety of pressures, many of which may cause stress. Although this is…
Chapter 23 Interprofessional education J.E. Thistlethwaite Introduction The adjective interprofessional describes a strategy in which practitioners learn and work together for a common goal. It implies dialogue and negotiation, consensus…