Type I GCT
Preexisting GCT
Prepubertal type teratoma
Yolk sac tumor
Postpubertal type teratoma
Mixed GCT
Spermatocytic tumor
Mature cystic teratoma
Immature teratoma
Most frequent STM histologies
Rhabdomyosarcoma and other sarcomas
Undifferentiated sarcoma
Squamous cell carcinoma (overwhelming majority)
Molecular signature
12p abnormalities
Isodisomy (homozygosity)
12.2 Pathogenesis
The pathogenesis of STM is a matter of debate. The most accepted theory is that STM arises from corresponding somatic elements in teratomas, given that in this GCT type, somatic differentiation has already occurred, independently of whether it is originally benign (as in ovarian or prepubertal testicular teratomas) or already malignant (as in postpubertal testicular teratomas) [1, 5]. Coexistence of teratoma and STM in the majority of reported cases supports this hypothesis. Anomalies of chromosome 12, notably duplication of the short arm of chromosome 12 (isochromosome 12p), a hallmark of invasive type II GCT, have been documented in somatic malignancies arising from teratoma, either at the primary site or metastatic location (Fig. 12.1) [6–8], and in gonadal and extragonadal tumors [9]. This finding is also well documented in hematologic malignancies derived from mediastinal GCT [10–14]. Similarly, the classical finding of homozygosity (isodisomy) of mature cystic ovarian teratomas has been demonstrated in somatic adenocarcinomas arising within them [15]. This evidence supports the notion of a metachronous origin of STM from an already neoplastic germ cell. The somatic malignancy thus likely arises from the activation of oncogenes that normally play a role in the development of these tumors at their normal sites. For example, rearrangements of chromosome 2, region 2q34–37, present in rhabdomyosarcomas [16], have been also identified in the rhabdomyosarcoma component of STM [17]. Similarly, genetic alterations in 11q24, which have been frequently reported in Ewing’s sarcoma and PNET, were found in a case of PNET arising from a GCT [17]. Chromosome 5 abnormalities such as del(5q), classically associated with hematologic malignancies, have been identified in leukemias originating from GCT [11, 17]. Finally, loss of heterozygosity reported at 11p13 locus in Wilms’ tumor has been identified in a nephroblastoma arising from testicular GCT [18]. Thus, it appears that the molecular mechanisms associated with neoplastic progression of usual somatic malignancies are also common in those arising from germ cell neoplasia. It is not clear whether the triggers of these mechanisms are the same ones as in regular sites or whether they differ among the different cells of origin and locations of teratomas. Senescence of tissues may explain the development of STM in certain cases, particularly those associated with benign GCT. STM in benign cystic teratomas of the ovary, for example, is more often diagnosed in the fifth to sixth decade of life [19], which contrasts with the usual presentations of these tumors in adolescence and early adulthood, suggesting that a certain elapsing time is necessary for the activation of these oncogenetic mechanisms.


Fig. 12.1
Isochromosome 12p in metastatic adenocarcinoma (same patient as Fig. 12.3). The tumor cells had two copies of 12p (red dots) attached to the centromere (green dot), as identified with fluorescent in situ hybridization
Another mechanism of development of STM-GCT is the overgrowth of immature elements. While the presence of immature tissue elements is relatively common, particularly in type II GCT, an expansile growth of these primitive tissues is associated with more aggressive behavior and metastases from the overgrown component. Examples of primitive tissues that may show overgrowth include neuroepithelium, rhabdomyoblasts, and nephrogenic blastema, and thus, when present, a diagnosis of primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET), rhabdomyosarcoma, or nephroblastoma, respectively, is considered. The definition of “overgrowth” is arbitrary and has been traditionally defined in type II testicular tumors as a low-power field (40x) of pure immature elements [1]. However, while this definition appears necessary in type II tumors where immature elements are frequently part of the spectrum of tissues present in these teratomas, the presence of any amount of developmentally immature tissue, in particular neuroepithelium, is considered an adverse finding in ovarian teratomas [20, 21]. Interestingly, the presence of these immature elements, even if extensive, has not been historically considered STM at these sites but rather evidence of “immaturity.” Regardless, the finding is frequently associated with a far more aggressive clinical behavior than the original teratoma.
The occurrence of STM in patients that lacked teratomatous component in their primary or metastatic GCT has prompted other histogenetic theories [17, 22–28]. Some studies have suggested yolk sac tumor (YST) origin as an alternative in these cases [3, 23, 29–31]. Spindle cell sarcomas may arise from sarcomatoid YST by a process of epithelial to mesenchymal metaplasia. Similarly, some intestinal-type adenocarcinomas may arise of progressive differentiation of glandular YST [3]. The development of a high-grade sarcoma component is also a rare complication of spermatocytic tumors, an uncommon scenario where this tumor is associated with malignant clinical behavior (see also Chap. 7) [32]. The mechanism by which these GCT develop a somatic phenotype is unknown but is likely related to the pluripotential nature of germ cells and the activation of differentiation pathways.
The role of chemotherapy in the pathogenesis of STM-GCT, specifically in patients with type II GCT, is not clear. The majority of cases of STM occur in the metastatic and post-chemotherapy setting [3]. However, the extended use of chemotherapy in current management of GCT increases the number of patients with STM who have previously received chemotherapy. Additionally, STM occurs also in patients that did not receive chemotherapy [3, 17, 22, 33]. The presence of STM in metastatic sites without a corresponding counterpart in the primary site has led authors to propose the development of STM from totipotential germ cells at the metastatic site [25, 34]. By destroying the more aggressive tumor components, chemotherapy may select the more indolent slow-growing elements, which after further genetic changes may be responsible for the formation of biologically aggressive STM and late recurrence of GCT [3, 35]. Hematologic malignancies arising from mediastinal GCT were thought to be due to chemotherapy or radiation for a long time. Occurrence of hematologic malignancies in patients that did not receive irradiation or chemotherapy argues against this statement [11, 13, 36]. Further, in contrast to treatment-related leukemia, these GCT-derived somatic-type hematologic malignancies develop earlier [37]. Similarly, STM associated with intracranial GCT was thought to be treatment related. Documented STM in treatment-naïve GCT and the relatively brief interval between initial diagnosis and transformation supports an origin independent of therapy. Despite theories such as partial differentiation of totipotential germ cells with concomitant malignant transformation, tumor arising from differentiated teratomatous elements [23], or dedifferentiation similar to the phenomenon that occurs in liposarcoma and chondrosarcoma [32], the transformation mechanism remains unsettled.
12.3 Histologic Diagnosis
Recognition of a malignant somatic component in GCT depends on the type of malignant component. In general, carcinomatous malignancies are recognized by usual morphologic criteria applied to carcinomas in other locations. Overt cytological atypia, brisk mitotic activity, infiltrative and confluent growth, desmoplastic reaction, and invasive borders are part of such criteria. These criteria are more easily recognizable when the background GCT is benign. However, recognizing these features may prove problematic in the background of a type II GCT, as some elements interpreted as somatic may actually correspond to variants of these GCT, particularly YST. Non-seminomatous GCT usually have a prominent, reactive stroma, which may be confused with desmoplasia. Additionally, the inherent cytologic atypia invariably present in teratomatous elements of type II tumors makes the recognition of a carcinomatous component more difficult [27]. Thus, the addition of a quantitative criterion in carcinomas may be useful to establish a diagnosis of STM in the setting of type II neoplasms [1, 3]. Similarly, because the morphologic features of some sarcomas overlap with normal embryonal or fetal tissue frequently present in teratomas, particularly in type II GCT, it is necessary to establish additional criteria for the diagnosis of a somatic mesenchymal or neuroectodermal malignancy arising in a GCT. As stated above, the most commonly used criterion is the presence of an expansile component exclusively filling at least one low-power microscopic field (40× magnification) [1, 3]. Thus, for example, a nodule composed of embryonal-appearing skeletal muscle would be considered part of a teratoma if it involves less than one low-power field, while it would be considered rhabdomyosarcomatous transformation if the nodule involves a larger area. Even in the setting of high-grade stromal atypia, most authors favor needing a quantitative criterion to diagnose a stromal somatic malignancy [3, 23]. Melanocytic and hematologic neoplasms are usually diagnosed by extrapolating diagnostic criteria applied elsewhere.
12.4 STM in Type I GCT
The occurrence of STM in pediatric teratomas is well documented. Biskup et al. reported on nine cases of STM associated with pure teratomas (two sacrococcygeal and seven ovarian tumors) [38]; eight of the nine were children and adolescents. Another series reported 14 cases of STM in children and adolescents [39]. While based on the age of the patients and described histology, some of their cases may correspond to type II and type IV tumors; at least some of them were likely type I. STM histologies reported in these series included adenocarcinomas, rhabdomyosarcoma, other sarcomas, neuroendocrine carcinoma, astrocytoma, and neuroblastoma. Sites included ovary, retroperitoneum, sacrococcygeal, and mediastinal. One interesting case of an adenocarcinoma arising in a testicular dermoid cyst in a 52-year-old patient was reported [40]. The patient had had the testicular mass since childhood and developed sudden enlargement of the mass and metastatic disease. The depicted pathology is classical of dermoid cyst and convincingly shows the adenocarcinoma arising from mucinous epithelium within the teratoma. The presence of the mass since childhood, aside from being consistent with a type I neoplasm, underscores the importance of senescence in the development of STM in this setting. A metastasizing PNET has been reported arising in an immature teratoma of a 20-month-old [41]. As stated, STM in type I GCT may occur more frequently than thought, as the occurrence of type I tumors in postpubertal patients has only been recently recognized [42], and reported series do not allow to confidently separate type II from type I teratomas. For example, in a series of GCT associated with sarcomatous STM, three patients with a sarcomatous component had testicular tumors that encompassed exclusively teratomatous elements and thus could have represented type I neoplasms [34]. The overlapping morphology between type I and type IV tumors makes this issue even more likely when dealing with ovarian neoplasms [4].
12.5 STM in Type II GCT
12.5.1 Testicular Tumors
By far, the majority of cases of STM occurring in type II tumors correspond to testicular neoplasms and is in this setting where most of the experience with this phenomenon has been developed. The incidence is estimated to range from 3 to 6.6 % [17, 23, 43, 44]. In one of the earliest studies [43], 580 GCT were reviewed, and teratoma with “malignant transformation” was found in 17 cases, while in another study [23] teratoma with STM was identified in 11 cases of a total of 269 GCT reviewed. In a later series [24], of 607 GCT reviewed, 21 patients had teratoma with STM; 11 cases (54 %) of those had STM in the primary tumor. Thus, STM may develop either in the primary GCT or in a metastatic deposit and may develop in treatment-naïve tumors or in the post-chemotherapy setting.
The majority of cases of STM-GCTs have an associated teratoma component; however, up to 30 % may not have a recognizable teratoma neither in the primary nor in the metastatic tumor [3]. In a recent series, both glandular and spindle cell tumors had intermediate morphologic and immunophenotypic features between glandular and sarcomatoid YST and somatic adenocarcinomas and sarcomas, respectively [3]. This suggests that at least a proportion of STM-GCT cases may arise from YST. This would not be surprising, given the morphologic plasticity of YST.
Sarcomas, particularly rhabdomyosarcomas, are the most common STM to be reported in type II neoplasms (Fig. 12.2). In a recent series from five institutions, sarcomas represented 37 % of cases of STM, with rhabdomyosarcomas representing 13.5 % of the total [33]. Other sarcoma histologies reported include leiomyosarcoma, myxoid liposarcoma, chondrosarcoma, and malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor. However, some of these sarcomas may actually correspond to sarcomatoid YST and thus do not represent true STM. In a recent study, of 68 sarcomas, 24 were reclassified as sarcomatoid YST and five as sarcomatoid carcinomas [3]. Adenocarcinomas (Fig. 12.3) are the most common epithelial neoplasms, representing 16 % of cases in the series mentioned above [33]. Other carcinomas include squamous cell carcinoma, neuroendocrine carcinomas, renal cell carcinoma, and hepatocellular carcinoma. While carcinoid tumors are currently classified as a type of monodermal teratoma [1], an alternative approach would be to consider them as a form of STM. PNET are also common, representing 31 % of cases in the abovementioned series (Fig. 12.4) [33]. Other primitive tumors include neuroblastoma and nephroblastoma (Fig. 12.5). Mixed histologies are also encountered. A detailed list of reported histologies in STM of the testis is presented in Table 12.2.





Fig. 12.2
Rhabdomyosarcoma, occupying more than one low-power field of this teratoma. Inset: high-power view, revealing polygonal to spindle-shaped cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and cytoplasmic cross striations

Fig. 12.3
Adenocarcinoma in retroperitoneal lymph nodes, 23 years after a diagnosis of mixed germ cell tumor. Tumor associated with abundant extracellular mucin. Inset: high-power view showing intracellular apical mucin in the neoplastic cells. (Same patient as Fig. 12.1)

Fig. 12.4
Primitive neuroectodermal tumor, small round blue cells in broad sheets, occupying more than one low-power field. Inset: higher-power view shows occasional rosette formation

Fig. 12.5
Wilms’ tumor with undifferentiated blastema, fibroblast-like stroma, and epithelial elements including abortive tubules. Inset: WT stain showing nuclear positivity in the epithelial component
Table 12.2
Reported STM histologies in primary or metastatic GCT of the testis
STM histology | References |
Rhabdomyosarcoma | |
Adenocarcinoma | |
Squamous cell carcinoma | Ahmed [43] |
Neuroendocrine carcinomas | |
PNET | |
Nephroblastoma | |
Well-differentiated liposarcoma | |
Leiomyosarcoma | |
Myxoid leiomyosarcoma | Malagon [34] |
Chondrosarcoma | |
Angiosarcoma | |
Neuroblastoma | |
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma | Ahmed [43] |
Glioma | Ahmed [43] |
Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor | |
Gemistocytic astrocytoma | Colecchia [2] |
Choroid plexus tumor | |
Microcystic meningioma | Allen [53] |
Sarcoma not otherwise specified | |
Dendritic cell tumor | Necchi [22] |
Hemangioendothelioma | Necchi [22] |
Malignant giant cell tumor | Ulbright [23] |
Hepatocellular carcinoma | Jain [54] |
PNET and choroid plexus tumor | Colecchia [2] |
Gemistocytic astrocytoma and choroid plexus teratoma | Colecchia [2] |
Rhabdomyosarcoma and adenocarcinoma | Colecchia [2] |
Nephroblastoma and rhabdomyosarcoma | Colecchia [2] |
PNET and rhabdomyosarcoma | Colecchia [2] |
Rhabdomyosarcoma and undifferentiated sarcoma | Ganjoo [49] |
Rhabdomyosarcoma and Ewing’s sarcoma/primitive neuroectodermal tumor | Ganjoo [49] |
Rhabdomyosarcoma and small round blue cell tumor not otherwise characterized | Ganjoo [49] |
Osteogenic sarcoma and rhabdomyosarcoma | Motzer [17] |
Rhabdomyosarcoma and primitive neuroectodermal tumor | Motzer [17] |
Rhabdomyosarcoma and chondrosarcoma | Motzer [17] |
Rhabdomyosarcoma and squamous cell carcinoma | Motzer [17] |
The type of histology impacts the prognosis. Rhabdomyosarcoma histology is associated with a better prognosis, while PNET is associated with the worst [33]. Elapsed time between diagnosis of the GCT and the diagnosis of STM appears to correlate with histology of STM. The vast majority of PNET and rhabdomyosarcoma are diagnosed concomitantly to or within two years of GCT diagnosis, while most adenocarcinomas are diagnosed after two years of diagnosis of the GCT [22, 33, 55]. This suggests that senescence and perhaps exposure to therapy may be more important risk factors in the development of epithelial STM and less important in the development of sarcomatous or primitive histologies. Correlation between grade of STM and aggressive behavior is controversial. One series did not find a correlation with prognosis according to the grade of glandular tumors but did find it with sarcomas [3], while another one did not find a difference in behavior between low- and high-grade sarcomas [34].
Overall, the presence of STM confers patients with a detrimental impact on survival across all stages. Clinical stage I and metastatic good-risk patients with STM-GCT had approximately 10 % and 20 % reduction in overall survival, respectively, compared to patients with pure GCT [33]. However, the site where STM is present is also important. STM present in primary tumors is associated with better prognosis than STM developed in metastatic deposits [2, 56]. Partially reflecting this, elapsed time from diagnosis of GCT to diagnosis of STM also impacts prognosis, with the best prognosis associated with STM diagnosed at the same time as the GCT [33]. The presence of STM diagnosed after therapy for GCT is associated with dismal prognosis, particularly if developed more than two years after GCT diagnosis [3, 33]. This is particularly significant, since STM-GCT represent approximately 23 % of late recurrences (i.e., after two years) in patients with testicular GCT [35, 57]. Patients who do not respond to initial therapy, experience relapse, or have metastatic or disseminated disease have poor prognosis [2, 22, 58].
12.5.2 Ovarian Tumors
The published experience with STM in ovarian type II GCT is limited to occasional case reports. This, however, may be a reflection of the much more uncommon occurrence of these tumors in the ovary, compared to the testis. Type II GCT can usually be inferred if the STM arises in a background of a mixed GCT or associated with non-teratomatous elements, like dysgerminoma. Similarly to the testicular counterpart, the majority of the reported histologies correspond to sarcomas. These include a case of a 33-year-old with an ovarian dysgerminoma associated with a fibrosarcoma component [59], a case of dysgerminoma with a rhabdomyosarcoma in a 14-year-old girl [60], and another case of rhabdomyosarcoma in a 23-year-old associated with dysgerminoma and teratoma [61]. Additionally, in the series of sarcomatous STM-GCT mentioned above [34], two of the three ovarian GCT with STM contained mixed germ cell elements, including mature teratoma and embryonal carcinoma with leiomyosarcoma, and dysgerminoma and immature teratoma with rhabdomyosarcoma. Collective evidence on this particular setting is quite scarce to draw significant conclusions about prognosis and treatment. Further, published series not always include enough information to allow retrospective identification of a type II teratoma and differentiate it from a type I or type IV teratoma or to exclude the possibility of its occurrence in a phenotypic female with an underdiagnosed Y chromosome mosaicism (see Chap. 6).
12.6 STM in Type III GCT
Spermatocytic tumors (ST) are rare and the presence of an associated sarcomatous component is even rarer. ST is not associated with other GCT and usually has a favorable prognosis (see Chap. 7). In reported cases of ST with a sarcomatous component, undifferentiated spindle cell sarcoma and rhabdomyosarcomas have been mentioned (Fig. 12.6). The presence of a sarcomatous component is associated with poor prognosis and metastatic disease [32, 62, 63].


Fig. 12.6
Spermatocytic tumor (type III GCT) with associated malignant spindle cell (a) and cartilaginous (b) components (Pictures courtesy of Dr. Thomas Ulbright, Indiana University)
Published experience with this phenomenon is limited to case reports and small series. The largest one reported five cases of ST with sarcomatous “transformation,” four undifferentiated sarcomas and one rhabdomyosarcoma. Two (possibly three) of the patients died of metastatic disease [32]. Another series reported two cases of ST with sarcomatous component. The sarcomatous element in one case was rhabdomyosarcoma, while the other case had primitive mesenchymal spindle cell sarcoma. Both cases were older than 40 years; their sarcomatous component metastasized and had a poor outcome despite aggressive treatment. In their description of the ST component, the authors point out slight differences with classic description, including high mitotic rate and atypical mitotic figures [64]. One case report presented an ST with undifferentiated sarcomatous component in a 43-year-old male. The tumor was resected but chemotherapy was not given. The patient developed a recurrent scrotal mass and multiple bilateral lung metastases 9 months later. A chemotherapy regimen of cisplatin, bleomycin, and etoposide was initiated, but the patient died after 1 month [65]. Similarly, another case report presented an ST in a 51-year-old male with rhabdomyosarcoma component, metastasis to the lungs, liver and retroperitoneal lymph nodes, and death 2 months after the diagnosis [62].
The exact mechanism explaining the origin of sarcomatous component is not clear. As expected, teratomatous elements were absent in all reported cases. True et al. suggested that the sarcomatous components are an expression of anaplastic transformation of the ST [32]. One could also theorize that the sarcomatous component is a result of the pluripotential features of the neoplastic germ cell, although it is not clear why only mesenchymal neoplasms arise in this setting. Due to aggressive behavior of ST with sarcomatous component, additional treatment is warranted, although no specific modality is favored based on the limited experience. These tumors are rare and the effectiveness of chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy is not clear [66, 67].
12.7 STM in Type IV GCT
Mature cystic teratomas of the ovary (type IV GCT) can also be complicated by STM, and this phenomenon is extensively reviewed in Chap. 6. A few salient aspects will be discussed here.
STM occurs in 1.5–3 % of mature cystic teratomas [19, 68]. Contrary to what occurs in type II GCT, the majority of STM arising in mature cystic teratomas of the ovary are squamous cell carcinomas (Fig. 12.7) [69]. They seem to affect elderly women in their fifth and sixth decade [19]. Other epithelial neoplasms that may be found within mature cystic teratomas include adenocarcinoma (Fig. 12.8) [70], neuroendocrine carcinoma, and transitional cell carcinoma [71]. Sarcomas are much less frequent and include osteosarcoma [71, 72], rhabdomyosarcoma, angiosarcoma (Fig. 12.9), malignant fibrous histiocytoma, chondrosarcoma, spindle cell sarcoma, and undifferentiated sarcoma [73, 74]. Malignant melanomas are much less common than metastatic melanomas to the ovary [75, 76]. A thorough list of histologies reported in STM in mature cystic ovarian teratomas is presented in Chap. 6 in Table 6.5.


Fig. 12.7

Well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma arising in a mature cystic teratoma of the ovary. Inset: high-power view of invasive nests of squamous cells and keratin formation

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