Clinical Photograph of Poroma Clinical photograph shows a traumatized poroma on the lower back of an adult male, which presented as an irritated polypoid lesion.
Poroma With Squamoid Features Low magnification of a poroma with squamoid features shows a basaloid to squamoid-appearing neoplasm with multiple anastomosing connections between thickened cords of tumor cells and to epidermis. Note the ectatic ductal space on the left .
Poroma With Clear Cell Features Scanning magnification of a poroma with clear cell features shows a basaloid to clear cell neoplasm with multiple anastomosing connections between thickened cords of tumor cells and to epidermis .
Higher Magnification of Clear Cell Poroma Higher magnification of a clear cell area of poroma shows a proliferation of small cells with abundant pale to clear-staining cytoplasm and small nuclei lacking atypia.