
Chapter 2 Pharmacodynamics

TABLE 2-2 Major G Protein Signaling Pathways

Gα Type Function* Coupled Receptors
Gs Stimulates adenylyl cyclase (↑ cAMP) Dopamine (D1), epinephrine (β1, β2), glucagon, histamine (H2), vasopressin (V2)
Gi Inhibits adenylyl cyclase (↓ cAMP) Dopamine (D2), epinephrine (α2)
Gq Stimulates phospholipase C (↑ IP3, DAG) Angiotensin II, epinephrine (α1), oxytocin, vasopressin (V1), Histamine (H1)

cAMP, cyclic adenosine monophosphate; DAG, diacylglycerol; IP3, inositol triphosphate.

* In some signaling pathways, Gs and Gi are associated with ion channels, which open or close in response to hormone binding.

(Adapted from Pelley JW and Goljan EF: Rapid Review Biochemistry, 2nd ed. Philadelphia, Mosby, 2007, Table 3-3.)

TABLE 2-3 Effects of Elevated cyclic adenoside monphosphate (cAMP) in Various Tissues

Tissue/Cell Type Hormone Increasing cAMP Major Cellular Response
Adipose tissue Epinephrine ↑ Hydrolysis of triglycerides
Adrenal cortex Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) Hormone secretion
Cardiac muscle Epinephrine, norepinephrine ↑ Contraction rate
Intestinal mucosa Vasoactive intestinal peptide, epinephrine Secretion of water and electrolytes
Kidney tubules Vasopressin (V2 receptor) Resorption of water
Liver Glucagon, epinephrine

Platelets Prostacyclin (PGI2) Inhibition of aggregation
Skeletal muscle Epinephrine ↑ Glycogen degradation
Smooth muscle (bronchial and vascular) Epinephrine

Thyroid gland Thyroid-stimulating hormone Synthesis and secretion of thyroxine

(Adapted from Pelley JW and Goljan EF: Rapid Review Biochemistry, 2nd ed. Philadelphia, Mosby, 2007, Table 3-4.)

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