Displaced Junctional Nests in Breast Nevus At this low power, a junctional melanocytic proliferation is evident on the breast of a 25-year-old woman. Most nests appear at the tips of rete ridges. However, there are apparently displaced nests on the left side of the lesion .
Papillary Dermal Fibroplasia in Breast Nevus These nests appear to be overlying papillary dermal fibroplasia and are not laterally displaced or fused as seen in atypical/dysplastic nevi.
High Magnification: Banal Cytology Higher power examination exhibits no macronucleoli, vesicular nuclei, or hyperchromasia. Note how the nests blend in with epidermal keratinocytes.
High Magnification: Lack of Cytological Atypia Another focus of the same lesion shows nested melanocytes devoid of cytological atypia. Note the melanin incontinence and sparse lymphohistiocytic inflammation in the superficial dermis.
• Melanocytic nevi of special sites
• Benign melanocytic nevi with unusual histological features that can mimic dysplastic nevi or melanoma
Unusual histopathologic findings are attributed to anatomic location and not neoplastic features
Architectural &/or cytological abnormalities do not correlate with aggressive clinical behavior
• Special site designation includes the following anatomic locations
In and around ear
Breast and milk line
Flexural skin (skin folds at axillae, antecubital and popliteal fossae, and umbilicus)
• Surgical approaches
Shave or simple excision
• Excellent
General Features
• Light to dark brown papule or plaque with areas of pigmentary change
• Dermoscopy can show prominent pigment network, sometimes with bizarre lines, and large globules
Histologic Features
• Asymmetry and poor peripheral circumscription
• Large junctional nests of melanocytes located at tips, sides, and between rete ridges
Some nests are randomly scattered along dermoepidermal junction, resembling atypical/dysplastic nevi
Nests show variation in shape with frequent bizarre forms
Dyscohesion of tumor cells within nests
• Involvement of skin adnexa
• Focal poorly nested, lentiginous proliferation of melanocytes along dermoepidermal junction
• Focal upward migration of isolated melanocytes in central part of lesion, especially if traumatized
• Dermal melanocytic component is cytologically bland
Matures properly with increasing dermal depth
Occasional mitotic activity can be seen
Cell are set in fibroplasia or may be focally inflamed
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