joints and muscle

10 Bone, joints and muscle

The skeleton provides protection for the internal organs along with a strengthening and support system for the limbs. The presence of joints in the limbs and spine permits movement of what would otherwise be rigid structures. The cartilage interposed between the bone surfaces of a joint cushions the forces that are generated during movement. Joint strength is enhanced by ligaments that are either incorporated into the joint capsule or independent of it. Movement at the joint is achieved by contraction of the muscles passing across it.

Structure and function


Long bones are hollow with an outer layer of compact bone arranged, on the surface, into flat layers of lamellae and, more deeply, as concentric rings traversed by longitudinal passages (the Haversian canals) (Fig. 10.1). The central cavity of a long bone is occupied by bone marrow. At the ends of the long bones, a meshwork (cancellous bone) forms with marrow in its interstices. The arrangement of the meshwork is determined by the stresses to which the bones are exposed. Between adjacent Haversian canals and their surrounding concentric rings, the bony lamellae are arranged more haphazardly. In the spaces between these bony lamellae lie osteocytes.

Formation of bone is controlled by osteoblasts, and its destruction by osteoclasts. The osteocytes, derived from osteoblasts, are concerned with the exchange of calcium between bone and the extracellular fluid. Collagen, synthesised by osteoblasts and fibroblasts, forms the major part of the bone matrix. The calcium content of bone is mainly composed of crystals of hydroxyapatite. Approximately 1% of the calcium and phosphate of bone is in equilibrium with the extracellular fluid. Only osteoclastic resorption can release the remainder. The exchange of calcium between bone and extracellular fluid is controlled by parathormone and calcitriol, a metabolite of vitamin D.

The tubular arrangement of the long bones achieves maximal resistance to a bending force while economising on the amount of material used in its construction. The lines of the trabeculae in cancellous bone match the lines of stress encountered at those particular points. The surface markings and contours of bone are determined by external forces and the origins of tendons and ligaments.

Cartilage consists of a collection of rounded cells (chondroblasts) embedded in a matrix. There are three main types: hyaline, elastic and fibrocartilage. Hyaline cartilage is found on the articular surface of joints, in the costal cartilages and in the larynx, trachea and bronchi. Hyaline cartilage combines elasticity with a capacity to resist external forces. With increasing age, cartilage water content falls, with a consequent deterioration in tensile stiffness, fracture strength and fatigue resistance. Fibrocartilage is predominantly composed of fibrous tissue and is a part of the tendon at the point of its insertion into bone (Sharpey’s fibres). It is also found in certain joints. Elastic cartilage has a concentrated network of elastic fibres that give its structure considerable flexibility. It is found in the pinna and in some of the laryngeal cartilages.


Joints can be classified into those allowing free movement (diarthroses), those that are fixed (synarthroses) and those that permit limited movement (amphiarthroses). In diarthroses (synovial joints), a space exists between the bone surfaces, allowing movement of one bone against the other (Fig. 10.2). Further classification of these joints can be made according to the type of movement that occurs (e.g. ball and socket, hinge). A synovial joint is enclosed by a collagenous capsule attached to the bone at some distance from the joint. The inner surface of the capsule is lined by a fluid-producing membrane. Localised thickenings of the capsule, the ligaments, connect the adjacent bones. Other ligaments blend into the capsule at one end but are attached to bone at the other (Fig. 10.3) or remain totally independent of the joint capsule.

The synovial membrane is one cell thick. One type of cell ingests foreign or autologous material that has entered the joint; another synthesises and secretes the synovial fluid. Synovial fluid is a dialysate of plasma with the addition of hyaluronate proteoglycan. The ratio of the concentration of a synovial fluid protein to its serum concentration is determined by molecular size. The synovial fluid provides both nutrition for the articular cartilage and lubricates the joint surfaces.

Temporary synarthroses (synchondroses) are found at the growing points of long bones in the form of epiphyseal cartilage. The sutures of the skull are synarthroses, the bony margins being joined by fibrous tissue.

Amphiarthroses are permanent joints. A good example is the intervertebral disc of the spine. An outer layer of dense concentric bundles of collagen, the annulus fibrosus, encloses a core of hydrated compact tissue, the nucleus pulposus.


A motor neuron innervates 100–1000 skeletal muscle fibres. Within the muscle fibre is a recurring anatomical structure, the sarcomere, consisting of thin filaments that are composed of actin and thick filaments composed of myosin (Fig. 10.4). During the contraction and relaxation of muscle, the thin and thick filaments move in relationship to one another. All the fibres of a particular motor unit have similar properties. Muscle fibres are divided into fast and slow twitch (type I and type II) according to their speed of contraction, although in humans a continuum of twitch speed exists.

Slowly contracting motor units are innervated by slowly conducting nerve fibres with a low threshold and firing frequency. Rapidly contracting motor units are innervated by axons that conduct rapidly but have a high threshold. The strength of muscle contraction can be altered either by varying the number of motor units recruited or by altering their firing frequency. The recruitment process begins with small units and progresses to larger. Firing frequency ranges from 10 to 20  Hz for slow units and up to 100  Hz for fast units. Slow twitch muscles have a high myoglobin content, producing a reddish appearance. Slow twitch fibres use oxidative mechanisms for energy formation; fast twitch fibres employ glycolysis. The former are fatigue-resistant, the latter rapidly fatiguable. In general, slow units provide sustained muscle tension over long periods, of the sort required to maintain a particular posture, whereas fast units allow short-lived, sudden muscle contraction.

Symptoms of bone, joint and muscle disorders


Joint symptoms include pain, swelling, crepitus and locking.


In an arthritic disorder, pain is usually the most prominent complaint. Important aspects to determine are the site and severity of the pain, whether it is acute or chronic, how it is influenced by rest and activity and whether it appears during a particular range of movement.

Ask the patient to point to the maximal site of pain. Although irritation of structures close to the skin produces well-localised pain, disturbance of deeper structures produces pain that is poorly localised and eventually segmental in distribution.

The segments to which the pain is referred (the sclerotomes) differ somewhat from dermatomal distributions. Consequently, deep pain can be felt at a point some distance from the affected structure, that is, referred pain. Where joint disease exists, misinterpretation of the site of the disease process can follow (Fig. 10.5). Spinal pain can also be referred. Abnormal function in the upper cervical spine can lead to pain over the occipital region, whereas disorders of the lower lumbar spine may lead to upper lumbar back pain stemming from the fact that the posterior longitudinal ligament is innervated by the upper lumbar nerves.

Severity of joint pain is difficult to judge, depending, as it does, on the patient’s personality. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis typically result in chronic pain with periodic exacerbation; septic arthritis or gout produce an acutely painful joint.

Inflammatory joint disease tends to cause pain on waking, improving with activity but returning at rest. Mechanical joint disease (e.g. caused by osteoarthritis) leads to pain that worsens during the course of the day, particularly with activity.

For certain joint disorders (e.g. at the shoulder), pain is apparent only during a specific range of movement. If confirmed by examination, this selectivity can be valuable in differential diagnosis.


Muscle symptoms include pain and stiffness, weakness, wasting, abnormal spontaneous movements and cramps.

General principles of examination


You need to follow a strict routine with joint examination, incorporating inspection, palpation and assessment of the movement of the joint.


Things you are looking for include swelling, joint deformity, overlying skin changes and the appearance of the surrounding structures.


Deformity results either from misalignment of the bones forming the joint or from alteration of the relationship between the articular surfaces. If misalignment exists, a deviation of the part distal to the joint away from the midline is called a valgus deformity and a deviation towards the midline a varus deformity (Fig. 10.6). If a deformity exists you will need later to determine whether it is fixed or mobile. Partial loss of contact of the articulating surfaces is called subluxation, and complete loss dislocation. Although these are usually traumatic, they can also be seen in inflammatory joint disease, particularly rheumatoid arthritis. Swan neck, Boutonnière and mallet are descriptive terms used for deformities of the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints of the hand (Fig. 10.7).


During palpation of a joint, assess the nature of any swelling, whether there is tenderness and whether the joint is hot.


The method of examining for an effusion will be described for the individual joints. Your first step is to determine the consistency of any swelling. Is the swelling hard, suggesting bone deformities secondary to osteoarthritis? Certain sites are particularly susceptible to osteoarthritic change (e.g. the distal interphalangeal joints of the hand) (Fig. 10.9). A slightly spongy or boggy swelling suggests synovial thickening and is particularly associated with rheumatoid arthritis. An effusion is fluctuant, that is, the fluid can be displaced from one part of the joint to another. Swellings may also arise adjacentto a joint. Again determine their consistency. Soft fluctuant swellings suggest enlarged bursae. Harder swellings occur in rheumatoid arthritis and gout.

Joint movement

Next proceed to examine the range of movement of the joint, whether movement is limited by pain and whether there is instability.

To define the range of joint movement, start with the joints in the neutral position, defined as the lower limbs extended with the feet dorsiflexed to 90°, and the upper limbs midway between pronation and supination with the arms flexed to 90° at the elbows (Fig. 10.12). For accurate measurement of joint movement you will need a goniometer (Fig. 10.13) but for routine purposes your eye should allow a reasonably true estimate. Movement of a joint is either active (i.e. induced by the patient) or passive (i.e. induced by the examiner). Sometimes you need to assess both but you will generally assess active movements in the spine but passive movements in the limb joints. Restriction of active compared with passive movement is usually due to muscle weakness.

From the neutral position, record the degrees of flexion and extension. If extension does not normally occur at a joint (e.g. the knee) but is present, describe the movement as hyperextension and give its range in degrees. Sometimes there is restriction of the range of movement. For example, if the knee fails by 30° to reach the extended position, describe this as either a 30° flexion deformity or as a 30° lack of extension (Fig. 10.14). For the ankle and wrist, extension is described as dorsiflexion and flexion as plantar and palmar flexion, respectively. For a ball and socket joint, you will need to record the range of flexion, extension, abduction, adduction and internal and external rotation (Fig. 10.15). The range of joint movement varies between individuals: an excessive range of movement can be constitutional as well as pathological. Carefully note if pain occurs during joint movement. In joint disease, pain is likely to occur throughout the range of movement. In certain disease processes around the joint (e.g. in the ligaments or bursae), pain can be restricted to a particular range or type of movement. Damage of either the articular surfaces or of the ligaments related to a joint can lead to instability. You will discover this partly by finding that the joint can be moved into abnormal positions and partly, particularly for the knee joint, by observing the joint as the patient walks.


A screening history and examination process for the musculoskeletal system has been devised for undergraduate use (GALS – gait, arms, legs and spine).


The methods for examining individual muscles will be given in the section on regional examination. Initially your assessment will include inspection, palpation, then testing of muscle power.


Look for evidence of muscle wasting, for signs of abnormal muscle bulk and for spontaneous contractions.

Testing muscle power

You should follow the UK Medical Research Council classification (p. 363) when testing and recording muscle power. Remember to make allowance for sex, age and the patient’s stature. If the muscle itself, or the joint that it moves, is painful then power will be correspondingly limited. Patterns of muscle weakness are particularly important in neurological diagnosis. Is the weakness global, does it predominate distally or proximally in the limb, does its distribution fit with either a peripheral nerve or root distribution? Sometimes muscle power is decidedly fluctuant: there is a sudden give, alternating with more effective contraction. Although this pattern can occur in myasthenia gravis, it is usually the reflection of a nonorganic disability. If muscle fatigue is a prominent symptom assess it objectively. For example, for the deltoid, ask the patient to abduct the shoulder to 90°. Test power immediately, then after the patient has held that posture for 60 seconds.

You will need to be selective when deciding which muscles to test. Your choice will be guided partly by the patient’s complaints, both in terms of their distribution and their quality.

The spine

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