Insurance Claim Forms
After completing this chapter, readers should be able to:
Read various forms of documentation to obtain coding information.
Use a patient information sheet.
Use physician identification numbers.
Complete CMS-1500 claim forms.
Term | Definition |
Batching | A deferred or delayed processing method for inputting data for retrieval at a later date. |
Beneficiary | In the Medicare program, the person who is eligible to receive a specified payment for either coverage related to illness or injury or for death benefits. |
Bundling | Combining lesser services with a major service in order for one charge to include the variety of services. |
CCI | Correct Coding Initiative. Bundling edits created by CMS to combine various component items with a major service or procedure. |
CMS-1500 | A paper claim form submitted to an insurance company to provide billing information regarding patient services. |
COB | Coordination of Benefits. A clause that has been written into a health insurance policy stating that the primary insurance will take into account benefits payable by a secondary carrier. Prevents overpayment of the charges billed to the patient. |
Component Billing | Billing for each item or service provided to a patient in accordance with insurance carriers’ policies. |
Covered Entities | Health care providers, health plans, and health care clearinghouses. |
DMERC | Durable medical equipment regional carrier. |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange. Computer-to-computer transfer of data between a provider of services and an insurance company or claims-processing clearinghouse. |
Encounter Form | Document to record information regarding services provided to a patient; used for billing purposes. Also referred to as a superbill or fee slip. |
EPSDT FECA | Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment. A Medicaid preventive medical examination. Federal Employees’ Compensation Act. A program administered by the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP), U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). This program decides whether you qualify for medical treatment and compensation under this act. |
Fee Slip | Also referred to as a superbill or patient encounter form. A form used to track service information. |
Global Period | Specific time frames assigned to a code by an insurance company before additional payment will be made following a surgical procedure. |
Global Procedures | Major surgical procedures that typically have a follow-up period of 30, 60, 90, or 120 days, which must elapse before you may begin to bill the patient for services related to the original procedure. |
Health Care Clearinghouse | Company that translates electronic transactions between the standard formats and code sets required under HIPAA and nonstandard formats and code sets. |
Health Care Provider | Any person who or organization that furnishes, bills, or is paid for health care in the normal course of business. |
Health Plans | An individual or group plan that provides or pays for the cost of medical care. |
NPI | National Provider Identifier. Number assigned to hospitals, physicians, nursing homes, and other health care providers that contains alphanumeric characters (e.g., E3E30KL74-6). |
Ordering Physician | The physician who orders nonphysician services, such as diagnostic laboratory tests, clinical laboratory tests, pharmaceutical services, or DME for the patient. |
POS | Place of Service. This term refers to the physical location where services are provided to a patient (e.g., office, inpatient hospital). |
Providers | Service providers; for example, physicians, hospitals, pharmacies, nursing homes, DME suppliers, dentists, optometrists, and chiropractors. |
Ranking Codes | Listing services in their order of importance by dates of service and values. Codes are usually ranked by value from the highest charge to the lowest charge. |
Referring Physician | The physician who requests an item or service for the beneficiary for which payment may be made under the Medicare program. |
Relative Value Unit | A method to calculate fees for services. A unit is translated into a dollar value using a conversion factor or dollar multiplier. Assigned value is generally based on three factors: physician work component, overhead practice expense, and malpractice insurance. |
Suspended File Report | A listing of claims that have incorrect information such as a posting error or missing information to process the claim. |
Timely Filing Clause | The amount of time allowed by an insurance company for a claim to be submitted for payment from the date of the service. |
TOS | Type of Service. This refers to the services provided to a patient (e.g., evaluation and management services, surgery, x-rays). |
Unbundling Services | Listing services or procedures as separate billable components. Although this practice may generate more revenue, it is often an incorrect reporting technique that could result in an insurance company auditing a practice or asking for refunds of paid monies. |
Unit Count | A means to report the number of times a service was provided on the same date of service to the same patient (e.g., removal of 15 lesions). |
UPIN | Unique Personal Identification Number. A number assigned to each covered provider in the Medicare program to identify the provider who performed the billed service(s). |
Standards for Code Sets
For disease, injuries, impairments, and other health-related problems: International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM), Volumes 1 and 2
For procedures or other actions taken to prevent, diagnose, treat, or manage diseases, injuries, and impairments:
Inpatient hospital services: ICD-9-CM, Volume 3: Procedures
Dental services: Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature (CDT-4)
Physicians’ services: Current Procedural Terminology, Fourth Edition (CPT)
Other hospital-related services: Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS)
To report retail pharmacy transactions (pharmaceuticals and biologicals): National Drug Codes
Standards for Electronic Claims
HIPAA standard code sets are used in conjunction with the standards for electronic transactions. When a patient comes in for an office visit, his or her confidential information is put into the practice’s management system. Codes are assigned to the diagnosis and related procedures, as discussed in Chapters 1 and 2.
Claims or encounters (equivalent to the paper claims [e.g., CMS-1500, UB-92] and American Dental Association claim forms)
Claim status inquiry and response
Eligibility inquiry and response
Enrollment and disenrollment in a health plan
Referral and authorization advice
Payment and remittance advisory
Coordination of benefits (COB)
The 837P
A standard transaction is submitted as an electronic file that has medical data compiled in a specific format. For an electronic insurance claim from a physician’s office, this format is called the 837P and replaces the paper claim, or CMS-1500. This is an electronic data set and not a paper form. The provider cannot print out the 837P, unlike the CMS-1500. A crosswalk between the 837P and the CMS-1500 is included in this chapter, after the discussion of the paper claim form (Table 7-1).
Comparison of CMS-1500 and 837P
Ref. No. on CMS | CMS-1500 Box No. | CMS-1500 Box Name | 837P Data Element No. | 837P Data Element Name |
1 | 1 | Government program | 66 | Identification code qualifier |
2 | 1a | Insured ID number | 67 | Subscriber’s primary identifier |
3-6 | 2 | Patient’s name (last, first, middle initial) | 1035 | Patient’s last name |
1036 | Patient’s first name | |||
1037 | Patient middle name | |||
1039 | Patient’s name suffix | |||
7 | 3 | Patient’s date of birth | 1251 | Patient’s date of birth |
8 | 3 | Sex | 1068 | Patient’s gender code |
9-12 | 4 | Insured’s name (L, F, MI) | 1035 | Patient’s last name |
1037 | Patient’s first name | |||
1039 | Patient’s middle name | |||
13-14 | 5 | Patient’s address | 166 | Patient’s address line |
166 | Patient’s address line | |||
15 | 5 | City | 19 | Patient’s city name |
16 | 5 | State | 156 | Patient’s state code |
17 | 5 | Zip | 116 | Patient’s postal zone or zip code |
18 | 5 | Telephone number | — | Not used in 837P |
19-20 | 6 | Patient’s relationship to insured (e.g., self, spouse) | 1069 | Individual’s relationship code |
21-22 | 7 | Insured’s address | 166 | Subscriber’s address line |
166 | Subscriber’s address line | |||
23 | 7 | City | 19 | Subscriber’s city name |
24 | 7 | State | 156 | State code |
25 | 7 | Zip code | 116 | Subscriber’s postal zone or zip code |
26 | 7 | Telephone number | — | Not used in 837P |
27-31 | 8 | Patient’s status (e.g., single, married) | 1069 | Individual’s relationship code |
8 | Other | 1069 | Individual’s relationship code | |
8 | Employed | — | Not used in 837P | |
8 | Full-time student | — | Not used in 837P | |
8 | Part-time student | — | Not used in 837P | |
32-35 | 9 | Other insured’s name (L, F, MI) | 1035 | Other insured’s last name |
1036 | Other insured’s first name | |||
1037 | Other insured’s middle name | |||
1039 | Other insured’s name suffix | |||
36 | 9a | Other insured’s policy or group number | 93 | Other insured’s group name |
37 | 9b | Other insured’s date of birth | 1251 | Other insured’s birth date |
38 | 9b | Other insured’s sex | 1068 | Other insured’s gender code |
39 | 9c | Employer’s name or school name | — | Not used in 837P |
40 | 9d | Insurance plan name or program name | 93 | Other insured’s group name |
41 | 10 | Is patient’s condition related to: | Related causes information: | |
42 | 10a | Employment (current or previous) | 1362 | Related causes code |
43 | 10b | Auto accident | 1362 | Related causes code |
44 | 10b | Place (state) | 156 | Auto accident state or province code |
45 | 10c | Other accident | 1362 | Related causes code |
46 | 11 | Insured’s policy group or FECA number | ||
47 | 11a | Insured’s date of birth | 1251 | Subscriber’s birth date |
48 | 11a | Sex | 1068 | Subscriber’s gender code |
49 | 11b | Employer name or school name | — | Not used in 837P |
50 | 11c | Insurance plan name or program name | 93 | Other insured group name |
51 | 11d | Is there another health benefit plan? | 98 | Entity identifier code |
52-53 | 12 | Patient’s or authorized person’s signature (and date) | 1363 | Release of information code |
54 | 13 | Insured’s or authorized person’s signature | 1351 | Patient’s signature source code |
55-57 | 14 | Date of current: illness, | 1251 | Initial treatment date |
injury, | 1251 | Accident date | ||
pregnancy (LMP) | 1251 | LMP | ||
58 | 15 | If patient has had same or similar illness, give first date | 1251 | Similar illness or symptom date |
59 | 16 | Dates patient unable to work in current occupation: From MM/DD/YY | 1251 | Last worked date |
60 | 16 | To MM/DD/YY | 1251 | Work return date |
61 | 17 | Name of referring physician or other source | ||
62 | 17a | ID number of referring physician | ||
63 | 18 | Hospitalization dates related to current services: From MM/DD/YY | 1251 | Related hospitalization |
64 | 18 | To MM/DD/YY | 1251 | Related hospitalization discharge date |
65 | 19 | Reserved for local use | ||
66 | 20 | Outside lab? | ||
67 | 20 | $ Charges | ||
68 | 21 | Diagnosis or nature of illness or injury, 1 | 1271 | Diagnosis code |
69 | 21 | 2 | 1271 | Diagnosis code |
70 | 21 | 3 | 1271 | Diagnosis code |
71 | 21 | 4 | 1271 | Diagnosis code |
72 | 22 | Medicaid resubmission code | — | Not used in 837P |
73 | 22 | Original ref. no. | 127 | Claim’s original reference number |
74 | 23 | Prior authorization number | 127 | Prior authorization number |
75 | 24A | Dates of service: From MM/DD/YY | 1251 | Order date |
76 | 24A | To MM/DD/YY | 1251 | Order date |
77 | 24B | Place of service | 1331 | Place of service code |
78 | 24C | Type of service | — | Not used in 837P |
79 | 24D | Procedures, services, or supplies CPT/HCPCS | 234 | Procedure code |
80-81 | 24D | Modifier | 1339 | Procedure modifier |
1339 | Procedure modifier | |||
1339 | Procedure modifier | |||
82-85 | 24E | Diagnosis code | 1328 | Diagnosis code pointer |
86 | 24F | $ charges | 782 | Line-item charge amount |
87 | 24G | Days or units | 380 | Service unit count |
88 | 24H | EPSDT family plan | 1366 | Special program indicator |
89 | 24I | EMG | 1073 | Emergency indicator |
90 | 24J | COB | ||
91 | 24K | Reserved for local use | 127 | Rendering provider’s secondary identifier |
92 | 25 | Federal tax ID number | 67 | Rendering provider’s identifier |
93 | 25 | SSN, EIN | 66 | Identification code qualifier |
94 | 26 | Patient’s account no. | 1028 | Patient’s account number |
95 | 27 | Accept assignment | 1359 | Medicare assignment code |
96 | 28 | Total charge | 782 | Total claim charge amount |
97 | 29 | Amount paid | 782 | Total claim charge amount |
98 | 30 | Balance due | 782 | Patient’s amount paid |
99-100 | 31 | Signature of physician or supplier (and date) | 1073 | Provider or supplier signature indicator |
101-106; 108-115 | 32 | Name and address of facility where services were rendered | 1035 | Laboratory or facility name |
166 | Laboratory or facility address line | |||
166 | ||||
19 | Laboratory or facility | |||
156 | address line | |||
116 | Laboratory or facility city | |||
OR | Laboratory or facility state | |||
1036 | or province code | |||
1035 | Laboratory or facility postal zone or zip code | |||
Submitter’s first name | ||||
1036 | Billing provider’s last name or organizational name | |||
166 | Billing provider’s first name | |||
166 | Billing provider’s address line | |||
19 | Billing provider’s address line | |||
156 | Billing provider’s city name | |||
116 | Billing provider’s state or province code | |||
Billing provider’s postal zone or zip code | ||||
116-122 | 33 | Physicians’ suppliers billing name, address, zip code, & telephone number | 10351036 | Billing provider’s last or organizational name Billing provider’s first name |
166 | Billing provider’s address line | |||
166 | Billing provider’s address line | |||
19 | Billing provider’s city name | |||
156 | Billing provider’s state or province code | |||
116 | Billing provider’s postal zone or zip code | |||
123 | 33 | PIN# | 127 | Billing provider’s additional identifier |
124 | 33 | GRP# | 67 | Billing provider’s identifier |

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