Immunologic Diseases and Conditions

Immunologic Diseases and Conditions

Learning Objectives

After studying Chapter 3, you should be able to:

1. Name the functional components of the immune system.

2. Characterize the three major functions of the immune system.

3. List examples of inappropriate responses of the immune system.

4. Explain the difference between active and passive immunity.

5. Trace the formation of T cells and B cells from stem cells.

6. Explain how T cells and B cells specifically protect the body against disease.

7. List the five immunoglobulins and explain complement fixation.

8. Explain the ways that human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is transmitted.

9. List the guidelines for universal precautions and infection control.

10. Describe the primary absent or inadequate response of the immune system in the following diseases:

• Common variable immunodeficiency

• Selective immunoglobulin A deficiency

• Severe combined immunodeficiency disease

11. Explain the destructive mechanisms in autoimmune diseases.

12. Describe the symptoms and signs of pernicious anemia. Name the primary treatment.

13. Recall the systemic features of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Recall the diagnostic criteria.

14. Detail the pathology of rheumatoid arthritis.

15. Specify the primary objectives of the treatment for rheumatoid arthritis.

16. Compare the pathology of multiple sclerosis with that of myasthenia gravis.

17. List the distinguishing diagnostic features of ankylosing spondylitis.

18. Describe the pathology of vasculitis in general terms.

Orderly Function of the Immune System

The immune system, a major defense mechanism, is responsible for a complex response to the invasion of the body by foreign substances. The concept of the immune system arose from an observation that a person who recovers from a specific infection does not get sick from that infection again. The person is thereafter “immune” to that particular infectious agent. Immunity is very specific in that a person who has developed immunity to a certain virus, such as the rubella virus, is still susceptible to infection by different viruses, such as the measles virus.

The immune response assists the body in maintaining its functional integrity, and it battles infection by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. The immune system involves lymphoid tissues classified as primary (thymus and bone marrow) or secondary (tonsils, adenoids, spleen, Peyer’s patches, appendix, etc.) (Figure 3-1).

FIGURE 3–1 Immune system.

When the immune system reacts appropriately to an antigen and homeostasis is maintained, a person is immunocompetent. If the immune system’s response is inappropriate, either too weak or too strong, it results in the disruption of homeostasis. This malfunction in the system is referred to as immunoincompetence. Disruption of homeostasis is the cause of many diseases. Inappropriate responses or malfunctioning of the immune system are classified as follows:

The immune response normally is activated whenever foreign substances, or antigens, enter the body by evading its first line of defense—the skin and mucous membranes. The body recognizes the antigen or immunogen, usually a protein, as foreign, or non-self, and produces antibodies in response to that specific antigen. It is crucial that the immune system be able to differentiate between self and foreign molecules. When this is not the case, autoimmune disease is the result. In autoimmune disease, the body mistakenly recognizes molecules of its own tissues as foreign and then attacks them.

image Enrichment

Transplant Rejection

Kidney, liver, heart, lung, pancreas, intestines, and corneal tissue all can be replaced with transplants. Skin transplants are used for the treatment of burns. Bone marrow transplantation is used to treat many conditions such as bone marrow failure, leukemia, and aplastic anemia. E3-1

To help prevent transplant rejection, donor and recipient are carefully matched for blood type and immunologic characteristics. The recipient is given antirejection (immunosuppressive) drugs and steroids to suppress the production of antibodies to the foreign tissue proteins. All homografts (a graft of tissue between two genetically dissimilar individuals of the same species) invariably evoke some transplant rejection, which is mediated by antibodies and a delayed cellular immune reaction.

Clinically distinct forms of transplant rejection are recognized:

Modified from Damjanov I: Pathology for the health-related professions, ed 3, Philadelphia, 2005, Saunders.

The mechanisms of nonspecific defense involve preformed and fully activated components that launch a nonspecific attack on a foreign organism as soon as it is detected. The main cells involved in nonspecific defense include the following:

The development of the components required for immunity begins early in fetal life when the fetal liver produces stem cells, which in turn produce all cells of the hematopoietic system. Bone marrow assumes this role after birth (Figure 3-3). Some of the stem cells migrate to the thymus gland, where they become T cells (T lymphocytes), which multiply and develop the capacity to combine with specific foreign antigens derived from viruses, fungi, tumors, or transplanted tissue (Figure 3-4). Those T cells coded to recognize self-antigens are destroyed. The remaining T cells are coded to seek out foreign invaders. The body produces several types of T cells; each has a different function:

T cells are the major component of the type of acquired immunity known as cell-mediated immunity. The mononuclear phagocytic system, formerly termed the reticuloendothelial system, initiates this immune response. Macrophages, which develop from monocytes, are found in the tissue of the liver, lungs, and lymph nodes. These large cells intercept and engulf the foreign invader antigens, then process and present them to the T cells. Cell-mediated immunity defends the body against viral and fungal attacks, mediates graft rejection and tumor cell destruction, and helps or suppresses an antibody-mediated response to infection.

The remaining stem cells develop into B cells (B lymphocytes) to produce the antibody-mediated (humoral) immunity that protects the body against bacterial and viral infections and reinfections (see Figure 3-4). Once activated by exposure to an antigen, B cells are stimulated to proliferate and form a clone of cells that respond to that specific antigen. Some B cells become antibody-secreting plasma cells, whereas others become memory B cells, ready for a quick response if the target antigen presents itself again. The plasma cells are responsible for producing antibodies that attach to invading foreign antigens, thus marking the antigens for destruction by other cells of the immune system.

B cells are coated with immunoglobulins, giving them the ability to recognize foreign protein and stimulate an antigen-antibody reaction. The five classes of immunoglobulins or antibodies are IgM, IgG, IgA, IgD, and IgE (Table 3-1). These immunoglobulins are usually all present during an antigenic response, although in varying amounts, depending on the stimulant and the health of the patient. Actions of the antigen-antibody complex include the following:

Activation of the complement system (complement fixation) involves several proteins found in plasma or body fluids. The antigen-antibody reaction initiates a series or cascade of reactions that activate the complement system, fixing the complement and consequently permitting the destruction of pathogens by the process of phagocytosis or lysis of the pathogen’s cell membrane. This activation occurs during an immune reaction mediated by IgG or IgM.

The human body is protected by two types of acquired specific immunity: active immunity and passive immunity. Active immunity results when a person has had previous exposure to a disease or pathogen, or when a person receives immunizations against a disease to stimulate the production of a specific antibody. Active immunity affords the person acquired permanent protection. Passive immunity bypasses the body’s immune response to afford the benefit of immediate antibody availability. A person gains passive immunity by being given immune substances created outside that person’s body for temporary immunity, such as antibodies received through the placenta, when breast milk is fed to a child, or when immune globulin, an antibody-containing preparation made from the plasma of healthy donors, is given to help a person combat disease (Figure 3-5).

Immunodeficiency Diseases

An absent or inadequate response of the immune system results in immunodeficiency conditions and increased susceptibility to other diseases and opportunistic infections. Immunodeficiency can occur in any of the following major components of the immune system: B cells, T cells, complement, or phagocytes. Although the deficiency may be in either the humoral (antibody-related) or the cell-mediated responses, the consequences are similar: the individual does not have the capability to dispose of foreign and harmful substances. In general, an increased susceptibility to bacterial infections results from a B-cell deficiency, whereas recurrent viral, fungal, and protozoan infections are usually due to decreased T-cell function. Some of the conditions are genetic and present at birth, whereas other defects are not manifested until later in life or are acquired. Acquired immunoincompetence may result from a bacterial or viral insult to the body, malnutrition, or exposure to radiation or certain drugs. The severity of the immunodeficiency disease depends on the type of cell or cells that are affected. It can range from annoying chronic infections to severe life-threatening or fatal conditions. E3-2

image Enrichment

Malignancies and Common Opportunistic Infections and Conditions in Patients With AIDS

• Kaposi sarcoma is an aggressive malignancy of the blood vessels that appears as purple or blue patches on the skin, in the mouth, or anywhere else on the body

• Lymphomas are cancerous lesions of lymphoid tissues.

• Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) is a lung infection that can progress to be life threatening. It is the most common lung disease in persons with AIDS.

• Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection of the lungs or other organs.

• Herpes simplex consists of painful blisterlike lesions of the mouth, genitalia, or anus caused by the herpes virus

• Herpes zoster (shingles) is characterized by clusters of red blisterlike skin lesions that follow an inflamed nerve path.

• Candida albicans causes a fungal infection of the mucous membranes of the mouth, genitalia, or skin.

• Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by a protozoan intracellular parasite. A rash and lymphadenopathy can be present, and the central nervous system, heart, or lungs can become involved.

• Neurologic complications include inflammation of nerves, neuropathy, neoplasms, and AIDS dementia complex.

• Diarrhea is a symptom of a host of bacterial and viral infections of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, or gallbladder.

• Epstein-Barr virus causes hairy leukoplakia that is characterized by white plaque visible on the tongue.

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

Symptoms and Signs

Initially it is not possible to tell whether people are infected with HIV by simply observing them. They may remain healthy for years during the latent period and may therefore unknowingly transmit the virus to other people. Within 1 to 4 weeks after exposure, the patient may experience a flulike illness with sore throat, fever, and body aches that often lasts about 2 weeks. Lymphadenopathy, weight loss, fatigue, diarrhea, and night sweats are common as the clinical course progresses. The body’s number of T cells becomes lower and allows for frequent infections, especially opportunistic infections, pneumonia, fever, and malignancies (see the Enrichment box for Malignancies and Common Opportunistic Infections and Conditions in Patients with AIDS). Often, in the later stages, encephalopathy and malignancy lead to dementia and death (Figure 3-9).


AIDS is caused by HIV, type 1 or 2 (HIV-1 is found worldwide, HIV-2 is mainly in West Africa) retroviruses that contain RNA; they cannot survive apart from human cells. HIV attacks helper T lymphocytes (CD4 cells), the body’s safeguard against tumors, viruses, and parasites. The destruction of T cells and the proliferation of HIV leave the body defenseless against infection and malignancy by reducing cell-mediated immunity. The virus also directly damages the nervous system. AIDS first was recognized in the United States in 1981. Since then, it has become a top killer of young men and a worldwide threat to humankind. It is estimated that close to 35 million people are currently infected with the AIDS virus and more than 30 million have already died from the illness. Without treatment, the time from infection with HIV to death is approximately 10 years. To date, neither a cure nor an effective vaccine has been found for this disease, although use of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has significantly prolonged the life span of those infected.

HIV is spread most readily by direct contact with the blood or semen of an infected person. It is not transmitted by casual contact, such as touching, handshaking, and hugging. Sexual contact is the primary means of transmission. Although AIDS initially was associated with homosexual activity, now most people are infected through heterosexual transmission. AIDS also can be transmitted through blood and blood products. Infants of infected mothers can contract the disease in utero through the placenta, during the birth process, and from breast milk. Sharing of needles by intravenous drug users also leads to infection. The risk of transmission of HIV to and from health care workers and patients is minimized by strict adherence to the universal precautions for infection control.


A common laboratory screening test used to detect the presence of HIV antibodies in the blood is the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). If the findings are positive, the test is repeated, and the result is then confirmed by using a Western blot test. A positive p24 antigen test indicates circulating HIV antigen. ELISA tests are often negative during the first month of infection, although a p24 antigen test or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay may be positive. Rapid HIV antibody testing has become the preferred method of testing as the results are often available within 5 minutes. Although a negative test is regarded as a true negative, a positive result requires confirmatory testing by Western blot. A viral titer and CD4 T-cell count are usually obtained following a positive test to determine the patient’s disease burden and risk for opportunistic infections. Transmission of HIV is possible during all stages of infection, even before it can be detected by laboratory tests.


Currently, no cure exists for AIDS. After a patient has been diagnosed, he or she will have periodic measurement of the number of CD4 T cells and the amount of HIV RNA (viral load) present in the bloodstream. These are both markers of disease progression from the initial infection with HIV to the development of AIDS. These numbers can also be used to determine when to begin HAART. HAART consists of a three drug combination: two nucleoside reductase inhibitors and either a nonnucleoside reductase inhibitor or a protease inhibitor. There are currently 20 antiretroviral drugs approved for use in HAART, so many different drug combinations are possible. Although these drugs have been effective at prolonging life and maintaining the quality of life for patients, they are associated with a number of toxicities and serious side effects so patients on HAART must be followed closely. In the later stages of the disease, patients will require prophylactic antibiotics. Addressing the psychological needs of the patient with AIDS is essential.

Health care practitioners who are involved in various forms of patient care with exposure to body fluids and blood should follow the principles of infection control and universal precautions (see the Alert box for Infection Control and Universal Precautions). All body fluids and blood from any patient should be handled with extreme care, as if the patient were known to be infected with HIV.

Patient Teaching

Describe the diagnostic tests and inform the patient concerning when to expect test results. Assure the patient of medical confidentiality. Make sure the HIV-positive individual knows how the disease is transmitted. Stress important aspects of the medication regimen and the dangers of noncompliance. Explain side effects of the therapeutic drugs, and encourage him or her to contact the health care worker with questions or concerns. Other teaching points will include how to minimize infections, the need for lifelong therapies, and the responsibility to inform health care providers about the HIV diagnosis. The psychological, social, and financial ramifications of having HIV require referrals for community support. Eventually, referrals will be required to meet a variety of home care needs.

Common Variable Immunodeficiency (Acquired Hypogammaglobulinemia)

Selective Immunoglobulin A Deficiency

X-Linked Agammaglobulinemia

Severe Combined Immunodeficiency

DiGeorge’s Anomaly (Thymic Hypoplasia or Aplasia)

Symptoms and Signs

Children with DiGeorge’s anomaly often have a set of structural abnormalities. These include abnormally wide-set, downward slanting eyes; low-set ears with notched pinnas; a small mouth (Figure 3-10); abnormalities of the palate; and cardiovascular defects such as tetralogy of Fallot. The thymus and parathyroid glands are absent or underdeveloped. The infant exhibits signs of tetany due to hypocalcemia caused by hypoparathyroidism. Some degree of cognitive impairment often is present. The patient is susceptible to severe viral, fungal, and protozoan infections. The most common of these are pneumonia and thrush in infants.

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Apr 4, 2017 | Posted by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Immunologic Diseases and Conditions

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