Hormone Replacement Therapy

Chapter 55

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Ivy M. Alexander

The conditions promoting the need for hormone replacement therapy for women and men differ substantially. In women, the decrease in reproductive hormones is surgically induced, is due to premature ovarian failure (also known as idiopathic ovarian failure), or is a normal function/consequence of aging. In these cases, hormone replacement therapy is offered to manage symptoms of menopause and to help prevent osteoporosis. While there is some normal decrease in male reproductive hormones with age, in men the need for replacement of reproductive hormones often is linked to pathology—that is, hypogonadism or disease. These differences in causation also create unique challenges for clinicians as they work with patients, as some conditions will require lifetime therapy.

Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women

The uses of hormones for menopause symptom management and osteoporosis prevention are the only indications discussed for women in this chapter. A variety of estrogen and progestogen formulations are available. New products frequently enter the market as hormones are reformulated, combined, and recombined. Similarly, a variety of new delivery methods are now available (e.g., creams, gels, and sprays). There are also formulations known as bioidentical hormones, which are the same in molecular structure as the endogenous hormones produced in a woman’s body. These hormones are made or synthesized from plant chemicals extracted from yams and soy. The term bioidentical hormones is often used for compounded preparations, but several bioidentical formulations are available that are manufactured by pharmaceutical companies in consistent doses and strengths and are approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Estrogen and progestogen are FDA approved for the treatment of moderate to severe menopause-related symptoms, including hot flashes and vulvovaginal atrophy, and for the prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Many women anecdotally report improved quality of life (QOL) with hormone therapy (HT) use. These anecdotal reports are supported by findings of several research studies undertaken to evaluate QOL effects, and they are refuted by the findings of others.

The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) was a research study designed to evaluate the effectiveness of estrogen and estrogen plus progestogen on preventing coronary heart disease (CHD) in women. The study also evaluated several secondary outcomes, including hip fracture, colon cancer, stroke, venous thromboembolic events, breast cancer, and mortality. There were five arms of the study: one evaluated estrogen alone, one evaluated estrogen plus progestogen, and the others evaluated lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise.

The WHI’s results, released in 2002, changed the approach used to prescribe estrogen and progestogen. The estrogen plus progestogen (E-P) arm of the WHI randomized controlled trial was halted early because women who were taking estrogen plus progestogen (conjugated equine estrogens [CEEs] 0.625 mg and medroxyprogesterone [MPA] 2.5 mg) had an increased incidence of CHD, stroke, venous thromboembolic events (VTEs), and invasive breast cancer. The E-P arm also showed a reduced risk for colorectal cancer and a reduction in osteoporotic fracture. The estrogen-only arm of the WHI was also halted early in 2004 because of increased risk of stroke. It is interesting to note that the estrogen-only arm of the study also showed a trend toward a reduced risk of breast cancer and no change in CHD. QOL was not changed in women taking HT vs. placebo in the WHI study.

Additionally, results from the Women’s Health Initiative Memory Study (WHIMS), a substudy of the WHI, suggested that postmenopausal women 65 years of age or older treated with CEE 0.625 mg combined with MPA 2.5 mg for 4 years and with CEE 0.625 mg alone for 5.2 years had an increased relative risk of developing probable dementia when compared with taking placebo.

Absolute risk in the WHI was greatest in the oldest group studied (women aged 75 and older). Several important limitations of the WHI have been identified: (1) The women in this study were approximately 10 years postmenopausal (average age was 63.3 years), (2) participants were not symptomatic (symptomatic women were excluded because they would have known whether they were taking active drug or placebo), (3) many participants were overweight, and (4) many had established heart disease (e.g., hypertension). However, data from the Women’s HOPE (Health, Osteoporosis, Progestin, Estrogen) study suggest that lower doses of estrogen and progestogen effectively decreased vasomotor symptoms, yet did not raise the risk of CHD. A more recent meta-analysis of several observational studies and a reanalysis of data from the WHI that focused on age cohorts indicate that heart disease is reduced in women who initiate HT at the time of menopause, supporting a hypothesis that the time of initiation of HT is critical. Additional research is required to further elucidate the relationship between HT and cardiovascular health. Women who took estrogen plus progestin in the WHI trial were found to remain at a higher risk of breast cancer 3 years after the trial was stopped compared with those who took placebo. Higher risks of cardiovascular events seen in those taking the active preparation abated in the follow-up period, however, as did the beneficial effects of HT on bone strength.

Many national organizations, such as the North American Menopause Society (NAMS), the Endocrine Society, the American College/Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE), the National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health (NPWH), the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), along with the FDA, support the use of HT for moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms and vaginal atrophy associated with menopause. Most of these organizations and the FDA recommend against the use of HT for prevention of chronic disease (e.g., cardiovascular disease), with the exception of osteoporosis. However, they note that other options are also available for osteoporosis prevention and should be considered in women who do not experience moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms (see Chapter 39). Additionally, current recommendations for HT use advocate using the lowest effective dose and, in most cases, for the shortest length of time. Women who use HT should regularly review their symptoms with their clinicians to consider the need for continued use. The WHI results indicate that HT use for 3 to 5 years is reasonably safe. The risks vs. benefits for use, especially for longer periods, must be determined on an individual basis. The NAMS states that there is no clear data regarding length of therapy, and the International Menopause Society (IMA) notes that there is no reason to place a specified limit on the length of therapy.

Most clinicians review use of HT with their patients annually and attempt slow weaning to determine whether therapy is still necessary or to determine if the woman may be able to manage her symptoms effectively at a lower dose. Therapy decisions should be individualized for each patient, with consideration of her personal and family history, symptom severity, and personal preferences. Clinicians must recognize that many women use OTC and herbal remedies to manage their menopausal symptoms. It is essential to elicit information about use of these products because they have the potential to produce adverse side effects or drug interactions. Research regarding HT use is ongoing; it is recommended that the reader consult up-to-date resources for the latest information on this topic.

The answer to the question of when to initiate HT is evolving. Reanalyses of the WHI results, some meta-analyses, and the British Million Women study (a prospective observational study of over 1.1 million women) have given rise to two distinct hypotheses: the timing hypothesis regarding heart disease, which supports initiating HT at the time of menopause, and the gap hypothesis regarding breast cancer, which supports initiating HT 5 years or more after menopause. The timing hypothesis is derived from data that have shown that women who start HT at the time of menopause are less likely to develop CHD and may have some beneficial effects against developing CHD. In contrast, the gap hypothesis is derived from the reanalysis data and the Million Women study data that showed there was no or very little increase in risk for breast cancer when women initiated HT 5 years or more after menopause. When HT was discontinued, any increased risk in breast cancer quickly returned to baseline.

Therapeutic Overview of Hormone Therapy

Anatomy and Physiology

See Chapter 54 for a discussion of hormone use during the reproductive years.

The menopausal transition is a natural biologic process that all women who live long enough will experience. This transition consists of three distinct stages: perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause. Perimenopause is the period that spans the 8 to 10 years prior to menopause, during which symptoms associated with changing levels of estrogen and progesterone often occur. The perimenopausal years usually occur between the ages of 42 and 55. For several years before menopause, the frequency of ovulation decreases and may be erratic. Hot flashes may occur and premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms may intensify. Menstrual bleeding frequently becomes irregular. Unplanned pregnancy is a risk because of the irregularity of ovulation. Menopause is defined as a point in time that occurs after the natural cessation of menses for 12 consecutive months. The average age of menopause in North America is 51 years. Postmenopause, the 5-year period following menopause, is commonly associated with symptoms such as hot flashes, sleep interruptions, and vulvovaginal changes, as well as later processes related to reduced hormone levels. Menopause is not a disease process; rather, it is a normal transition. However, the symptoms experienced as hormone levels fluctuate and decline prior to and following menopause may require intervention.

Menses completely terminate 12 months preceding menopause, and ovarian production of estrogen ceases. The low plasma estradiol concentration that remains is the result of peripheral conversion of androgen precursors that are secreted predominantly by the adrenal glands. The precursors found in plasma become estrone rather than estradiol. The conversion of androgen precursors to estrone occurs in adipose tissue, and the adrenals provide a very small amount of progesterone.

During the perimenopausal period, as ovarian sensitivity to follicular stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulation decreases, plasma levels of FSH and luteinizing hormone (LH) increase. Following menopause, the lack of negative feedback from ovarian production of estradiol in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis allows FSH and LH levels to increase to about 4 to 10 times the levels seen during the premenopausal follicular phase. Pulsatile secretion may persist, and the high levels of circulating FSH and LH stimulate the ovarian corticostromal and hilar cells to continue to produce significant levels of androstenedione and testosterone. Circulating levels of androstenedione are lower in postmenopausal women; circulating testosterone levels are similar to those found in premenopausal women.

Disease Process

Immediate-Onset Effects

Some symptoms develop while estrogen levels are changing. Vasomotor symptoms are most problematic in the first 7 years following menopause. However, they can persist for many more years. Vaginal atrophy starts early and persists throughout postmenopause, causing dryness, dyspareunia, and increased vaginal pH.

Vasomotor Tone Instability

Short-term vasomotor changes resulting from hormonal variations can cause hot flashes during perimenopause and postmenopause. When hot flashes are accompanied by flushing, usually at the face, neck, and upper chest, they are called hot flushes. Core body temperature rises, peripheral blood vessels dilate, skin conductance increases, and heart rate increases. Many women experience a prodrome before a hot flash occurs. Hot flashes or flushes also may be accompanied by dizziness, nausea, headache, palpitations, or sweating. They vary in duration and intensity, lasting from 1 to 4 minutes. The exact origin of hot flashes is poorly understood; however, they are associated with a surge in LH and declining estrogen and progesterone levels. During postmenopause, the thermoneutral zone narrows for many women, leading to sweating when the core body temperature rises above the upper limit or shivering when the core temperature dips below the lower limit. Hot flashes can be triggered by emotional stress, excitement, fear, anxiety, alcohol, caffeine, or environmental temperatures that raise the core temperature too high. Hot flashes or flushes that occur during the night are referred to as night sweats and often interrupt sleep. Sleep interruptions frequently lead to reduced cognitive functioning and difficulty with remembering.

Vaginal Atrophy

In the postmenopausal woman, vaginal pH increases from about 5.0 to 7.0, making the tissue more susceptible to infection. Definitive changes take place at the cellular level: the cervix atrophies, the cervical os decreases in size, the superficial vaginal epithelium atrophies, the labia majora and minora shrink, and urethral tone decreases. Muscle tone throughout the pelvic area decreases, which may lead to urinary tract infection and incontinence. The ovaries and uterus decrease in size. The vagina shortens, narrows, and loses some of its elasticity. Time for vaginal lubrication is increased, and vaginal secretions are reduced. This predisposes the woman to urinary tract infection, prolapse, dyspareunia, vaginitis, irritation, bleeding, burning, pruritus, and urinary symptoms such as frequency, urgency, and dysuria.

Long-Term Effects

Several effects related to reduced hormone levels are not significant or identifiable until a woman is several years into postmenopause.


Monitoring FSH levels for the purpose of diagnosing menopause is not recommended. Identification of menopause is based on symptom patterns, menstrual changes, and age. Most clinicians do some laboratory testing to rule out other conditions that can mimic menopausal symptoms, such as thyroid abnormalities (see Chapter 52) or diabetes (see Chapter 53). If the woman is perimenopausal, FSH levels are especially unreliable because of the irregularity of hormone levels during this phase. FSH levels may be high when tested and then may fall low enough to allow for ovulation and pregnancy.

Mechanism of Action

Three classes of estrogen formulations have been identified: conjugated, synthetic, and bioidentical. Conjugated and synthetic estrogens stimulate hepatic globulins and the renin-angiotensin system to a greater extent than do bioidentical estrogens. Studies have demonstrated no clinical differences between classes. For drug action, see the section “Anatomy and Physiology.”

Estrogen exists in the body in three main forms: estrone (E1), estradiol (E2), and estriol (E3). The active form of the most prevalent estrogen, 17β-estradiol, is not well absorbed when taken by mouth. The liver rapidly metabolizes much of the absorbed drug into inactive substances before it enters the bloodstream (first-pass phenomenon). Thus, different methods of delivery have been devised. Oral estrogens are metabolized into estrone in the liver. Transdermal estrogens (e.g., creams, gels, patches, sprays) do not undergo the same liver first-pass effect and can be dosed at lower levels.

In 1970, conjugated estrogens were officially defined as a mixture of sodium estrone sulfate and sodium equilin sulfate. The oldest form of estrogen used for menopause HT is the conjugated equine estrogen (CEE), Premarin. Premarin is derived from the urine of pregnant mares and contains nine different estrogens, including sodium estrone sulfate (50% to 65%), sodium equilin sulfate (20% to 35%), and others. It received FDA approval for use in postmenopausal women in 1942 and has been included in many research studies. Multiple other estrogen formulations are also available.

Progestogens include bioidentically manufactured progesterone and a number of other synthesized manufactured progestogens and synthesized compounded progestogens. Common major classes of synthetic progestogens are the 17 acetoxyl-progestin derivatives (21-carbon atoms; e.g., medroxyprogesterone), which are very similar to the endogenous hormone (e.g., micronized progesterone); micronized progesterone; and the 19-nortestosterone compounds (e.g., norethindrone), which have both progestogen effects and a variety of androgenic effects. Progestogens are lipophilic and bind to progesterone receptors throughout the body. See Chapter 53 for more information on progestogens.

Some androgens have predominantly androgenic properties, whereas others have primarily anabolic characteristics. Those androgens with highly androgenic properties are used for the treatment of patients with conditions that are hormonal in nature. Methyltestosterone is highly androgenic. Androgens with mainly anabolic effects are used to promote weight gain, increase muscle mass, or stimulate red blood cell production in certain forms of anemia.

Drug Effects in Menopause

The effects of estrogens and progestogens must be clearly separated. Estrogen, both individually and in combination with progestogens, has been studied most extensively. Progestogens most often have been studied in conjunction with estrogen for use in the management of menopause-related symptoms and prevention of endometrial cancer in women using estrogen who have an intact uterus.

Breast Cancer

Data regarding estrogen and progestogen effects on breast cancer are controversial. Estrogen therapy (ET) may increase the risk of breast cancer. However, no change in mortality has been observed, and several studies have shown that women given a diagnosis of breast cancer while taking HT have a greater likelihood of survival. Evidence suggests that progestogen also may increase the risk of breast cancer. It is interesting to note that Megace (a progestogen) sometimes is used for breast cancer treatment. Some postulate that HT or ET speeds the development of breast cancer in patients who would have developed cancer at a later date. Estrogen also preserves or increases breast tissue density, making mammographic interpretation difficult in some instances. Emerging data from the Million Women study and reanalysis of the WHI studies have given rise to the gap hypothesis, which suggests that waiting about 5 years after menopause to initiate HT may reduce the risk for developing breast cancer.


The effect of HT on brain function and Alzheimer’s disease is another area of controversy. Some studies demonstrate reduced Alzheimer’s incidence, and others show an increased incidence of probable dementia. Two such studies were the Harvard-based Nurses’ Health Study (NHS) and the Kaiser-Permanente–based Cache County Memory Study. The NHS included over 120,000 women, and it showed declines in several cognitive domains that were associated with long-term hormone use. The Cache County Memory Study, which included approximately 1300 women, used pharmacy records to track participants’ prescription histories. That study reported a slight increase in total dementia among long-term users of both estrogen alone and of estrogen/progestin. Further research is needed in these areas to provide evidence of the effects of HT on brain function.

Treatment Principles

Standardized Guidelines


• North American Menopause Society: The 2012 Hormone Therapy Position Statement of the North American Menopause Society, Menopause 19(3):257-271, 2012.

• Cobin RH, Futterweit W, Ginzburg SB et al: American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists medical guidelines for clinical practice for the diagnosis and treatment of menopause, Endocr Pract 12(3):315-337, 2006.

• Santen RJ, Allred DC, Ardoin SP et al: Postmenopausal hormone therapy: an Endocrine Society scientific statement, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 95(7 Suppl 1):s1-s66, 2010.

• Sturdee DW, Pines A, Archer DF et al: Updated IMS recommendations on postmenopausal hormone therapy and preventive strategies for midlife health, Climacteric 14(3):302-320, 2011.

• The Endocrine Society: Androgen therapy in women, 2006. See www.endo-society.org.

• AHQR Evidence Report on Managing Menopause-Related Symptoms, 2005.

Evidence-Based Recommendations

Meta-analyses and reviews conducted by the Cochrane Collaboration and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), the NAMS, and the IMS support the use of estrogen for managing menopause-related symptoms. Estrogen also has been shown to reduce the risk for colorectal cancer and osteoporosis-related fracture. Trials conducted to date support the use of estrogen for postmenopausal women who experience moderate to severe symptoms in association with menopause. Progesterone effectively reduces the risk for endometrial hyperplasia or cancer in women using estrogen who have an intact uterus. The benefit-to-risk ratio for postmenopausal HT is favorable for women who initiate HT close to menopause for reducing the risk of heart disease and decreases in older women and with time since menopause in previously untreated women.

The benefit-to-risk ratio for postmenopausal HT is favorable for women who initiate HT 5 years or more after menopause for reducing the risk of breast cancer and may be increased in women who initiate therapy closer to menopause.

HT is currently not recommended as a sole or primary indication for coronary protection in women of any age. Initiation of HT by women ages 50 to 59 years or by those within 10 years of menopause to treat typical menopause-related symptoms does not seem to increase the risk of CHD events. There is emerging evidence that initiation of estrogen-only therapy in early postmenopause may reduce CHD risk.

Cardinal Points of Treatment

• Pregnancy is possible during the perimenopausal years; these women must be counseled for appropriate selection of contraception if needed.

• Menopause-related symptom management begins with lifestyle modification.

• Use of HT must be individualized for each specific woman.

• The decision to use HT must be made in partnership with each individual woman, with consideration given to therapy risks and benefits, QOL, personal and family history, and personal preferences.

• HT should be given at the lowest effective dose and for the shortest time possible.

• The need for therapy must be regularly reevaluated.

• HT is used in conjunction with lifestyle changes to manage moderate to severe vasomotor and vulvovaginal symptoms associated with menopause in postmenopausal women. The following recommendations are supported by most national organizations and the FDA.

• Progesterone is needed for all women who have an intact uterus. Progesterone is used for the prevention of endometrial hyperplasia and cancer in postmenopausal women with an intact uterus who are using estrogen.

Nonpharmacologic Treatment

Lifestyle modifications are always the first step in managing perimenopausal and postmenopausal symptoms. Dietary changes include avoidance of caffeine, refined sugars, and alcohol, each of which can trigger vasomotor symptoms. In addition, midlife women should alter their diets to improve their overall health and should reduce health risks by decreasing fats, cholesterol, and salt; increasing fiber, calcium, and fluids; and attending to total caloric intake as metabolism slows with aging.

Exercise is important for moderating vasomotor symptoms, maintaining cardiovascular health, and promoting general well-being. Also, weight-bearing and resistance exercises are necessary to promote bone strength and prevent osteoporosis. Walking combined with upper body weight work generally is recommended as a safe and effective exercise regimen. All postmenopausal women who do not have health contraindications should engage in at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise daily. Weight-bearing and resistive exercises can be integrated and are site specific for maintaining bone strength.

Women in the United States increasingly seek complementary and alternative therapies for the management of symptoms of menopause. Data regarding efficacy are limited, and, with the possible exception of black cohosh, few therapies have consistently demonstrated benefits. Black cohosh is a herb that has estrogen-like effects. It has shown efficacy in managing menopause-related symptoms in some studies and not in others. Women who have contraindications for taking estrogen should not use black cohosh. The exact mechanism of action of black cohosh is unclear. Recent publications suggest that no direct effect on estrogen receptors may be seen, although this is an area of controversy. Soy is a phytoestrogen, a plant substance that when ingested is metabolized into a compound that has estrogen-like properties. Complementary and alternative therapies are not regulated by the FDA in the same manner that prescription medications are. Purity, dose-to-dose or package-to-package consistency, and strength of varying forms of OTC products, herbal remedies, or soy formulations may fluctuate. Despite these potential limitations, many herbal products, soy formulations, and alternative practices (e.g., acupuncture) are used by women who experience symptoms. Research has indicated that stress management, such as deep-breathing exercises similar to yoga breathing, may help to alleviate or reduce the severity of hot flashes. Herbal and OTC products can interact with prescription medications and with each other; thus information on use of these products must be elicited and documented (see Chapter 8 for additional information on alternative therapies).

Pharmacologic Treatment

Different medication regimens affect individual patients in different ways, necessitating an individualized approach to selection of therapy. Altering the medication subclass may reduce or change side effects for individual women. Similarly, altering the medication route (e.g., oral, transdermal, vaginal, injectable) may alter efficacy or tolerability of the treatment regimen. New medication delivery systems, such as the vaginal ring and transdermal routes, have been developed to increase the options available for women. Current research is under way to further elucidate the effects of route of delivery and time of HT initiation on cardiovascular disease and breast cancer risks for women.

Some women prefer medications other than HT for vasomotor symptom management. A significant body of research indicates that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as fluoxetine, citalopram, and paroxetine, and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), such as venlafaxine and desvenlafaxine, can effectively reduce vasomotor symptoms in postmenopausal women. Clonidine and gabapentin have also been shown to have some efficacy in vasomotor symptom relief, but clonidine is rarely used due to its side effect profile. None of these alternative medications is as effective as ET or HT. Estrogen agonists/antagonists such as tamoxifen and raloxifene have proved ineffective in reducing hot flashes. In fact, raloxifene may cause vasomotor symptoms in some women. Tamoxifen is frequently used for breast cancer treatment. Raloxifene is used for osteoporosis prevention and treatment and invasive breast cancer risk reduction (see Chapter 39 for additional information on osteoporosis and estrogen agonist-antagonists (or selective estrogen reuptake modulators, SERMs)).

Oral Contraceptives during Perimenopause

Oral contraceptives are not FDA approved for perimenopausal symptom management, with the exception of irregular menstrual bleeding. The woman and her clinician should make the decision together about the best treatment plan for her perimenopause-related symptoms, considering risks and benefits in view of her personal medical and family health history, symptom severity, need for contraception, and personal preferences. Informed consent is imperative.

As a woman undergoes the transition to postmenopause, her medications should be periodically reevaluated and adjusted to meet her needs. During the perimenopausal years, some women may need symptom relief, and many need protection against pregnancy. Low-dose OCs can be prescribed during the perimenopausal years to reduce symptoms, while providing contraception and reducing abnormal menstrual bleeding. The dose of estrogen present in low-dose OCs is approximately four times greater than that of standard HT; thus, HT is not effective for contraception in a perimenopausal woman.

Low-dose OCs during the perimenopausal years are contraindicated in smokers (Box 55-1) because of the increased risk of cardiovascular disease and VTE. OC use is associated with a reduced risk for developing ovarian and endometrial cancers. Research undertaken to evaluate the effects of OCs on breast cancer and stroke has yielded contradictory findings (see Chapter 53 for more information).

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