
 Most common endemic mycosis in United States

• Liver involvement is almost always part of disseminated infection
image Patients often immunocompromised
image Liver is involved in up to 90% of cases of disseminated disease
• With treatment, mortality rate is < 10%
• Most infections in immunocompetent persons are self-limited and often clinically unrecognized


• Portal and lobular lymphohistiocytic inflammation is typical
• Discrete granulomas variable present and often absent in immunocompromised patients
image May have little or no inflammatory response in severely immunocompromised patients
• Large numbers of yeast are present in portal and sinusoidal macrophages
• Yeast are 2-4 μm, oval, with narrow-based budding
image GMS and PAS/diastase positive

Top Differential Diagnoses

• Sarcoidosis: Similar epithelioid discrete granulomas
• Leishmaniasis: Kinetoplast and GMS negative
• Candidiasis: Larger yeast, more budding
• Penicilliosis: Pill capsule forms; different geographic distribution
GranulomasThis liver biopsy in a patient with disseminated histoplasmosis contains large, coalescent, epithelioid granulomas.

Lymphohistiocytic InflammationImmunocompromised patients with disseminated histoplasmosis may have only necrosis along with lymphocytes and histiocytes that are filled with organisms image, rather than well-formed granulomas.
Intracellular OrganismsThis high-power view shows macrophages that are distended with Histoplasma. Note the pale “halo” surrounding the fungi, which is a helpful clue on H&E staining.
GMS, High PowerHistoplasma are uniformly small with narrow-based buds at the more pointed end of the organism.



• Infection by the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum


Histoplasma capsulatum

• Dimorphic fungus
image Found in soil, particularly when contaminated with bird or bat droppings
• Exists as mycelial form at room temperature and as yeast form at body temperature
• Mechanism of infection
image Aerosolized microconidia are inhaled
– Survive within macrophages as yeast form
– Organism disseminates throughout reticuloendothelial cell system
– In immunocompetent patients, sensitized T cells activate macrophages, which then are able to kill organism



• Geographic distribution
image Variety of endemic areas around globe
– Ohio, Missouri, and Mississippi River valleys and parts of eastern United States
image Most common endemic mycosis in United States
– Central and South America
– Parts of southern Europe, Africa, and southeastern Asia
• Conditions associated with infection/outbreaks
image Demolition of buildings
image Moving soil contaminated with bird or bat droppings
image Uprooting trees where birds roost
image Spelunking in caves where bats live


• Acute disseminated infection
image Usually occurs in immunosuppressed patients
– Disseminated histoplasmosis occurs in ∼ 55% of infected immunocompromised patients and 4% of infected immunocompetent patients
image Liver is involved in up to 90% of cases of disseminated disease
image Patients may present with signs of liver/GI involvement rather than pulmonary involvement
image Typically symptomatic
– Chills/fever

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Apr 20, 2017 | Posted by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Histoplasmosis

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