May regress after withdrawal of oral contraceptives
Associated with obesity or ethanol use
Clinical Issues
Typically in women of reproductive age
Noncirrhotic background liver
Abdominal pain; acute, intermittent, or chronic
Rupture; pregnancy is risk factor
Slight chance of malignant transformation
Cords or sheets of benign hepatocytes with uniform nuclei
Low nuclear:cytoplasmic ratio
Portal structures lacking
Numerous unpaired arteries
Intact reticulin framework
Hemorrhage &/or infarcts may be present with hemosiderin-laden macrophages or fibrotic regions
Top Differential Diagnoses
Well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma
Focal nodular hyperplasia
Nodular regenerative hyperplasia

Gross Appearance
This large hepatic adenoma
is well demarcated and tan-brown with streaks of hemorrhage.

Hepatic Adenomatosis
This case of hepatic adenomatosis features multiple adenomas with hemorrhage and necrosis.

Gross Appearance
Areas of necrosis and hemorrhage are common in hepatic adenoma.

Sheets of Hepatocytes
Low-magnification view shows sheets of hepatocytes with numerous thin-walled vessels in hepatic adenoma.
Benign liver neoplasm composed of cells of hepatocytic origin
> 10 individual adenomas in 1 liver
Associated with
Glycogenosis type Ia or III
Definite Mechanism Unclear
Sex hormones appear to play role
Commonly associated with oral contraceptive or long-term steroid use
Newer generation contraceptive pills with lower estrogen content may be associated with lower risk
Also associated with obesity and ethanol use
Also associated with glycogen storage disease types I and III, galactosemia, tyrosinemia
Reproductive age in women
Typically women
Liver mass
Arising in noncirrhotic liver without underlying liver disease
May be multiple
Abdominal pain
Acute, intermittent, or chronic
May be asymptomatic; found on imaging (20% of cases)
Associated clinical conditions
Oral contraceptive use
May regress after withdrawal of oral contraceptives
Metabolic syndrome
Excessive alcohol use
Anabolic steroid use
Tobacco use
Glycogen storage disease
Maturity-onset diabetes of young (MODY) type 3
Laboratory Tests
Serum liver tests usually normal including α-fetoprotein
Stop oral contraceptives
If tumors exceeds 5 cm
If growing in fear of
Malignant transformation
Liver transplantation in some cases (multiple, etc.)
Complete surgical resection should be curative
Rarely, malignant transformation (4-10%), bleeding, or rupture
Prevalence of malignancy 10x higher in affected men compared to female counterpart
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