Future of Biotechnology Companies: A Global Perspective

Life sciences clusters of North America

Seattle, USA

San Francisco, USA

Los Angeles, USA

San Diego, USA

Saskatoon, Canada

Minneapolis/St. Paul/Rochester USA

Austin, USA

Toronto, Canada

Montreal, Canada

Boston, USA

New York/New Jersey, USA

Philadelphia, USA

Baltimore/Washington, DC, USA

Research Triangle NC, USA

Central America/South America

West Havana, Cuba

Belo Horizonte/Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Sao Paulo, Brazil


Capetown, South Africa

United Kingdom/Ireland

Glasgow-Edinburgh, Scotland

Manchester-Liverpool, England

London, England

Cambridge-SE England

Dublin, Republic of Ireland

Continental Europe

Brussels, Belgium

Medicon Valley, Denmark/Sweden

Stockholm/Uppsala, Sweden

Helsinki, Finland

Paris, France

Biovalley, France/Germany/Switzerland

BioAlps, France/Switzerland

Sophia-Antipolis, France

BioRhine, Germany

BioTech Munich, Germany

BioCon Valley, Germany

Middle East



Brisbane, Australia

Sydney, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

Dunedin, New Zealand


Beijing, China

Shanghai, China

Shenzhen, China

Hong Kong, China

Tokyo-Kanto, Japan

Kansai, Japan

Hokkaido, Japan

Taipei, Taiwan

Hsinchu, Taiwan


Dengkil, Malaysia

New Delhi, India

Hyderabad, India

Bangalore, India

14.6 Barriers in Biotechnology and Challenges Ahead

It is becoming a reality in the world that biotechnology and life sciences are the frontier of a knowledge-based society. Biotechnology is a unique industry sector where a high failure rate for companies is considered the norm. High priority for earlier stage companies is to secure funding with more dependence on external factors such as governmental support. The later stage companies, having access to product-derived funds, are more able to build internal resources and expanding to global markets (Vanderbyl and Kobelak 2008). Some of the major barriers for Biotechnology companies are as below:


High investment and production costs as well as critical raw material prices



Restrictions of biotechnological production processes from an economic viewpoint.



High investments in R&D and process development.



Massive new investments to build new production facilities.



Higher prices for products from biotechnology processes normally not achievable.



Cyclical raw material prices and limited availability



Almost 1:1 correlation of crude oil and biomass prices during the last years so no general cost advantages of biobased routes.



Rising food and feed demand as a critical driver and a significant limitation on the uptake of Industrial biotechnology (especially in debates around biofuels, land use has been a controversial issue).



Complex innovation processes as well as critical social acceptance and regulations



Industrial biotechnology know how mainly used in the early stages of the value chain.



Specialized companies normally covering only a small share of the value-added along the value chain.



Combination of “technology push” and “market pull” along the value chain.



Critical social acceptance and regulations



Social acceptance of industrial biotechnology is normally high but some regions still have rather a low acceptance of genetically modified organisms—in the field of genetic engineering considerably more bureaucracy and legislation have been seen.



Problem accepting green biotechnology, especially in Europe, has a direct impact on industrial biotechnology.


Growth depends very much on the development of green biotechnology. Green and industrial biotechnology often combines to an integrated value chain. The growth and success of biotechnology sector depends on a combination of good education, good science, and good business (Moses 2003). Biotechnology education and bioentrepreneurship is a long-term issue requiring a long-term view; it should not be constrained by short-term funding. The ability to take risks, prior work experience in private firms, and personal experience in cooperating with industry lead to a positive attitude toward switching to private sector employment or entrepreneurship (Fritsch and Krabel 2010). However, despite numerous initiatives to popularize and sell science, it seems the attitude and understanding of society toward science and scientists remain lower than expected. Scientists’ communication in society comes forward as high priority and great importance (Baron 2010).

Today, the health care ecosystem and its constituents face historic challenges. At a time when key stakeholders—payers, pharma companies, biotech firms, and their investors—are increasingly resource-constrained, we need R&D paradigms that are several shades more efficient and productive. With aging populations and rapidly growing middle classes in emerging markets, societies need ways to accelerate cures for ailments that are expected to impose huge societal costs, such as neurodegenerative and chronic conditions. For life sciences companies, this will involve different ways of thinking about intellectual property and recognizing that in some situations, sharing information may create more value than protecting it. Regulators will need to adapt frameworks to allow for drug development paradigms that are flexible and learn in real time. And ultimately, patients will need to willingly share their personal health data, with the recognition that they might reap some of the biggest dividends from this approach: better health outcomes, better drugs and cures for long-intractable diseases.

14.7 Market Potential for Biotechnology Companies

Emerging industries such as the life sciences, animal health, agricultural biotechnology, and environmental products offer both a potential for economic growth and improvements in quality of life, the environment, and industrial productivity. Even governments in developing countries and investors are seeking to create and enhance biotech entrepreneurship face. Several enabling trends include increasing numbers of science graduates worldwide, accelerating pace of scientific advancement, dominating role of globalization enabling greater collaboration, and the relentless competitive pressure to innovate (Thorsteinsdótti et al. 2004). The largest market potential lies in the production of fine chemicals for the pharma and agro industry, biopolymers and biofuels (Table 14.2).
Oct 21, 2016 | Posted by in GENERAL SURGERY | Comments Off on Future of Biotechnology Companies: A Global Perspective

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