Cutaneous Myxoma Cutaneous myxomas are dermal-based tumors characterized by a hypocellular proliferation of bland, spindled cells and abundant myxoid stroma.
Cutaneous Myxoma With Prominent Myxoid Stroma and Vessels Intermediate magnification shows that the spindled cells are associated with a capillary vasculature . Often, there are subtly more cellular and less cellular areas.
Cutaneous Myxoma With Basaloid Proliferation Angiomyxomas may induce a superficial proliferation of basaloid epithelium , similar to dermatofibroma.
High Magnification of Myxoma With Stromal Neutrophils Stromal neutrophils are often present within cutaneous myxomas.
• Superficial angiomyxoma
• Benign, mesenchymal proliferation of spindled to stellate fibroblasts in abundant myxoid stroma
Some Cases Associated With Carney Complex
• Carney complex
a.k.a. NAME (nevi, atrial myxomas, myxoid neurofibromas, and ephelides) and LAMB (lentigines, atrial myxomas, and blue nevi) syndromes
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