Cutaneous Ciliated Cyst

 Cutaneous müllerian cyst

image Eccrine cutaneous ciliated cyst


• Müllerian (paramesonephric) heterotopia

• Metaplasia of sweat gland epithelium

Clinical Issues

• Cutaneous müllerian cyst: Typically affects limbs of young female patients

• Eccrine cutaneous ciliated cyst: Affects men and women, more variable locations


• Ciliated pseudostratified cuboidal or columnar epithelium
image May show apocrine, squamous, and mucinous foci

• Unilocular in most cases (rarely multilocular)

Top Differential Diagnoses

• Bronchogenic cyst
image Precordial location

image Pseudostratified ciliated cuboidal/columnar epithelium

image Adjacent tissue may show lymphoid follicles

• Branchial cleft cyst
image Near jaw angle

image Stratified squamous epithelium

image Adjacent tissue shows prominent lymphoid follicles

• Thyroglossal cyst
image Midline neck (moves with swallowing)

image Pseudostratified cuboidal/columnar (often ciliated) epithelium

image Adjacent tissue often shows thyroid follicles

• Thymic cyst
image Anterior neck

image Squamous or ciliated cuboidal/columnar

image Adjacent tissue shows thymic remnants

Cutaneous Ciliated Cyst
Cutaneous ciliated cyst image presents as a unilocular cavity within the dermis. Occasionally, they may be located in the subcutis.

Cutaneous Ciliated Cyst Lining at Higher Magnification
The cyst is lined by a pseudostratified and ciliated columnar epithelium. Note the cilia on the surface image and lack of a granular layer of keratin.

Cutaneous Ciliated Cyst Wall
The fibroconnective tissue underlying the cyst wall shows small, dilated blood vessels with a mild lymphoid infiltrate. Smooth muscle bundles are usually absent.

Cutaneous Ciliated Cyst at High Magnification
High magnification shows a cutaneous ciliated cyst. The epithelial lining is pseudostratified columnar with a prominent ciliated surface image. There are intercalated dark nuclei image, similar to the epithelium of the fallopian tube.


Apr 24, 2017 | Posted by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Cutaneous Ciliated Cyst

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