The “Pharmacotherapy Needs a Premium” Game
(1) University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia Abstract This chapter presents “The pharmacotherapy needs a premium” Game where the Institution that lowers the decision threshold must respond to the…
The “Pharmaceutical R&D Financing” Game
(1) University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia Abstract This chapter presents “The pharmaceutical R&D financing” game in which the Institution lowers the decision threshold and must respond to a…
The “New Drug Reimbursement” Game
(1) University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia Abstract If a new drug’s incremental price-effectiveness ratio (IPER) is above the health shadow price, β c , the best alternative strategy…
The Health Shadow Price and the Economic Context
(1) University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia Abstract The value of clinical innovation of a new drug is specific to a particular clinical context; the patient group, the clinical…
The Social Rate of Return on Investment in Pharmaceutical Research and Development
(1) University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia Abstract The conventional method of assessing the value of higher prices of new drugs is the ratio of investment in research and…
The Health Shadow Price, β c
(1) University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia Abstract This chapter introduces five concepts central to this book. The opportunity cost of a strategy in an institutional setting is identified…
(1) University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia Abstract The concluding chapter presents the guide for regulators to playing and winning the new drug reimbursement game. The results from the…