Antimicrobial Drugs

Apr 8, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Antimicrobial Drugs

Chapter 27 Antimicrobial Drugs I. General Considerations A. Keys to successful antimicrobial therapy 1. Selective toxicity • Destroy pathogenic microorganisms with minimal adverse effects to host Antimicrobial therapy is an…

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Other Anti-Infective Drugs

Apr 8, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Other Anti-Infective Drugs

Chapter 28 Other Anti-Infective Drugs I. Antimycobacterial Drugs (Box 28-1) • The management of tuberculosis is summarized in Table 28-1. BOX 28-1 Antimycobacterial Drugs Dapsone (leprosy) Ethambutol Isoniazid Pyrazinamide Rifabutin…

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Other Cardiovascular Drugs

Apr 8, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Other Cardiovascular Drugs

Chapter 14 Other Cardiovascular Drugs I. General Considerations A. Goal of antianginal therapy • Decrease oxygen demand of myocardial tissue or increase oxygen supply (Fig. 14-1). 14-1 Effects of nitrates,…

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Apr 8, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Diuretics

Chapter 15 Diuretics I. General Considerations A. Role of the kidney 1. The kidney is the most important organ in maintaining body fluid composition. 2. It is the chief means…

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Antiarrhythmic Drugs

Apr 8, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Antiarrhythmic Drugs

Chapter 12 Antiarrhythmic Drugs I. General Considerations A. Cardiac contraction (Fig. 12-1): five-step process 1. Spontaneous development of the action potential in the sinoatrial (SA) node 2. Spread of the…

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Psychotherapeutic Drugs

Apr 8, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Psychotherapeutic Drugs

Chapter 10 Psychotherapeutic Drugs I. Antipsychotic Drugs, Sometimes Referred to as Neuroleptic Drugs (Box 10-1) A. General 1. Neuroleptics are useful in the treatment of schizophrenia. BOX 10-1 Antipsychotic Drugs…

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Drugs Used in Reproductive Endocrinology

Apr 8, 2017 by in PHARMACY Comments Off on Drugs Used in Reproductive Endocrinology

Chapter 26 Drugs Used in Reproductive Endocrinology I. Drugs That Act on the Uterus (Box 26-1) A. Oxytocin 1. General considerations a. Peptide hormone (1) Synthesized in the hypothalamus (2)…

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