The Cost of Taking Eyes Off the True End User: Focus on Patient Needs and Outcomes
The Cost of Taking Eyes Off the True End User: Focus on Patient Needs and Outcomes Deborah E. Collyar Patient Advocates in Research, Danville, CA, USA (Im)Patient Side of Drug…
Success Factors and Obstacles in Academia–Industry Partnerships: A Case Study of a Graduate Program within the Bayer–University of Cologne “Privileged Partnership”
Success Factors and Obstacles in Academia–Industry Partnerships: A Case Study of a Graduate Program within the Bayer–University of Cologne “Privileged Partnership” Stefan Herzig,1 Marion Rozowski,1 and Ingo Flamme2 1Department of…
Lessons from the Past as a Means to the Future: Institut Pasteur as a Model Strategy
Lessons from the Past as a Means to the Future: Institut Pasteur as a Model Strategy Spencer L. Shorte Plateforme d’Imagerie Dynamique (PFID), Imagopole, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France Science has…