Feb 16, 2017 by admin in PHARMACYComments Off on file
Pretest self-assessment question (answer at the end of the case) What are common causes of abrupt-onset psychosis? A. Stimulant intoxication B. Medically induced delirium C. Alcohol or BZ withdrawal D….
Feb 16, 2017 by admin in PHARMACYComments Off on file
Pretest self-assessment question (answer at the end of the case) What are some usual benefits of slow-release preparation medications? A. Lower blood plasma levels often allow for less severe adverse…
Feb 16, 2017 by admin in PHARMACYComments Off on file
Pretest self-assessment question (answer at the end of the case) Which of the following do not appear to have marked weight-loss adverse effects when treating children with ADHD? A. Guanfacine–ER…
Feb 16, 2017 by admin in PHARMACYComments Off on file
Pretest self-assessment question (answer at the end of the case) Which of the following medications is often used in regulatory trials to determine if a CYP450 inhibition interaction exists with…
Feb 16, 2017 by admin in PHARMACYComments Off on file
Pretest self-assessment question (answer at the end of the case) If a manic spell is instigated by initiation of an antidepressant, which of the following is likely to happen? A….
Feb 16, 2017 by admin in PHARMACYComments Off on file
Pretest self-assessment question (answer at the end of the case) Which of the following evidence-based antidepressant augmentations likely has the least side-effect burden? A. SAMe B. Lithium carbonate C. Aripiprazole…
Feb 16, 2017 by admin in PHARMACYComments Off on file
Pretest self-assessment question (answer at the end of the case) In which of the following clinical situations is ECT felt to be robustly effective? A. MDD with psychotic features B….
Feb 16, 2017 by admin in PHARMACYComments Off on file
Pretest self-assessment question (answer at the end of the case) Regarding Lyme disease as a neuropsychiatric illness, which is most accurate? A. Almost all patients bitten by infected Lyme disease-carrying…
Feb 16, 2017 by admin in PHARMACYComments Off on file
Pretest self-assessment question (answer at the end of the case) Which of the following hypnotic agents is less likely to be addictive, impair psychomotor function, or cause respiratory suppression? A….
Feb 16, 2017 by admin in PHARMACYComments Off on file
Pretest self-assessment question (answer at the end of the case) How much different can a generic drug be from its brand name counterpart, based upon individual regulatory tests of bioequivalence?…