The Kidneys

Dec 29, 2020 by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE Comments Off on The Kidneys

Figure 10.1 Normal kidney, gross This normal adult kidney with the capsule removed has a pattern of fetal lobulations that still persists, as it sometimes does in adults. The hilum…

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The Endocrine System

Dec 29, 2020 by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE Comments Off on The Endocrine System

Figure 15.1 Normal pituitary gland, gross The normal adult pituitary, situated in the sella turcica, weighs about 1 g. Embryologically, the anterior pituitary (▼) (adenohypophysis) is derived from an upward…

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Head and Neck

Dec 29, 2020 by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE Comments Off on Head and Neck

Figure 6.1 Normal tongue, gross Viewed superiorly, the abundant submucosal lymphoid tissue (lingual tonsil) gives the posterior tongue (♦) a lobulated surface. The small indentation at the posterior tongue represents…

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The Eyes

Dec 29, 2020 by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE Comments Off on The Eyes

Figure 20.1 Normal Eye, Gross A sagittal section through the orbit (♦) in the left panel shows the relationship of the eyeball to the eyelid apparatus. The orbit in which…

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Dec 29, 2020 by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE Comments Off on Hematopathology

Figure 3.1 Normal lymph node, microscopic This benign reactive lymph node has a well-defined connective tissue capsule (♦), and beneath that a subcapsular sinus (+) where afferent lymphatics drain lymph…

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The Breasts

Dec 29, 2020 by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE Comments Off on The Breasts

Figure 14.1 Normal breast, gross The normal appearance of female breasts is shown here. The nipple (▼) is surrounded by a darker areola (♦). Some breast tissue extends into the…

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