System—Endocrinology and Developmental Medicine
a. The print-out highlights a deletion of chromosome 16 that is described by nomenclature indicating a reduced dosage (X 1 instead of normal 2) and the precise base pairs missing….
a. The print-out highlights a deletion of chromosome 16 that is described by nomenclature indicating a reduced dosage (X 1 instead of normal 2) and the precise base pairs missing….
(1) (2)As shown in Eq. 1, the efficiency of energy transfer (E) from the donor to the acceptor is dependent on the inverse of the sixth power of the distance…
Fig. 1 Principle of homo-FRET process. (a) Angular orientation of donor (cyan) and acceptor (yellow-orange) transition dipoles are shown as θ D and θ A, respectively, where the intermolecular distance…
Fig. 1 Concept behind PALM. When labeled with a fluorescent probe and viewed through a conventional microscope, high spatial frequency detail in an object (leftmost column) is obscured, producing a…
Fig. 1 Light sheet-based fluorescence microscopy (LSFM). (a) Setup of a single plane illumination microscope (aka SPIM) [5]). (b) Principles of LSFM imaging. Left : a single plane in the specimen…
Fig. 1 General scheme for Monte Carlo simulation of FRAP on nuclear proteins. Overview of th e COMPARTMENTS that can be defined in the script language. The nucleus is represented…
Fig. 1 TIRF versus epifluorescence imaging. A fixed MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell labeled for alpha-tubulin (a, b) and phospho-paxillin (c, d). TIRF imaging (a, c) results in a much higher…
Fig. 1 FCCS setup. Light from two laser beams is focused into the sample using a highly corrected objective lens with a large numerical aperture. Fluorescence is guided via a…